Crazy Russians Threaten To Invade Alaska

Plus there is a good chance the gun owners in Alaska are quite good with their firearms.
I can assure you that Alaskans are very proficient with their guns. Deer and Moose is what people eat for meat- beef comes from the lower 48 either freezer barge or air freight and it's expensive. I maybe had beef once a year as a kid. Lots of really good seafood, and lots of venison. Very healthy.

Southeast is littered with defensive installations from WW2. Every island, pillboxes on every W/SW facing point or cape. There was an abandoned underground hospital in Sitka that we used to explore as kids. 3 levels deep. We'd have to sprint across the runway at the airport to get there, there wasn't a lot of security in those days, haha. I remember racing my SL-70 across to beat a 727 on short final once, I wonder what the pilot was thinking about me.

Sitka was the capitol of Russian Alaska, and there was a Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of town that burned down in the 60's, it was a huge fire. The bell melted, but was saved and recast into a new bell when the church was rebuilt. I thought that was cool. It was made of silver.

The Russian docks were long disintegrated, but at low tide you could walk out and collect handmade iron nails from the rotted timbers. I would bundle them 10 to a bundle and sell them to the tourists off the cruise ships, $1/bundle.

The Russians fought skirmishes with the Tlingits and Haidas, and I used to dig old bottles from around their fort sites. They were heavy drinkers even back then, lol. Castle Hill had a ring of cannon overlooking Sitka Sound to the west, and there was a blockhouse that overlooked the channel to the north that also had cannon- we used to climb up to the ports and crawl inside and mess around. Sadly the cannon have all been removed, I don't know what became of them. I think Castle Hill has one in display piece in the center, but there used to be like 8 or 10 of them in a semicircle facing out.

In the 90's and 2000's, Russia was trying to raise hard currency, and you could buy religious relics at bargain prices from the Russia-Alaska Company. My brother bought a beautiful relic of the Virgin Mary in 2002. They stopped doing that after a few years, and are trying to get that stuff back now.
I can assure you that Alaskans are very proficient with their guns. Deer and Moose is what people eat for meat- beef comes from the lower 48 either freezer barge or air freight and it's expensive. I maybe had beef once a year as a kid. Lots of really good seafood, and lots of venison. Very healthy.

Southeast is littered with defensive installations from WW2. Every island, pillboxes on every W/SW facing point or cape. There was an abandoned underground hospital in Sitka that we used to explore as kids. 3 levels deep. We'd have to sprint across the runway at the airport to get there, there wasn't a lot of security in those days, haha. I remember racing my SL-70 across to beat a 727 on short final once, I wonder what the pilot was thinking about me.

Sitka was the capitol of Russian Alaska, and there was a Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of town that burned down in the 60's, it was a huge fire. The bell melted, but was saved and recast into a new bell when the church was rebuilt. I thought that was cool. It was made of silver.

The Russian docks were long disintegrated, but at low tide you could walk out and collect handmade iron nails from the rotted timbers. I would bundle them 10 to a bundle and sell them to the tourists off the cruise ships, $1/bundle.

The Russians fought skirmishes with the Tlingits and Haidas, and I used to dig old bottles from around their fort sites. They were heavy drinkers even back then, lol. Castle Hill had a ring of cannon overlooking Sitka Sound to the west, and there was a blockhouse that overlooked the channel to the north that also had cannon- we used to climb up to the ports and crawl inside and mess around. Sadly the cannon have all been removed, I don't know what became of them. I think Castle Hill has one in display piece in the center, but there used to be like 8 or 10 of them in a semicircle facing out.

In the 90's and 2000's, Russia was trying to raise hard currency, and you could buy religious relics at bargain prices from the Russia-Alaska Company. My brother bought a beautiful relic of the Virgin Mary in 2002. They stopped doing that after a few years, and are trying to get that stuff back now.
So you know how the Russians want to
Maintain 3 Divisions in the Arctic Circle and they have more real tested ICEBREAKER ships than the rest of the world combined
So you know how the Russians want to
Maintain 3 Divisions in the Arctic Circle and they have more real tested ICEBREAKER ships than the rest of the world combined

The US has been completely idiotic when it comes to icebreakers, policymakers and planners are convinced global warming will make them obsolete.

It won't.

I do note that one BTG from the 80th MRB was moved to Ukraine at the end of June. The 80th MRB is an arctic brigade that is based near the Finnish border. The 80th is a cut down brigade, no tanks, and only company sized support units rather than battalion-sized. It was the only Russian formation that had not contributed at least one BTG to Ukraine up to this point. (it can form two, theoretically)
I can assure you that Alaskans are very proficient with their guns. Deer and Moose is what people eat for meat- beef comes from the lower 48 either freezer barge or air freight and it's expensive. I maybe had beef once a year as a kid. Lots of really good seafood, and lots of venison. Very healthy.

Southeast is littered with defensive installations from WW2. Every island, pillboxes on every W/SW facing point or cape. There was an abandoned underground hospital in Sitka that we used to explore as kids. 3 levels deep. We'd have to sprint across the runway at the airport to get there, there wasn't a lot of security in those days, haha. I remember racing my SL-70 across to beat a 727 on short final once, I wonder what the pilot was thinking about me.

Sitka was the capitol of Russian Alaska, and there was a Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of town that burned down in the 60's, it was a huge fire. The bell melted, but was saved and recast into a new bell when the church was rebuilt. I thought that was cool. It was made of silver.

The Russian docks were long disintegrated, but at low tide you could walk out and collect handmade iron nails from the rotted timbers. I would bundle them 10 to a bundle and sell them to the tourists off the cruise ships, $1/bundle.

The Russians fought skirmishes with the Tlingits and Haidas, and I used to dig old bottles from around their fort sites. They were heavy drinkers even back then, lol. Castle Hill had a ring of cannon overlooking Sitka Sound to the west, and there was a blockhouse that overlooked the channel to the north that also had cannon- we used to climb up to the ports and crawl inside and mess around. Sadly the cannon have all been removed, I don't know what became of them. I think Castle Hill has one in display piece in the center, but there used to be like 8 or 10 of them in a semicircle facing out.

In the 90's and 2000's, Russia was trying to raise hard currency, and you could buy religious relics at bargain prices from the Russia-Alaska Company. My brother bought a beautiful relic of the Virgin Mary in 2002. They stopped doing that after a few years, and are trying to get that stuff back now.
Interesting post. Thanks.
Funny you should see that. About 20 years ago, I had my State Teaching Certs. Had you attended any of my classes, you would have flunked out and thrown out the back door.
Ar you serious? I didn't go to no public skewl......lolol......I know what my dick is for, so it proves it. now get away from me
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine they have been saying the US sanctions on them should be dealt with.
Now some crazy (and most likely drunk) Russian officials are threatening to invade Alaska.

"Russian officials have begun to issue a series of threats to the United States in an attempt to fend off a war crimes tribunal, with top officials suggesting that Russia could be interested in going after Alaska next, which the United States purchased from Russian in 1867"

"Russia’s lower house speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, warned the United States ought to hesitate when seizing or freezing Russian assets abroad, and instead ought to remember that Alaska previously belonged to Russia"

"Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, took the threats even further, and hinted at nuclear escalation"

But Russian officials shouldn’t get too cocky.

“This is not a serious person,” Steven Pifer, a former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, said of the comments about Russia potentially aiming for Alaska next"

"In recent hours, Russian forces haven’t been up to the task of fighting war in Ukraine, necessarily. Some Russian troops are so drunk in regions of Zaporizhzhia—and causing car accidents and arms violations—that they are banned from buying alcohol. Some Russians are worried their commanders have been selling out their locations to make a buck or two"

Can they at least invade San Francisco and LA?
Would be an improvement.
SwampThing can use Florida taxpayer dollars to fly them to Martha's Vineyard.

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Why would they want to escape Putin's Russia?

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Trump was the businessman, always out to make a quick buck.
So you know how the Russians want to
Maintain 3 Divisions in the Arctic Circle and they have more real tested ICEBREAKER ships than the rest of the world combined


The US has been completely idiotic when it comes to icebreakers, policymakers and planners are convinced global warming will make them obsolete.

It won't.

I do note that one BTG from the 80th MRB was moved to Ukraine at the end of June. The 80th MRB is an arctic brigade that is based near the Finnish border. The 80th is a cut down brigade, no tanks, and only company sized support units rather than battalion-sized. It was the only Russian formation that had not contributed at least one BTG to Ukraine up to this point. (it can form two, theoretically)

If the selected persons were asked randomly it sure says alot how the Russian people think. Everyone said no.
relax , Ukrainian solders protect Alaska well, just dont forget to send them the tanks and some jets

It is all meaningless bluff of course, about Alaska. But it shows the mindset of the Russians. Gathering of 'Russian lands' has been a central idea of Russian elites since the 16th century.

As fucktard Putin said in his 'Peter the Great speech' Peter didn't conquer anything, he was just 'getting back'. 'And our fate now is doing the same'.
It is all meaningless bluff of course, about Alaska. But it shows the mindset of the Russians. Gathering of 'Russian lands' has been a central idea of Russian elites since the 16th century.

As fucktard Putin said in his 'Peter the Great speech' Peter didn't conquer anything, he was just 'getting back'. 'And our fate now is doing the same'.
Yet, magically, the Soviet Empire crumbles entirely without any bloodshed.

This doesn’t mean Putin isn’t a fucktard, just not the kind of fucktard you stupidly think.
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine they have been saying the US sanctions on them should be dealt with.
Now some crazy (and most likely drunk) Russian officials are threatening to invade Alaska.

"Russian officials have begun to issue a series of threats to the United States in an attempt to fend off a war crimes tribunal, with top officials suggesting that Russia could be interested in going after Alaska next, which the United States purchased from Russian in 1867"

"Russia’s lower house speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, warned the United States ought to hesitate when seizing or freezing Russian assets abroad, and instead ought to remember that Alaska previously belonged to Russia"

"Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, took the threats even further, and hinted at nuclear escalation"

But Russian officials shouldn’t get too cocky.

“This is not a serious person,” Steven Pifer, a former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, said of the comments about Russia potentially aiming for Alaska next"

"In recent hours, Russian forces haven’t been up to the task of fighting war in Ukraine, necessarily. Some Russian troops are so drunk in regions of Zaporizhzhia—and causing car accidents and arms violations—that they are banned from buying alcohol. Some Russians are worried their commanders have been selling out their locations to make a buck or two"

Last I heard some Russians were seeking asylum in Alaska.
Yet, magically, the Soviet Empire crumbles entirely without any bloodshed.

This doesn’t mean Putin isn’t a fucktard, just not the kind of fucktard you stupidly think.
The Soviets crushed under their own weight, mainly due to inefficient economy and huge and ineffective bureaucratic apparatus. Your point?
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