Crazy woman buys gun and kills six people - just another day in crazy America

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.

Gun control is very hot right now as Americans are realizing cops will not be there to defend them. As Black Lies try to take over our government having guns becomes more and more relevant.

You lost, get over it.
Crazy woman buys gun and kills six people - just another day in crazy America
I agree, Tommy Turncoat! We should deport her to the UK!

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ?
About as well as we let the mentally ill post here. Just who gets to decide who is "mentally fit?" You? What is the test? How do you determine what a person might do 5 years down the road?

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.
She was a member of the NRA? Show me the proof!

Last I checked, you stupid foul jackass, to date, NOT A SINGLE serial killer or violent offender with guns in the USA has turned out to be a member of the NRA. FUCK YOU.

Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 7.12.54 AM.png

FUCK YOU, Tommy, FUCK YOU. Tommy Tainant
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How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.

How would a merchant know that this broad was criminally insane? Here in America, we have Hippa rights to medical confidentiality.

At this point in time, with rioters rampaging through our streets and looting out stores in honor of George Floyd and the police impotent to stop them, its absolutely critical for every American to be ready and able to defend themselves

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.
The last time the British allowed its citizens to have weapons, they lost a very large Colony. Since then they have whined that it isnt fair, they cant own weapons anymore.

And not one NRA member has gone out of his/her way to harm another individual....yet..

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.
Guess you were in a coma for all the gun violence that has happened recently in countries that aren't supposed to have guns. If they aren't supposed to have guns how come they had gun violence

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.

Gun ownership is skyrocketing and will continue. Thanks to Democrats it's pretty obvious the police can't protect you and worse, Democratic politicians will refuse to protect you. I finally truly understand why gun owners say the phrase, "you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands".

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.

Do you know what the NRA does ?

Anyone who belongs understands gun safety very well.

For as many guns as we have......we don't have that many issues.

Is your country kicking you out (can't blame them) or blocked you for being such an asshole ?

Is that why you drop your Anglo bullshit here ?

How do you get off with letting the mentally ill buy guns ? What rights did her neighbour and her own kids have.

Another victory for the gun crazy NRA.

What rights does a drunk-driving victim have?

People are unjustly and needlessly killed every day in all manner of ways. What is this fixation you people have with firearms?

A few things to remember:

1.) The NRA had nothing to do with this.
2.) We don't know where she purchased the gun.
3.) If she was not formally diagnosed with a mental illness, the firearms dealer (assuming she purchased it from a licensed dealer) would not know this.

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