Creation of Life vs Creation of the Universe

Sorry bout that,

1. Sure the secrets of life are not easy to find, nor does it come to one over time, with age.
2. Wondering how all this came into being is enough to blow your mind, unless you don't have a mind to be blown.
3. People choose the easy way out, the way that requires no evidence, no truth, nothing redeeming about it, seeing isn't believing either, its deeper than seeing, to be able to see.
4. Auto Living, put it on cruise control, find out when its all over.
5. What is lifes lessons leads you to a solid end, and when you leave this world, you infact are turned into stone?
6. We mark graves with a *Headstone*, we write your name on it, after your dead, when you were born, when you died, bring you flowers, even thou you will never see them.
7. I wonder if thats a precurser to a more permant reality.

8. If you were a student of the Bible, (as I am), you might want to look into the portion which describes the, *Bride of Christ*, because if you did, you would know that the, *Bride of Christ* is the rather large structure that Jesus Christ says he will bring down from heaven, and reside in it as his *Temple on Earth* for *Eternity* in the land of Israel.
8. But people want whats easy, eww, look what is that strange light in the sky, ewww, its a UFO, there are *Beings* inside that light, I wonder where they came from???
9. Its a trick I tells ya.:eek:


Life and death-existence and mortality. Anxiety, fear, wonder, awe (in the old sense), and more are why we use headstones on graves. Humans strive for a concept of immortality because we fear an 'end' of life. I was a religious and spiritual man at one time. I never got hung up on one book, Bible or other. YOu have a narrow view of things because you have only one book to guide you.

good luck. If you keep at it, life will end up being a huge disappointment for you and then it will be the end of your time here. I doubt very much any bride, spirit, angel or god is going to come around at some future date and put your rotted body together for a joy ride into the sky.

. :eusa_whistle:
Life and death-existence and mortality. Anxiety, fear, wonder, awe (in the old sense), and more are why we use headstones on graves. Humans strive for a concept of immortality because we fear an 'end' of life. I was a religious and spiritual man at one time. I never got hung up on one book, Bible or other. YOu have a narrow view of things because you have only one book to guide you.

good luck. If you keep at it, life will end up being a huge disappointment for you and then it will be the end of your time here. I doubt very much any bride, spirit, angel or god is going to come around at some future date and put your rotted body together for a joy ride into the sky.

. :eusa_whistle:

1. Well if creation wasn't created, by God, instead it was the *Big Bang Theory*, then everything you see is an accident, maybe a mistake even.
2. You have nothing to rely on, if its all just some crazy accident, just make it up as you go, and how you want it.
3. There would be no reason to stop immorality, wars, murders, mass killings, rapes, in reality, the people of science depend heavily upon there being a God.
4. To keep in check the ideals of the masses.
5. If all mankind were people of science, this world would be over in two weeks, madness would prevail, and deadly experiments would take place everywhere.
6. There being nothing to worry about in the, *End*, what would it matter?
7. So creation has to be created, not a random act, or accident, otherwise, in my opinion, were're all just the walking dead.
8. Having God in the world/creation, brings real meaning to life, its how nature works, its ingrained into reality, you can not escape it, no one can.
9. Its a shame to the human spirit, to denie God, it will kill ones soul, even if its a slow death, it will totally kill you some day.
10. Its something that will be eternal, and those whom found God, or found by God, shall find eternal life.
11. God help those lost people of science.

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Life and death-existence and mortality. Anxiety, fear, wonder, awe (in the old sense), and more are why we use headstones on graves. Humans strive for a concept of immortality because we fear an 'end' of life. I was a religious and spiritual man at one time. I never got hung up on one book, Bible or other. YOu have a narrow view of things because you have only one book to guide you.

good luck. If you keep at it, life will end up being a huge disappointment for you and then it will be the end of your time here. I doubt very much any bride, spirit, angel or god is going to come around at some future date and put your rotted body together for a joy ride into the sky.

. :eusa_whistle:

1. Well if creation wasn't created, by God, instead it was the *Big Bang Theory*, then everything you see is an accident, maybe a mistake even.
2. You have nothing to rely on, if its all just some crazy accident, just make it up as you go, and how you want it.
3. There would be no reason to stop immorality, wars, murders, mass killings, rapes, in reality, the people of science depend heavily upon there being a God.
4. To keep in check the ideals of the masses.
5. If all mankind were people of science, this world would be over in two weeks, madness would prevail, and deadly experiments would take place everywhere.
6. There being nothing to worry about in the, *End*, what would it matter?
7. So creation has to be created, not a random act, or accident, otherwise, in my opinion, were're all just the walking dead.
8. Having God in the world/creation, brings real meaning to life, its how nature works, its ingrained into reality, you can not escape it, no one can.
9. Its a shame to the human spirit, to denie God, it will kill ones soul, even if its a slow death, it will totally kill you some day.
10. Its something that will be eternal, and those whom found God, or found by God, shall find eternal life.
11. God help those lost people of science.


I know it's difficult to keep things straight when threads get longer. In the OP I linked to a story about how life on earth may have gotten a start. That issue is totally separate from the creation or existence of the Universe. What I mentioned was how religions that claim a god made mankind may have to dump that avenue and focus on god created the Universe as a back up plan. That is until we get evidence that a god had nothing to do with...
Sorry bout that,

Life and death-existence and mortality. Anxiety, fear, wonder, awe (in the old sense), and more are why we use headstones on graves. Humans strive for a concept of immortality because we fear an 'end' of life. I was a religious and spiritual man at one time. I never got hung up on one book, Bible or other. YOu have a narrow view of things because you have only one book to guide you.

good luck. If you keep at it, life will end up being a huge disappointment for you and then it will be the end of your time here. I doubt very much any bride, spirit, angel or god is going to come around at some future date and put your rotted body together for a joy ride into the sky.

. :eusa_whistle:

1. Well if creation wasn't created, by God, instead it was the *Big Bang Theory*, then everything you see is an accident, maybe a mistake even.
2. You have nothing to rely on, if its all just some crazy accident, just make it up as you go, and how you want it.
3. There would be no reason to stop immorality, wars, murders, mass killings, rapes, in reality, the people of science depend heavily upon there being a God.
4. To keep in check the ideals of the masses.
5. If all mankind were people of science, this world would be over in two weeks, madness would prevail, and deadly experiments would take place everywhere.
6. There being nothing to worry about in the, *End*, what would it matter?
7. So creation has to be created, not a random act, or accident, otherwise, in my opinion, were're all just the walking dead.
8. Having God in the world/creation, brings real meaning to life, its how nature works, its ingrained into reality, you can not escape it, no one can.
9. Its a shame to the human spirit, to denie God, it will kill ones soul, even if its a slow death, it will totally kill you some day.
10. Its something that will be eternal, and those whom found God, or found by God, shall find eternal life.
11. God help those lost people of science.


I know it's difficult to keep things straight when threads get longer. In the OP I linked to a story about how life on earth may have gotten a start. That issue is totally separate from the creation or existence of the Universe. What I mentioned was how religions that claim a god made mankind may have to dump that avenue and focus on god created the Universe as a back up plan. That is until we get evidence that a god had nothing to do with...

1. In my world, God did create the Universe, I don't have to fall back on it, I already believed that.
2. God made it all, and made it in a short period of time.
3. Making Heaven and Earth, and everything on Earth at the same time.
4. Finding evidence or proof, that there is no God in the original creative process of all we see, is like trying to prove rain isn't wet.

Sorry bout that,

1. Well if creation wasn't created, by God, instead it was the *Big Bang Theory*, then everything you see is an accident, maybe a mistake even.
2. You have nothing to rely on, if its all just some crazy accident, just make it up as you go, and how you want it.
3. There would be no reason to stop immorality, wars, murders, mass killings, rapes, in reality, the people of science depend heavily upon there being a God.
4. To keep in check the ideals of the masses.
5. If all mankind were people of science, this world would be over in two weeks, madness would prevail, and deadly experiments would take place everywhere.
6. There being nothing to worry about in the, *End*, what would it matter?
7. So creation has to be created, not a random act, or accident, otherwise, in my opinion, were're all just the walking dead.
8. Having God in the world/creation, brings real meaning to life, its how nature works, its ingrained into reality, you can not escape it, no one can.
9. Its a shame to the human spirit, to denie God, it will kill ones soul, even if its a slow death, it will totally kill you some day.
10. Its something that will be eternal, and those whom found God, or found by God, shall find eternal life.
11. God help those lost people of science.


I know it's difficult to keep things straight when threads get longer. In the OP I linked to a story about how life on earth may have gotten a start. That issue is totally separate from the creation or existence of the Universe. What I mentioned was how religions that claim a god made mankind may have to dump that avenue and focus on god created the Universe as a back up plan. That is until we get evidence that a god had nothing to do with...

1. In my world, God did create the Universe, I don't have to fall back on it, I already believed that.
2. God made it all, and made it in a short period of time.
3. Making Heaven and Earth, and everything on Earth at the same time.
4. Finding evidence or proof, that there is no God in the original creative process of all we see, is like trying to prove rain isn't wet.


If we get to prove random events caused life on earth to take the leaps it has...

you didn't read the link.


Craig Venter creates synthetic life form | Science | The Guardian

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology".
Craig Venter creates synthetic life form | Science | The Guardian

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology".


Sorry bout that,

1. Make it walk and talk, then you have something.

Craig Venter creates synthetic life form | Science | The Guardian

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology".


How did I miss it?
Craig Venter creates synthetic life form | Science | The Guardian

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology".


How did I miss it?

You were online? :eusa_whistle:
Sorry bout that,

1. Junk science make a simple single cell ameba.

Creation of Life vs Creation of the Universe
When I ask "Did a god create the universe, and was humanity maybe created by a collision of random events?" I am making a clear distinction between two things people assume their God made---life on earth, and the Universe. I do this because I want to separate the idea that human life and the physical universe around us are one. I think science is bringing us closer to understanding how we, mankind, came into existence. Understanding how 'we' came into existence is I think, a separate question of how our universe came into existence.T]

You didn't, I am saying you should have if you are to truly challenge God belief.

You are totally correct to say science can tell us how our Universe came into existence yet that is a separate question to why there is being rather than non being, why a universe is rather than nothingness.

That subject, science will always be silent on.

Which is why there will always be religion.
Creation of Life vs Creation of the Universe
When I ask "Did a god create the universe, and was humanity maybe created by a collision of random events?" I am making a clear distinction between two things people assume their God made---life on earth, and the Universe. I do this because I want to separate the idea that human life and the physical universe around us are one. I think science is bringing us closer to understanding how we, mankind, came into existence. Understanding how 'we' came into existence is I think, a separate question of how our universe came into existence.T]

You didn't, I am saying you should have if you are to truly challenge God belief.

You are totally correct to say science can tell us how our Universe came into existence yet that is a separate question to why there is being rather than non being, why a universe is rather than nothingness.

That subject, science will always be silent on.

Which is why there will always be religion.

If being is consciousness is another question. Religious people say a god created the universe and that the creation is unfathomable.

Being and non being? The OP was never about God questions. :eusa_whistle:
Consciousness is another question from existence. Conciousness is only one and exclusively practiced part of existence.

Existence is a different concept from how the Universe evolved, being rather than nothingness is a different question than from what singularity the Big Bang banged from?

Why was there a singularity?
Consciousness is another question from existence. Conciousness is only one and exclusively practiced part of existence.

Existence is a different concept from how the Universe evolved, being rather than nothingness is a different question than from what singularity the Big Bang banged from?

Why was there a singularity?

who says there was? when and if that theory is proven we will know more and the questions will most likely be different than any our pea brains can imagine now.

we are really not all that smart as long as all we do is compare ourselves to each other. our awareness of the world around us is constantly being challenged and questioned.
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Sorry bout that,

1. I don't think God's in the business of making synthetic cells.
2. So who made the frst one that was copied?

Sorry bout that,

1. The way I see it, science is a two teired level.
2. Theres the higher level like Einstien, then theres the lower level like Hawkins.
3. The higher level knew there had to be a God behind the universe/creation, because he could see all the *clue's* built into the universe/creation.
4. Sad but true, 99% of all the people in science are of the lower level.
5. Those whom understand this, and are in science will discover the next big thing.
6. Those who do not understand this, with see shiney lights in the sky and make claims how that we are being visited by aliens, and need to be careful not to piss them off.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Well if creation wasn't created, by God, instead it was the *Big Bang Theory*, then everything you see is an accident, maybe a mistake even.
2. You have nothing to rely on, if its all just some crazy accident, just make it up as you go, and how you want it.
3. There would be no reason to stop immorality, wars, murders, mass killings, rapes, in reality, the people of science depend heavily upon there being a God.
4. To keep in check the ideals of the masses.
5. If all mankind were people of science, this world would be over in two weeks, madness would prevail, and deadly experiments would take place everywhere.
6. There being nothing to worry about in the, *End*, what would it matter?
7. So creation has to be created, not a random act, or accident, otherwise, in my opinion, were're all just the walking dead.
8. Having God in the world/creation, brings real meaning to life, its how nature works, its ingrained into reality, you can not escape it, no one can.
9. Its a shame to the human spirit, to denie God, it will kill ones soul, even if its a slow death, it will totally kill you some day.
10. Its something that will be eternal, and those whom found God, or found by God, shall find eternal life.
11. God help those lost people of science.


I know it's difficult to keep things straight when threads get longer. In the OP I linked to a story about how life on earth may have gotten a start. That issue is totally separate from the creation or existence of the Universe. What I mentioned was how religions that claim a god made mankind may have to dump that avenue and focus on god created the Universe as a back up plan. That is until we get evidence that a god had nothing to do with...

1. In my world, God did create the Universe, I don't have to fall back on it, I already believed that.
2. God made it all, and made it in a short period of time.
3. Making Heaven and Earth, and everything on Earth at the same time.
4. Finding evidence or proof, that there is no God in the original creative process of all we see, is like trying to prove rain isn't wet.


How short a period of time?
200 or 600 million years?
Religous beliefs are beliefs, only. You can never prove my religous beliefs, ever. You can never disprove my religous beliefs also.
Same with yours.
Beliefs are not science.

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