Creepy Adam Shiff is now going after Michael Flynn for "refusing to cooperate"

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Democrats have zero integrity anymore. How do they keep electing clowns like this guy ?

Adam Schiff lashes Michael Flynn for refusing to cooperate

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn has refused to cooperate with the House Intelligence Committee’s demand for testimony and documents, Chairman Adam Schiff wrote in a letter released Monday.

“Notwithstanding repeated efforts by committee staff to engage with your counsel and accommodate your adjournment requests, you have, to date, failed to comply with the committee’s subpoena or cooperate with the committee’s efforts to secure your compliance,” Schiff wrote in the letter to Flynn, which demands that the retired Army lieutenant general appear for testimony on Sept. 25.
Rep, Schiff got a strong legal response from Flynn's lawyer:

Flynn Lawyer Response to Threats and Targeted Harassment by Chairman Adam Schiff…

Michael Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, responds to the threats and harassment from HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff and his retained political Lawfare subcontractors:



In the link is a full response from Flynn's lawyer, sent as a legal document.

Worth reading!
Hillary Clinton and Adam Shiff at a ritual pedophile slumber party.

He might be Andy Kaufman. ( some say he never really died you know)
Little Adam, that Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard, should be hung by his balls for his pedo actvity. And THEN, sent to Detroit! Sounds fair to me.
Flynn is guilty, if you want to defend that guy...

You think so?

Judge Sullivan Will First Rule on Brady Allegations in Flynn Case…


US v Flynn - Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Brady Material and Order to Show Cause


Adam Schiff Demands Mike Flynn Testimony – Sidney Powell Says ‘Go Spit’…

Last week, Sidney Powell filed a brief with judge Emmet Sullivan outlining serious allegations of prosecutorial misconduct in the Flynn case. A hearing in Judge Sullivan’s court is scheduled for tomorrow, September 10th.

If Powell does have a case, Flynn will be free and all charges dropped.

I hear Adam shift had NDAs bought with tax dollars to cover an affair with an under age boy.

Democrats refuse to care who NDAs were bought for because they know Democrats have no standards and behave accordingly.

I guess we won't know any time soon.
Poor little pencil necked, bug eyed, pixie lipped Adam ScHITt. He's a walking, talking, piece of human SHIT.

Flynn is going to withdraw that guilty plea, just watch, because he was SET UP.
Here is adam shift colluding with a foreign power to get dirt on trump. Shouldn't he have called the FBI?

I guess only Democrats can get dirt from other nations.

Don't take Democrats seriously, it will make you look stupid.
Isn’t there a status conference this week on the Michael Flynn case?
Meanwhile the human beach ball Nadler is rolling forward with Trump Impeachment. Apparently you don't need a reason to Impeach, you just need to hate the President.
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Flynn refused to tow the Democrat party policy line of corruption. Since he was/is a Democrat they want to make an example of him in case anyone else decides to leave the Mobster like party.

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