Creepy House Tour: Dutch Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a tourism vignette about American imagination inspired by the film Gummo.

Cheers (signing off),


"My name is Alyssa. I went on a strange tour of a nearly-ancient looking American mansion-house in Virginia one winter and appreciated some of the wooden interiors which were re-furbished for the tour, while the outside remained mostly 'archaic.' I went traveling around the East Coast after being stirred about my Dutch ancestry and its links to Quaker Pennsylvania. I found this stray cat wandering around outside that ancient-looking American mansion-house I went touring that winter and decided to keep it and named her Felicia."


"The tour-guide explained that the mansion-house was supposedly haunted by the demonic spirit of a deranged deceased serial-killer who used to live there. His name was 'Leatherface' and he wielded a chainsaw and apparently killed 10 policemen before hanging himself. I was stunned, as a woman, to hear such an odd tale and wondered what Felicia made of it."


"The house was so eerie that I decided to nickname it the 'rickety-raisin,' though there didn't seem to be anything 'fruity-sounding' about the crazy 'Leatherface.' Felicia was my bright-thought memento from that entire otherwise very strange tourist experience of American architectural say the least."


"The tour group sampled just one re-furbished room which was well-decorated, and the walls were lined with curved wood panels to make it seem/feel like a log-cabin section of the house. The guide explained to us that the room was meant to highlight some of the more 'romantic' features of that era of American architecture. I couldn't get 'Leatherface' out of my mind, however, and kept Felicia (the cat) close to my heart."


"When I got home, I decided to make a simple/child-like pencil figurine-rendering of the eerie 'Leatherface' who apparently made a mask made out of human skin and wore it one day before killing a cop and hanging his body on a wood-post hangman-type structure he made in his backyard (with his chainsaw). The house I visited that day wasn't that that old, but it was just old enough to make me feel 'nostalgic' about those quirky 'forgotten' niches of American history such as Williamsburg (Virginia). Strange..."


"Mostly, this memoir is about Felicia the cat I adopted. She makes me think of happy thoughts and the value of simple warmth and friendly comforts in times of otherwise eerie experiences/travels. I hope I always cherish Felicia more than I am haunted by the bizarre memory/image of the ghostly 'Leatherface' in that rickety old American house!"



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