SS Director Continues to Stonewall Congress

Even basic questions are danced around.
How many times did you turn down Trump's requests for additional personnel and resources?

She evades by saying that "resources" can include many things, from manpower to tech solutions, but then also refuses to answer which Trump asked for.

While she claims to take full responsibility.

While taking no responsibility for anything.

Even a California Democrat embarrassed the DEI Director.

"You know what Stuart Knight did after [Regan's assassination attempt]?"

"He remained on duty."

"He resigned. He resigned."

She stole all of this right out of the Hillary Clinton playbook, where Hillary wrote a book saying she took responsibility for her 2016 loss, but all of the pages in the book point out how it was everyone else's fault.
We will see Kamala in action in the 2nd debate on FXN, if she shows up.

I'd ask her all kinds of detailed policy questions that requires specific knowledge.
1. Would you save SS & Medicare, if so how?
2. Would you continue the ban on gas powered vehicles?
3. The Budget deficit is $1T and growing, how would you reduce it? Raise taxes, cut spending, or both?
4. Will you seal the southern border or continue the current policy?
5. If China invades Taiwan would you defend Taiwan?
6. Do you favor amnesty for 12.000,000 illegals?
7. Would you ban assault rifles?
8. Would you make abortions on demand legal in all states, i.e. no restrictions?

I'm sure there are many others, but she needs to prove she has a grasp of the issues.
A former prosecutor vs. a career criminal. Where can I place my bet? :abgg2q.jpg:

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