Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?

Everyone expected a recession. The Fed and White House found a way out.​

The economy’s strength and stability — defying many of the most optimistic predictions — represents a remarkable development after seemingly endless crises

After two years of relentless pressure over everything from sky-high inflation to a looming recession, the head of the Federal Reserve was asked this month what he does for fun.
“For me, a big, big party — and I mean, this is really as fun as it gets — is a really good inflation report,” Jerome H. Powell said before a crowd at Spelman College. He flashed a smile and laughed.

For an official who typically sticks to a tight script, the quip was downright jubilant. But it also reflected a subtle mood shift from the central bank — and from a leader who feels finally freed to crack a joke in the first place, however restrained.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Biden holy glare.jpg
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Although certain Americans who receive their daily news from television and social media may not realize it, President Joe Biden has already accomplished an incredible amount in his two-plus years in office. These accomplishments are of great importance to the people of our nation and the world. A dozen major accomplishments follow:

1. President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts.

2. He signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. Also included is money for public transit and airports, electric vehicles and low emission public transportation, power infrastructure, and clean water.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Biden holy glare.jpg

Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's GoBrandon!
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?

Oh look. I found someone who still trusts the Federal Bureau of Investigation and their bogus statistics.


The problem is that the left propagandists, here with crime stats and elsewhere with economic stats, will allow crime to climb 1,00000000% or more, then when it decreases over the short-term .000002%, then say that crime is not up, it is really down!!! Well, this is dishonest as fuck. Dante should know this. Either he does and is just as corrupt, is a sociopath, or is dumber than a dildo. Either way, I do not trust him to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.
The problem is that the left propagandists, here with crime stats and elsewhere with economic stats, will allow crime to climb 1,00000000% or more, then when it decreases over the short-term .000002%, then say that crime is not up, it is really down!!! Well, this is dishonest as fuck. Dante should know this. Either he does and is just as corrupt, is a sociopath, or is dumber than a dildo. Either way, I do not trust him to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.
Oh you can trust Dante knows the right way to sit to pee......
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?
"Crime" as measured by our fully compromised Democrat Secret Police Force aka FBI. Looks like "Crime" was slightly down in Chicago this week, only 20 people shot and 1 death.

Crime is way up... the dems and their media just changed the definition of a crime... if you have cooperation in the media and poll takers you can get any result you want... tell you what... if you are absent headed enough to fall for the news that crime is down go for a late night walk through any blue city...
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?
Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware


What’s particularly useful about the new FBI data is that the shifts are presented by the population each responding agency serves. So we can see that the drop isn’t a function just of a shift in smaller cities but, instead, occurred across the board. Property crime was up slightly — 0.1 percent — in the most populous cities. But violent crime was down in those places, as it was everywhere else. In fact, the biggest cities saw the biggest drops in murder.


It’s important to recognize the limits on this data. For one thing, data on crime is notoriously slow. The FBI didn’t release summary data on 2022 until October. This quarter-to-quarter comparison, by contrast, is relatively expedient — but it is still only a look at one quarter of the year. It is also still several months old and limited to jurisdictions that returned information.

If we look at the 10 largest cities, for example, we see that Los Angeles and Chicago are missing. In five of the eight that returned data, property crime was up. Only in Dallas, though, had murder climbed relative to the third quarter of 2022.
Great Headline. Good news gets hidden? Is it election interference in the way people like to claim the laptop story is?

Crime is down, though Fox News viewers might not be aware​

Crime declined in the third quarter of 2023 relative to the same period in 2022, according to data released by the FBI last week. Violent crime was down 8 percent in jurisdictions that reported data — law enforcement agencies covering three-quarters of U.S. residents. Property crime was down 6 percent. Murder was down more than 15 percent.

Fox News, for one, doesn’t want to hear it

Are there valid and credible reasons FOX would ignore this, since we know they do like to focus on crime?

Obviously, the propaganda spewed by WaPo is disputed by the FBI....


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