Crooked Hillary Reaches A New Low In Sleaze...

The R's have been caught at what? There isn't any evidence of voter tampering to begin with. Your Ds are making it all up.
Just taking Trump at his word that the election was rigged.

Utter bull. If Trump never said anything about rigging, do you think the Democrats would have done the noble thing and just concede the race?

By Trump claiming the election was "rigged", the Rats didn't dare rig it....brilliant!
Utter bull. If Trump never said anything about rigging, do you think the Democrats would have done the noble thing and just concede the race?
Irrelevant. Recounts are a RIGHT.

So is it the right of a bakery to bake whatever it damn pleases and tell anybody they don't want in the store to get the fuck out. Rights are something everybody has and not something egg-heads like you get to choose for them.
Hey, given the Trump tweet reaction, I bet there is something to see. So, let's do the recount in Wisconsin, and then if there is nothing wrong, well, Trump is President for sure. But if it does show hacking of the machines resulted in his win, then recount all the states that used machines. And indict Mr. Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to hack the machines.
OP - It was trumpery who said the election was rigged. He was right of course and the Rs have been caught, as has trumpery himself.

Who do you figure rigged it, Puddly....the rooskies or visitors from Planet X?
Probably the "visitors" from Mexico, where they live in huts... because they can't seem to grasp the concept of "walls"...

Just like Democrats accuse you of using a four-letter word if you say "jobs"....
I was thinking the same thing....Trump had pretty much let her off the prosecution hook and now she's bit on it again.....


Exactly. After Trump won, he said let bygones be bygones and forget about the past. If Hillary doesn't like that offer, then Trump should take it off the table.
Hey, given the Trump tweet reaction, I bet there is something to see. So, let's do the recount in Wisconsin, and then if there is nothing wrong, well, Trump is President for sure. But if it does show hacking of the machines resulted in his win, then recount all the states that used machines. And indict Mr. Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to hack the machines.

When did Trump invite the Russians to hack the machines? Do you even understand what Treason is?
Hey, given the Trump tweet reaction, I bet there is something to see. So, let's do the recount in Wisconsin, and then if there is nothing wrong, well, Trump is President for sure. But if it does show hacking of the machines resulted in his win, then recount all the states that used machines. And indict Mr. Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to hack the machines.

Try to keep what you said here in mind when if Hell freezes over and your party ever wins another election, what you can expect from the fruits and nuts who got .01% of the vote putting you into a perpetual recount.

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