Crooked Hillary Says She Lost Because The Rigged MSM Did Their Job Too Well...LOL

She's completely whacked out. I just found her list of who she blames at the DM.


The Silicon Valley question and answer adds a whole new list of culprits to those who Hillary Clinton says prevented her from being in the White House.
So far those include:
  • The FBI
  • James Comey, then FBI director
  • The Russians
  • Vladimir Putin
  • 'Anti-American forces'
  • Low information voters
  • Everyone who assumed she'd win
  • Bad polling numbers
  • Obama for winning two terms
  • People wanting change
  • Misogynists
  • Suburban women
  • The New York Times
  • Television executives
  • Cable news
  • Netflix
  • Democrats not making the right documentaries
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Wikileaks
  • Fake news
  • 'Content farms in Macedonia'
  • The Republican Party
  • The Democratic Party
Hillary Clinton
Bill and Chelsea Clinton

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Today's Obama-flavored Dem. party can be summed up by a Star Trek episode called "Skin of Evil" in which the android Data is facing a murderous alien entity and he says, "Fascinating. You are a lifeform with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Logically, I believe you should be destroyed." That sums up today's PC progressives more succintly than any of the purple-prose-profanity I usually use here.
To be honest, in some ways it's sad, but in other ways her assertions are dangerous. We have many like her in Canada, most in positions of authority or "leadership". They are pompous, deluded, and above all arrogant. They believe that somehow they are above reproach because of their position, they have become accustomed to doing as they please for so long, to so many, because they have been able to do so for so long. Many in the RCMP and police leadership are guilty of this, they couldn't care less about our Charter as noone holds them to account. so they abuse their authority consistently.

So now we see someone like Hillary who cannot fathom how someone with her credentials and support from all of New York, Washington and Hollywood could ever lose to a bold, businessman like Trump.

She went further in this interview than ever before suggesting that Trump had to have personally have known and colluded. I am starting to fear she believes that somehow if Trump is deemed unfit for his role that somehow there would be a run-off election and she could run and win again! I say this with some seriousness, she is unwilling to let this go and has shown no signs of accountability. In the long world of politics and peculiar government situations, this is astonishing.
Hillary was already 7 points behind the GOP winner, then she peed on stage,,,then she was 14 points behind the GOP nominee
Has Hillary somehow blamed Global Warming for her loss yet? LOLOL, I'm sure it had everything to do with it, including that screechy vampire bat's public health crises! HAHA, the more I think about the more positive I am that Global Warming magically caused all of the personal qualities that make Hillary an amoral, clinical psychopath who makes her sleazy husband look like a Boy Scout by comparison. Hillary seriously makes me feel sorry for Bill Clinton. Is there anything this magical Global Warming can't do?
Has Hillary somehow blamed Global Warming for her loss yet? LOLOL, I'm sure it had everything to do with it, including that screechy vampire bat's public health crises! HAHA, the more I think about the more positive I am that Global Warming magically caused all of the personal qualities that make Hillary an amoral, clinical psychopath who makes her sleazy husband look like a Boy Scout by comparison. Hillary seriously makes me feel sorry for Bill Clinton. Is there anything this magical Global Warming can't do?

That will be in her Memoirs "How Trump Hijacked my Coronation".
well,,,when the world saw those hoses and bags in her pants during her rallies,,,,it was pretty much over
Don't ever expect that dumb bitch to admit the real reasons why Trump kicked her pathetic ass.
Don't ever expect that dumb bitch to admit the real reasons why Trump kicked her pathetic ass.
i find it odd that no one has ever asked Hillary why no one ever attended her rallies,,unless they were paid at least 50 dollars
Don't ever expect that dumb bitch to admit the real reasons why Trump kicked her pathetic ass.
i find it odd that no one has ever asked Hillary why no one ever attended her rallies,,unless they were paid at least 50 dollars
Her rallies were nothing more than a facade orchestrated by the Democratic Party. A facade that costed them many millions of $'s. lol
Democrats don't learn from their mistakes. It's why they'll continue losing elections.
My question is why does she still get air time? I thought her chronic yeast infections kept her bed ridden


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