Crown Hights A lession for the Trayvon Martin case


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
All this Rush to judgment in the Trayvon Martin case has a lot of similarities to Crown Heights NY 20 years ago, including some of the same instigators and The racial lynch mob mentality

[ame=]Crown Heights Brooklyn, NY August 19, 1991 Riots (WWOR-TV NEWS 9) Mayor David Dinkins - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]WFTV9: Reverend Al Sharpton & Trayvon Martins' Parents Speak at Fort Mellon Park Rally 3/22/12 - YouTube[/ame]
Al Sharpton The race baiter He's still going strong


The riots began on, Monday, Aug. 19, 1991, accompanied by 3 rabbinical students, Yosef Lifsh, a rabbinical student himself, was driving a car on president street in Brooklyn, returning from the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, which Rabbi Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, had visited that afternoon. Rabbi Schneerson’s vehicle was, as usual, led by a police car. As a sign of respect for the Rebbe, Lifsh was following the Rebbe’s vehicle. By the time Lifsh arrived at the intersection of President Street and Utica Avenue, a few seconds after the Rebbe’s car crossed the intersection, the light had turned yellow. In an attempt to catch up the with Rebbe’s car, Lifsh crossed the intersection. His car was hit by Peter Petrosino’s Chevrolet Malibu.

The Lifsh car spun out of control, heading towards a crowd of people outside the buildings on Utica Avenue. Lifsh was unable to regain control of the car. Ultimately, two children, Gavin Cato and his cousin Angela Cato, who were playing in front of the building, were struck and pinned under the car.

Lifsh immediately got out of the car and attempted to lift the car and pull the children from underneath.

Within minutes, a crowd formed and turned violent, beating Lifsh and the passengers of the car.

Hatzolah, the local Jewish-run EMS, arrived followed by the police and a city ambulances. The police told Hatzolah to remove Lifsh and his passengers to avoid further altercations with the crowd.

Seven minutes later, Gavin Cato arrived at the hospital. Tragically, Gavin was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

This could and should have been the end of the tragedy. Instead, however, Crown Heights became the host of a modern day blood-libel. .

The pogrom lasted for three days, fueled by rumors and outright lies: Lifsh had been drunk (A test immediately following accident determined he was sober), or he had purposely run over the children, and that Hatzolah had refused to treat the children (A New York State report, a year later, established this was not true).

Later that evening, at approximately 11:15 pm, a group of teens shouting “Kill the Jew” surrounded Yankel Rosenbaum, a 29 year old student from Australia. Sixteen year old, Limerick Nelson, a member of the crowd, stabbed him. Yankel died at the hospital about three hours later.

Throughout Monday night, several more people were beaten and small groups roamed the streets throwing stones at properties associated with the Jewish community. The conflict might have ended the next morning, with a tragic accident and a cold-blooded murder.

But Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson joined the fray. They bussed in people from outside neighborhoods and incited riot with radical speeches.

Sharpton and the riots 20 years later | Opinion | Jewish Journal
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[ame=]New Black Panthers offer reward for capture of George Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]
We don't want the same thing to happen in FL. Riots, murder, this could happen. All this piling on racial bullshit by people, there is no evidence of anything racial here, but the race hustlers, the politicians, make sure that this is what the Trayvon Case is about, the same as Crown Heights:mad:
Spike Lee is standing by the address of the elderly couple he reported as being Zimmerman's address. He refused to remove it, Twitter did that. But, it's still being disseminated by Lee's followers.

This is pretty much the same as Crown Heights.
Is this kind stuff going to spread?

[ame=]Trayvon Martin Student Protesters Ransack North Miami Beach Walgreens. - YouTube[/ame]
Liberal race hustlers will used these type of events for political gain, sad but this is what we have to deal with.
It seems there is so much hatred on the left that they can organize a lynch mob at the drop of a hat. They killed about a dozen people in a fire and by gunshot in Freddie's Fashion Mart in Harlem around the time of the Crown Heights mayhem just because the owner was Jewish. Don't forget the Rodney King riots. They murdered about 50 people in that rampage and Obama hired one of the ringleaders to be on his green jobs board.
It seems there is so much hatred on the left that they can organize a lynch mob at the drop of a hat. They killed about a dozen people in a fire and by gunshot in Freddie's Fashion Mart in Harlem around the time of the Crown Heights mayhem just because the owner was Jewish. Don't forget the Rodney King riots. They murdered about 50 people in that rampage and Obama hired one of the ringleaders to be on his green jobs board.


For what its worth the New Black Panthers are looney tunes, most Blacks do not subscribe to their teachings, they are also nothing to do with the original Panthers started by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.

Thank God.

You are right... none of my black friends listen to a word they say. Of course they are church going christians so it goes w/o saying...
In fact they get pissed when called 'african american'. They are American... end of story.

For what its worth the New Black Panthers are looney tunes, most Blacks do not subscribe to their teachings, they are also nothing to do with the original Panthers started by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.

Thank God.

You are right... none of my black friends listen to a word they say. Of course they are church going christians so it goes w/o saying...
In fact they get pissed when called 'african american'. They are American... end of story.

Those guys are off their rockers, they are about as irrelevant as the KKK.
The problem is, you really don't need a majority, or a plurality, a few can do a lot of damage.

Seneca police arrest 6 accused of beating NC man - FOX Carolina 21

SENECA, SC (FOX Carolina) -
Seneca police said they arrested six men Wednesday in connection with the beating of a North Carolina man at Applebee's earlier in March.

Police said their investigation determined that the victim was beat by the group of men and the incident may have been racially motivated. The department said they forwarded the case to the FBI to determine if it should be pursued further as a hate crime under federal law.

SLIDESHOW: Police arrest 6 in beating by mob

Officers said all six suspects were charged with assault and battery by a mob in connection with the March 17 beating.
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All this Rush to judgment in the Trayvon Martin case has a lot of similarities to Crown Heights NY 20 years ago, including some of the same instigators and The racial lynch mob mentality

Crown Heights Brooklyn, NY August 19, 1991 Riots (WWOR-TV NEWS 9) Mayor David Dinkins - YouTube

thank you for bringing this one up. the mob mentality in America is what Madison feared most

Yes… Note these race hustler liberals, they like this stuff, they run to it, they wallow in it, they profit from it. Neither of these two cases should be about race, but it is pushed by these bloodsuckers, and normal liberals will wallow in it too if they think it will help them politically… it’s sad and pathetic, it should make any clear thinking person sick to their stomach :mad:
Trayvon Martin — And Sharpton’s Latest Racist Lying Game


Fairness and Al Sharpton are mutually exclusive. 1991, after 7-year-old black boy Gavin Cato was run over and killed by a driver in a Hasidic Jewish rabbi’s entourage in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood, Sharpton once again fanned the flames of racial animosity. In a eulogy given at Cato’s funeral, Sharpton, in an anti-Semitic rant, compared Crown Heights to segregationist South Africa. “The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident…It’s an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights…Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid…All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin’ and grinnin’. Pay for your deeds.”

During three nights of black riots targeting Jewish homes and businesses, Jewish rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was killed after being surrounded by a gang of youths and stabbed, while shouts of “kill the Jew” filled the air. Since Rosenbaum was killed the night before the eulogy, Sharpton bears no direct responsibility for his death. Yet there is no doubt about his determination to stoke violence. He took marchers along Eastern Parkway, leading the now-familiar chants, “Whose Streets? Our Streets,” and “No Justice, No Peace.”

In 1992, Sharpton blew off an accusation by the Anti-Defamation League that he helped to incite anti-Semitism during the riots. “You don’t even have a direct quote from me that anyone can call anti-Semitic,” he contended, in yet another apparent memory lapse similar to the one he had during the Tawana Brawley hoax

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