Cruz Fights Alone to Stop Senate from Funding Planned Parenthood and Iran Nuclear Deal


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The ONLY Senator that CARES about America, and has the balls to stand up against ALL BOUGHT POLITICIANS!

Canada Free Press ^ | 09/29/15 | Jerry A. Kane
The whole world's people are becoming mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things... Last night Ted Cruz couldn’t get his Republican Senate colleagues to back his proposed amendment to stop funding Planned Parenthood for one year and to prevent the Obama administration from using funds to implement the Iran nuclear deal until Congress can examine the additional agreements or “side deals” between the terrorist state and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “You know, Obama has negotiated a catastrophic nuclear deal with Iran. Republican leadership goes on television all the time and rightly says this is a catastrophic deal. I would suggest...

I love Cruz. This man is so out there bang on the money it's unreal. If I'm Trump he's my AG.
The ONLY Senator that CARES about America, and has the balls to stand up against ALL BOUGHT POLITICIANS!

Canada Free Press ^ | 09/29/15 | Jerry A. Kane
The whole world's people are becoming mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things... Last night Ted Cruz couldn’t get his Republican Senate colleagues to back his proposed amendment to stop funding Planned Parenthood for one year and to prevent the Obama administration from using funds to implement the Iran nuclear deal until Congress can examine the additional agreements or “side deals” between the terrorist state and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “You know, Obama has negotiated a catastrophic nuclear deal with Iran. Republican leadership goes on television all the time and rightly says this is a catastrophic deal. I would suggest...

You're right about those soul selling politicians. I abhor any SOB who promises the world to get voted into office, then turns in his balls to the K Street pimps.
I love Cruz. This man is so out there bang on the money it's unreal. If I'm Trump he's my AG.
But Iran is one of your hero Putin's best buddies. Shouldn't you be all for this?
granted, but if you wanna go that route then obama's buddies will be in for a big pay day when trade sanctions are lifted


You just wrote that you are ignorant about what Obama has done in the ME.

Are you also saying you are ignorant of exactly who profits from lifting sanctions?

Seriously doood - you've been taken for a ride. You need to acquaint your dumb ass self with Google.
I love Cruz. This man is so out there bang on the money it's unreal. If I'm Trump he's my AG.
But Iran is one of your hero Putin's best buddies. Shouldn't you be all for this?

I understand allies. And for me I'm watching the world play out on such a whacked out scale I don't even know where to draw a breath anymore. Putin is keeping neo nazis at bay in the Ukraine. Not allowing Assad to go down to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Trying out to figure how I can't let the commies aka NDP take over Canada. Deal with the world's shittiest flu.

I think Cruz would make the best AG for any new President.

And that's on NyQuil.


Thats like a disclaimer for later.
I love Cruz. This man is so out there bang on the money it's unreal. If I'm Trump he's my AG.
But Iran is one of your hero Putin's best buddies. Shouldn't you be all for this?

That would mean she couldn't be a lying hypocrite and that's the one thing we can always count on from her and the other RW nutters.

You are no fun at all.
neither is ted cruz...
The ONLY Senator that CARES about America, and has the balls to stand up against ALL BOUGHT POLITICIANS!

Canada Free Press ^ | 09/29/15 | Jerry A. Kane
The whole world's people are becoming mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things... Last night Ted Cruz couldn’t get his Republican Senate colleagues to back his proposed amendment to stop funding Planned Parenthood for one year and to prevent the Obama administration from using funds to implement the Iran nuclear deal until Congress can examine the additional agreements or “side deals” between the terrorist state and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “You know, Obama has negotiated a catastrophic nuclear deal with Iran. Republican leadership goes on television all the time and rightly says this is a catastrophic deal. I would suggest...

I don't love Ted Cruz at all, but hear me out on this.....

When politicians get to Capitol Hill, something comes over them, and they start horse trading like all the others. And on top of that, they all work just a few hours a week, so they can return home.

Because of that, shortcuts get put into play, that allow them to combine different issues instead of voting on them individually, and politicians cave in regularly to things the majority of their constituants oppose.

I propose senators and representatives start skyping it in. That's right, telecommunte. And they all should need to punch time cards, so they work from 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday, and some manditory OT if someone fillibusters.

That way all politicians would have the time to vote on issues individually.
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
Really? He polls worse than most in the primary polls, and 2nd to the last in head to head polls against Hillary

General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6

Only a very foolish Republican Party would nominate him.

Wait.......ummm.....I see what you mean.

Now I'm scared too
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:

That's why I'm afraid of a nut like Cruz winning your nomination. The Democrats don't have any good candidates.

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