Cruz Fights Alone to Stop Senate from Funding Planned Parenthood and Iran Nuclear Deal

Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:


2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- -- 46.6 43.0 Clinton +3.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 49 39 Clinton +10
FOX News 9/20 - 9/22 1013 RV 3.0 46 42 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 45 43 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 48 48 Tie
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 53 40 Clinton +13
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 45.2 44.7 Clinton +0.5
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 42 44 Bush +2
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 47 49 Bush +2
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 49 45 Clinton +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 42 Clinton +4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 42 44 Bush +2
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Carson (R) Clinton (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/24 -- -- 45.8 45.2 Carson +0.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 51 46 Carson +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 44 44 Tie
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 39 49 Clinton +10
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/9 -- -- 46.3 44.0 Clinton +2.3
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 50 44 Clinton +6
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 43 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 44 46 Rubio +2
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Fiorina (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 46.4 43.0 Clinton +3.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 44 45 Fiorina +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 43 44 Fiorina +1
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 53 43 Clinton +10
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 40 Clinton +7
All General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 51.0 40.3 Biden +10.7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 56 35 Biden +21
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 51 40 Biden +11
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 54 44 Biden +10
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 56 38 Biden +18
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 42 44 Trump +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 47 41 Biden +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 48.0 41.6 Biden +6.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 48 40 Biden +8
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 46 41 Biden +5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 52 44 Biden +8
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 50 42 Biden +8
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 41 Biden +3
All General Election: Bush vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Sanders (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/28 - 9/24 -- -- 45.3 41.3 Sanders +4.0
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 52 36 Sanders +16
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 47 42 Sanders +5
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 44 Trump +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 42 43 Trump +1
All General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Bush (R) Sanders (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/21 -- -- 44.3 43.7 Bush +0.6
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 44 44 Tie
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 41 40 Bush +1
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 898 RV 3.5 48 47 Bush +1
All General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Kasich (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- 46.5 39.0 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 39 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 49.0 41.5 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 48 42 Clinton +6
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 41 Clinton +9
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 48.0 39.0 Clinton +9.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 40 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 46 38 Clinton +8
All General Election: Christie vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 46.5 42.5 Clinton +4.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 48 43 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 45 42 Clinton +3
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:

That's why I'm afraid of a nut like Cruz winning your nomination. The Democrats don't have any good candidates.

If the DemocRATS don't have a good candidate, Cruz would certainly be better that the Best of the worst!
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
Really? He polls worse than most in the primary polls, and 2nd to the last in head to head polls against Hillary

General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6

Only a very foolish Republican Party would nominate him.

Wait.......ummm.....I see what you mean.

Now I'm scared too

He's 7th right now, but this will get him attention. I see him challenging the top 3 in the next poll.
What many of the dumbasses are not taking into account, is that now....because of the publicity from the GOP debates.....

One should expect GOP candidates to be leading head to head polls against Hillary.

It's too close for the GOP to claim victory over Hillary
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:

That's why I'm afraid of a nut like Cruz winning your nomination. The Democrats don't have any good candidates.

If the DemocRATS don't have a good candidate, Cruz would certainly be better that the Best of the worst!
It has never mattered who is best.
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
Really? He polls worse than most in the primary polls, and 2nd to the last in head to head polls against Hillary

General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6

Only a very foolish Republican Party would nominate him.

Wait.......ummm.....I see what you mean.

Now I'm scared too

He's 7th right now, but this will get him attention. I see him challenging the top 3 in the next poll.
That's like a nightmare scenario
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:


2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- -- 46.6 43.0 Clinton +3.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 49 39 Clinton +10
FOX News 9/20 - 9/22 1013 RV 3.0 46 42 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 45 43 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 48 48 Tie
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 53 40 Clinton +13
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 45.2 44.7 Clinton +0.5
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 42 44 Bush +2
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 47 49 Bush +2
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 49 45 Clinton +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 42 Clinton +4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 42 44 Bush +2
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Carson (R) Clinton (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/24 -- -- 45.8 45.2 Carson +0.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 51 46 Carson +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 44 44 Tie
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 39 49 Clinton +10
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/9 -- -- 46.3 44.0 Clinton +2.3
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 50 44 Clinton +6
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 43 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 44 46 Rubio +2
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Fiorina (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 46.4 43.0 Clinton +3.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 44 45 Fiorina +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 43 44 Fiorina +1
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 53 43 Clinton +10
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 40 Clinton +7
All General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 51.0 40.3 Biden +10.7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 56 35 Biden +21
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 51 40 Biden +11
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 54 44 Biden +10
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 56 38 Biden +18
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 42 44 Trump +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 47 41 Biden +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 48.0 41.6 Biden +6.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 48 40 Biden +8
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 46 41 Biden +5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 52 44 Biden +8
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 50 42 Biden +8
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 41 Biden +3
All General Election: Bush vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Sanders (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/28 - 9/24 -- -- 45.3 41.3 Sanders +4.0
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 52 36 Sanders +16
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 47 42 Sanders +5
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 44 Trump +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 42 43 Trump +1
All General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Bush (R) Sanders (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/21 -- -- 44.3 43.7 Bush +0.6
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 44 44 Tie
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 41 40 Bush +1
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 898 RV 3.5 48 47 Bush +1
All General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Kasich (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- 46.5 39.0 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 39 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 49.0 41.5 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 48 42 Clinton +6
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 41 Clinton +9
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 48.0 39.0 Clinton +9.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 40 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 46 38 Clinton +8
All General Election: Christie vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 46.5 42.5 Clinton +4.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 48 43 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 45 42 Clinton +3

I think JoJo, "The World's Dumbest Politician, and part time Pedophile and woman Abuser" Biden would be an absolutely FUN CANDIDATE for the NeoCommie party to run...I know I will have a ball with him, much easier that the Hildebeast to MOCK!


Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:


2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- -- 46.6 43.0 Clinton +3.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 49 39 Clinton +10
FOX News 9/20 - 9/22 1013 RV 3.0 46 42 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 45 43 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 48 48 Tie
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 53 40 Clinton +13
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 45.2 44.7 Clinton +0.5
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 42 44 Bush +2
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 47 49 Bush +2
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 49 45 Clinton +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 42 Clinton +4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 42 44 Bush +2
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Carson (R) Clinton (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/24 -- -- 45.8 45.2 Carson +0.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 51 46 Carson +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 44 44 Tie
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 39 49 Clinton +10
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/9 -- -- 46.3 44.0 Clinton +2.3
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 50 44 Clinton +6
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 43 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 44 46 Rubio +2
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Fiorina (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 46.4 43.0 Clinton +3.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 44 45 Fiorina +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 43 44 Fiorina +1
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 53 43 Clinton +10
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 40 Clinton +7
All General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 51.0 40.3 Biden +10.7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 56 35 Biden +21
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 51 40 Biden +11
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 54 44 Biden +10
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 56 38 Biden +18
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 42 44 Trump +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 47 41 Biden +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 48.0 41.6 Biden +6.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 48 40 Biden +8
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 46 41 Biden +5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 52 44 Biden +8
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 50 42 Biden +8
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 41 Biden +3
All General Election: Bush vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Sanders (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/28 - 9/24 -- -- 45.3 41.3 Sanders +4.0
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 52 36 Sanders +16
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 47 42 Sanders +5
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 44 Trump +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 42 43 Trump +1
All General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Bush (R) Sanders (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/21 -- -- 44.3 43.7 Bush +0.6
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 44 44 Tie
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 41 40 Bush +1
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 898 RV 3.5 48 47 Bush +1
All General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Kasich (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- 46.5 39.0 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 39 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 49.0 41.5 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 48 42 Clinton +6
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 41 Clinton +9
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 48.0 39.0 Clinton +9.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 40 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 46 38 Clinton +8
All General Election: Christie vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 46.5 42.5 Clinton +4.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 48 43 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 45 42 Clinton +3

I think JoJo, "The World's Dumbest Politician, and part time Pedophile and woman Abuser" Biden would be an absolutely FUN CANDIDATE for the NeoCommie party to run...I know I will have a ball with him, much easier that the Hildebeast to MOCK!

What? Joe Biden abused women? and molested children?
Cruz is an attention seeking idiot. I hope he doesn't go up in the polls from this, but he probably will. I am not going to underestimate his ability to win this nomination.
And in the meantime, you :ahole-1:s have THIS as your candidate! :badgrin:


2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- -- 46.6 43.0 Clinton +3.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 49 39 Clinton +10
FOX News 9/20 - 9/22 1013 RV 3.0 46 42 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 45 43 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 48 48 Tie
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 53 40 Clinton +13
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 45.2 44.7 Clinton +0.5
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 42 44 Bush +2
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 47 49 Bush +2
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 49 45 Clinton +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 42 Clinton +4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 42 44 Bush +2
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Carson (R) Clinton (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/24 -- -- 45.8 45.2 Carson +0.6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 51 46 Carson +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 44 44 Tie
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 39 49 Clinton +10
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/9 -- -- 46.3 44.0 Clinton +2.3
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 50 44 Clinton +6
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 43 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 44 46 Rubio +2
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Fiorina (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/24 -- -- 46.4 43.0 Clinton +3.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 44 45 Fiorina +1
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 43 44 Fiorina +1
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 53 43 Clinton +10
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 40 Clinton +7
All General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 51.0 40.3 Biden +10.7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 56 35 Biden +21
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 51 40 Biden +11
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 54 44 Biden +10
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 56 38 Biden +18
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 42 44 Trump +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 47 41 Biden +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/26 - 9/24 -- 48.0 41.6 Biden +6.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV 48 40 Biden +8
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 46 41 Biden +5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 52 44 Biden +8
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 50 42 Biden +8
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 41 Biden +3
All General Election: Bush vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Sanders (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/28 - 9/24 -- -- 45.3 41.3 Sanders +4.0
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 52 36 Sanders +16
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 47 42 Sanders +5
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 44 Trump +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 42 43 Trump +1
All General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Bush (R) Sanders (D) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/21 -- -- 44.3 43.7 Bush +0.6
Quinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 44 44 Tie
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 41 40 Bush +1
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 898 RV 3.5 48 47 Bush +1
All General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 9/9 -- -- 49.0 41.3 Clinton +7.7
MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist 8/26 - 9/9 1115 RV 2.9 52 41 Clinton +11
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Kasich (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- 46.5 39.0 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 39 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 49.0 41.5 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 48 42 Clinton +6
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 41 Clinton +9
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 48.0 39.0 Clinton +9.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 40 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 46 38 Clinton +8
All General Election: Christie vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 46.5 42.5 Clinton +4.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 48 43 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 45 42 Clinton +3

I think JoJo, "The World's Dumbest Politician, and part time Pedophile and woman Abuser" Biden would be an absolutely FUN CANDIDATE for the NeoCommie party to run...I know I will have a ball with him, much easier that the Hildebeast to MOCK!

What? Joe Biden abused women? and molested children?
Want to see the video's....again?????

Well, here's ONE that I especially like as one of the most liberals scumbags goes crazy over CREEPY JoJo....

Read up on Cruz's creepy as his son's voice.
I did......

"Today, the 76-year-old Rafael Cruz is a pastor who frequently quotes scripture in anti-government speeches to grassroots groups. He has compared Barack Obama to a young Castro."

That explains a lot.

I might agree, if Barak Obama was a socialist, or lead a revolution against the government of the US, or go all homicidal on capitalists.....but other than that....sure, Barak Obama is a lot like Castro...
And the Canadian is going to fail.

Just like his 5% in the polls.

Now, Bullshitter, you know what will happen after all the FAILED candidates leave, and Cruz is one of the 4-5 left at the end... you really think that 5% will hold up...I mean, we have Grahamnesty, Pataki, Rand Paul, Kasick, and quite a few others at 3% or less....and just look what happened to Scott Walker, going from 25% at the beginning to....GONE!
And the Canadian is going to fail.

Just like his 5% in the polls.

Now, Bullshitter, you know what will happen after all the FAILED candidates leave, and Cruz is one of the 4-5 left at the end... you really think that 5% will hold up...I mean, we have Grahamnesty, Pataki, Rand Paul, Kasick, and quite a few others at 3% or less....and just look what happened to Scott Walker, going from 25% at the beginning to....GONE!

Just like Trump!


And Cruz!


That's why they're going down in the polls.
And the Canadian is going to fail.

Just like his 5% in the polls.

Now, Bullshitter, you know what will happen after all the FAILED candidates leave, and Cruz is one of the 4-5 left at the end... you really think that 5% will hold up...I mean, we have Grahamnesty, Pataki, Rand Paul, Kasick, and quite a few others at 3% or less....and just look what happened to Scott Walker, going from 25% at the beginning to....GONE!

Just like Trump!


And Cruz!


That's why they're going down in the polls.

I see Trump is still #1...and...

  • ‘Brilliant Mr. Trump’ on ’60 Minutes’: Even non-Trump supporters impressed with performance
    BizPac Review ^ | September 28, 2015 | Steve Berman
    Donald Trump’s “60 Minutes” interview aired Sunday, and at least one viewer loved it, writing “Brilliant Mr. Trump, he is so Awesome!! And real.” And that viewer was–Trump, himself, who is no stranger to self-congratulations. Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump "@truthshallbe: 60minutes @realDonaldTrump Been watching!!! Brilliant Mr. Trump, he is so Awesome!! And real." 7:56 PM - 27 Sep 2015 But plenty of others shared the sentiment that the GOP frontrunner did well in the interview with CBS News host Scott Pelley....
  • Trump Steady in North Carolina...still #1!

  • PPP ^ | 9/29/15 | Tom Jensen
    PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds that Donald Trump is holding his ground- at least compared to where he was in the state six weeks ago. Trump leads with 26% to 21% for Ben Carson, 12% for Carly Fiorina, 10% for Marco Rubio, 9% for Ted Cruz, 6% for Mike Huckabee, 5% for Jeb Bu sh, 4% for John Kasich, and 2% for Chris Christie. Rounding out the field are Rick Santorum and Bobby Ji ndal at 1%, and Jim Gilmore, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki , and Rand Paul all at less than 1%
  • Carl Icahn: Trump can save America
    WND ^ | Cheryl Chumley
    “His ego permits him to – where a lot of these other presidents don’t – surround himself with really good people,” Icahn told Reuters. “Not just me, but others.” Icahn, to Reuters, said one of Trump’s characteristics that sets him apart from the other candidates, and makes him the best man for the White House job, is his willingness and skill to hand pick excellent advisers with reputations as the best of the best. “He needs as many good people as he can get in this environment today,” Icahn said. “We certainly don’t see that in many of these presidents.”...

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