Cruz Introduces Legislation to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a 'Terrorist' Group

The egyptian people hated Mubarak and voted in Morsi and the Brotherhood in a fair and legal election.

The U.S. should embargo the illegitimate military backed dictatorship currently in power. ........ :cool:

The Egyptian people did NOT like Mubarak, and with the unsolicited out-side interference from Obama, who had his own agenda, he helped push Mubarak out. in doing so he also bears partial responsibility for the PURGE (murder) of Christians who were left un-protected when his boy Morsi was hefted up upon the 'throne'.

And as I pointed out, what was NOT fair was that Obama DEMANDED the Egyptians move up their election rather than allow their interim leader to govern while the normal election schedule continued. Obama made the election UN-FAIR by denying other groups and potential candidates the legally scheduled time they would have had to organize and prepare for an election. Yes, the Brotherhood was elected because they were the only ones prepared for such a last-minute election in the vacuum left behind in the Obama-assisted ousting of Mubarak.
Cruz is all bark and no bite. He hadn't accomplished a single thing in congress and won't be re-elected in his next election.

The reason he got little accomplished was because he bucked the status quo / Washington Establishment set-up, accurately - yet against 'Congressional decorum' - called liars 'liars', and tried to do what was right despite political bias / agenda.

I would say Trump is most hated by the GOP Establishment right now only because he is ahead in the polls but that Cruz is second for daring to be a REAL Conservative who is bucking THEIR self-appointed rule.

In THIS case, however, it is not about POLITICS. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is indeed is in our government has been proven - 'Cancer' has been identified in the 'body'. WHO CARES how or why it was found.....time to deal with it rather than make excuses of why we should leave the cancer alone and let it grow!
No, the Muslim Brotherhood is not in our government. Just because a couple blogs found that maybe a couple people who work in government are the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend who allegedly may have worked in an office next door to an MB sympathizer does not mean a shitty group from the other side of the planet has infiltrated our government. They're not even in power in their own country.

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