#CruzSexScandal Trending

Cruz is a joke, and should be tossed from the race for Iowa and other stuff. He is the worst Candidate since Richard Nixon because he ( Cruz ) is a liar, cheat, and act like a paranoid fool...

I dislike Trump and when a candidate can make me write a defense for Trump then that candidate need to go!

You are so full of shit you probably cough turds. "Dislike Trump", my chubby white behind.
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Matt Walsh already brilliantly said everything there is to say to the likes of you:

As it stands right now, at this juncture, not a single person on this planet aside from the principle people involved can make definitive statements about what is or isn't true with this story. But anyone with common sense would be leaning very strongly towards it not being true. If you have definitively decided it is true, and have proceeded to repeat it as definitive truth, you are behaving in a way that is, quite simply, evil. Again, that is STILL the case even if, by some crazy twist of fate, this ends up being a 1 in 90,000,000 story that the Enquirer gets right.

This story reminds us that people are bored, petty, and vindictive. The absolute glee with which many liberals and Trump fans (but I repeat myself) have reacted to this story should send chills right down to your soul. They're accepting an unsubstantiated smear as gospel because it plays to their prejudices, but they're also celebrating something that, if it were true, would mean the utter devastation of not only Cruz's family but the families of his alleged mistresses. So even if you believe it, to be happy about it is subhuman.

You are lowlife filth. Begone back to the circle of Hell that vomited you out.
Why do Trump supporters care?

The man has lied and cheated on multiple wives. Why do they give a shit what others do?

Was just thinking the same thing.

Trumpery cheated on wives and had bastard kids.
Cruz thumps his bible, threatens sharia law and sleeps around.

RWNJs continue to twist themselves into pretzels to support either of these jerks or, for that matter, almost all of the rest of the Do Nothings.

They wouldn't care if one of them were caught in the bathroom with an eight year old.

Lie, cheat, steal - its all SSDD for the GOP

Prove that bastard kids thing, or stand before the forum as the lying cock sucker, and whore that you are!
his child with marla maples was born out of wedlock....before they married, is what he might be referring to??

Was he divorced at the time? Or doesn't that count?
I believe he was divorced already....IF memory serves me, he and Marla were going to get married before their child was born, but something happened and they got in a big fight, called the wedding off or something of the sort??? But then, they did get married....and legitimized their daughter....stayed married about 6 years, though most of the time Marla and daughter lived on the west coast and trump in New York... the donald met melania at a modeling event about 2 years before he divorced marla...

His daughter from Marla is now living in new york and getting to know her father and half brothers and sisters... looks like they, including Ivana's and donald's kids, have welcomed her....nice to see imo....

oh, and being divorced or not divorced doesn't matter, I believe back in the day....any illegitimate child, any child born out of wedlock, the 'slang' name for it, was a bastard child.... things have changed since then....no one puts that 'scarlet letter' any more.... plus donald married Marla shortly after she was born.... again, if memory serves...so she was legitimized....fairly quickly
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.
Ted Cruz reportedly is a very pious and devoutly religious man. So much so that when he was having these extramarital affairs he used pages from the King James Bible, wrapped around his manhood, .to protect him from the evil vagina dentata.

True story. I read it in the Enquirer. I wonder if he preferred the Old or New Testament?

Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!

Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!


Do you seriously not see how it is literally impossible for Donald Trump to unify the party?
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!


Do you seriously not see how it is literally impossible for Donald Trump to unify the party?

But Ted Cruz can? Seriously? You believe that?

Trump will unify the party. He'll show them the face of the real enemy.....


In the end, the voters will decide.
This story is being pushed by Gawker who was just hit with a $140 million judgement from Hulk Hogan and is now picked up by the Twitter Verse.
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital vows trump politics
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
So much for his pledge........huh.....

If he wanted his support trump shouldn't have betrayed his trust. No one who falsely attacks my family would ever have my support. Marital goes trump politics
They tried the Ivana ad first................you know damn well Cruz has access to these PAC's that they later deny using............They drew first blood.
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.

I still have to cling to the hope that someone will wave smelling salts under the noses of the GOPe and wake them the fuck up, so that they do the smart thing and nominate Cruz.
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of concern isn't for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?

Do you know where the first place was that I heard about this story? It wasn't a serious journalistic report on it. It wasn't even the National Enquirer itself (because yeah, like I'd read that rag). It was Trumpette Stacy Dash, demanding an investigation of Cruz's sex life.

The story quoted exactly one person directly: a shill for Trump named Roger Stone.

Trump's own spokesperson was one of the women implicated, and when she denied it, she took the opportunity to throw shade at the other women.

Again, to quote my new hero, Matt Walsh, "this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it."

Congratulations, Donny Boy. The GOPe may now "steal" the nomination and hand it to anyone else they like, including Mickey Mouse or Big Bird, and I won't say one fucking word in your defense. In fact, I'll cheer as I head to the polls to vote for someone who isn't you while you sit and pout.

Donald has also opened Cruz up for a third party run. He isn't going to back Trump if he is the nominee.
Oh no!


Do you seriously not see how it is literally impossible for Donald Trump to unify the party?

I don't think he WANTS to. I think it's impossible to believe he could be this divisive by accident.

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