Cult of the Dead Cow

Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia
They think it's stylish to hate beef.

Actually the post has nothing to do with beef. The OP just upchucked that in there because he's a moron.
The Green New Deal is moronic.
Bet you're on board with it too.

Haven't read it. But again, this thread has zero to do with "green new deals' either.

Uncertainty about what the topic actually is is understandable given, again, the OP's moronic introduction of red herrings to troll his own thread before it even started.

However, if the thread (or any thread) WAS actually about a 'green new deal' chances are its own OP wouldn't be hurling rhetorical torpedoes at it to muddy the waters of what the fuck it was addressing. Aren't they.
Then you're a moron....because dead cows has everything to do with this thread.
The Green New Deal wants to eliminate the source of cattle farts.
So if that's not about dead cows then it's about nothing.


>> Cult of the Dead Cow, also known as cDc or cDc Communications, is a computer hacker and DIY media organization founded in 1984 in Lubbock, Texas.[3][4] <<​

NOTHING on the entire page about "farts". Doesn't have a god damned thing to do with cows. It takes its name from having used a former slaughterhouse for its operations which --- AGAIN ---- had nothing to do with cows OR farts.

Who da "moron" now, beeyatch?
Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers

I’ll taje three of those Cancerburgers, with cheese for every meal before I ever allow my diet to consist exclusively, or nearly so, of fruits and vegetables.

No doubt you will. You have a death wish.

Sometimes it's not a loss.
did you know? Biden is a whole year younger than Bernie. he should run right millenials?
cDc punter and BO

Those guys were fags! Manson was 3x as elite as they were.

Manson had a lot of power. My regular crew was way more powerful than cDc.

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Based on the thread title, I first thought this thread was going to be about encouraging Hillary to run for a 3rd time in 2020.


Right, because eating junk food is so much more important than time with your family and friends.

Eating what I want, and what tastes good to me will always be more important than spending time with other people. If I have to eat healthy to be around those people, then fuck them.

My primary care physician and I will have the same argument on Friday afternoon. He will lose it, as he always does. He’s gonna lose another argument too, butt that’s a different topic.
Based on the thread title, I first thought this thread was going to be about encouraging Hillary to run for a 3rd time in 2020.



Good idea, but libs seem to have enough problems with the cows mentioned.
And you think that doesn't make you a sick person?

Actually, I think it makes me o e of the few truly honest people out there. The rest of you paint ridiculous smiles on your faces and claim to like, or at least tolerate everyone, while secretly disliking most of them.

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