Cultural Marxists have turned Cat Woman bi sexual..

More propaganda from the liberal feminist lesbian culture under the Obama administration.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth
Unless your kids are still very young I am sure they are familiar with the concept of bisexuality. Can't shelter them forever but there is hope for you, with a lot of work maybe you can teach them to irrationally hate alternative lifestyles too.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.
I didn't ask for your biography, no one ever forgives their parents for lying to them about important stuff.
I didn't ask if you asked. I don't sugar coat things for my kids to be politically correct. Be straight up with kids and they will never stray from what they have been taught. I know for a fact kids naturally see the world as it is,its cultural marxists that try to brainwash them into thinking the way they are thinking is wrong and hateful etc. Its why I am so close to my kids and my door is always open,not only do I explain to them how things are,I let them use the internet to research it for themselves. :)
Once again, I didn't ask you for your Bio, I don't care, If you want to raise a litter of racist paranoid assholes that's your business.
Once again I don't give a shit. I am raising proud white kids who will become proud white men and women who don't fall for your cultural marxist bullshit and it pisses you off. Tough. :)
Seems like you live a sheltered life.
Not even close...I am just enlightened by the truth, I live unfortunately in an area I am a minority in. I deal with scum that doesn't belong here every day.
There are men who are sick in this world. It's not the homos, it's you.
The mentally sick and their allies will always attack the normal traditional correct thinking. Cultural Marxism has creeped into the education system as to get them younger and younger as to be able to brainwash them early.
I have hope for your children. They will someday grow up and realize that their father is a scared child, who lets his fears control him, and that what he taught them were lies. Your house will not be a happy one. Nuff said.
The only thing I am scared of/for is the society my children must grow up in that hates them merely because they are white and have pride in where they come from and have no white guilt. I take time to talk to my kids,I make sure they know I am here for them to ask questions about ANYTHING they have a question about. The TV does not raise my kids,Nor does school. Last month we had a conversation about MLK and the lie of black history and all that anti white garbage that's forced on kids today in school...It was mostly me and my 8 year old. She is a very inquisitive child and enjoys learning...Your kind will try to get every child indoctrinated and its probably pretty easy to do with to the kids whose parents work a lot or don't pay attention to them and let the TV raise them...not so with mine. Books,Books,Books...Talk Talk Talk....both me and the wife take very seriously our duties as parents and will not let cultural marxism creep into our home.
I'm sure you must be very proud of your little Hitler Youths, but they will soon discover you are full of Whitey-Pride shit, and be on their way, like the son of this Nazi pond-scum: Murder of Jeff Hall - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You keep dreaming cultural marxist.I know it must piss you off that you can't brainwash all children. Jeff Hall was killed by a troubled child had nothing to do with his beliefs. We also don't have any weapons in the home...just never got around to it. If I remember correctly the kid killed him because he was afraid his parents were going to get a divorce.
You are in for all nine levels of hell when they get to be teenagers,take it from one who knows. Your indoctrination will slide off their backs like it wasn't ever there. Also statistically there is a 50/50 chance one of them is gay or bi but which one???????
Unless your kids are still very young I am sure they are familiar with the concept of bisexuality. Can't shelter them forever but there is hope for you, with a lot of work maybe you can teach them to irrationally hate alternative lifestyles too.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.
I didn't ask for your biography, no one ever forgives their parents for lying to them about important stuff.
I didn't ask if you asked. I don't sugar coat things for my kids to be politically correct. Be straight up with kids and they will never stray from what they have been taught. I know for a fact kids naturally see the world as it is,its cultural marxists that try to brainwash them into thinking the way they are thinking is wrong and hateful etc. Its why I am so close to my kids and my door is always open,not only do I explain to them how things are,I let them use the internet to research it for themselves. :)
Once again, I didn't ask you for your Bio, I don't care, If you want to raise a litter of racist paranoid assholes that's your business.
Once again I don't give a shit. I am raising proud white kids who will become proud white men and women who don't fall for your cultural marxist bullshit and it pisses you off. Tough. :)
Children raised on lies have a way finding that out eventually. So sad for you, when they do.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth
Unless your kids are still very young I am sure they are familiar with the concept of bisexuality. Can't shelter them forever but there is hope for you, with a lot of work maybe you can teach them to irrationally hate alternative lifestyles too.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.
Nothing like lying to your kids. Carry on.
Lying...seems to be all the rage for the RW today.
Not even close...I am just enlightened by the truth, I live unfortunately in an area I am a minority in. I deal with scum that doesn't belong here every day.
The mentally sick and their allies will always attack the normal traditional correct thinking. Cultural Marxism has creeped into the education system as to get them younger and younger as to be able to brainwash them early.
I have hope for your children. They will someday grow up and realize that their father is a scared child, who lets his fears control him, and that what he taught them were lies. Your house will not be a happy one. Nuff said.
The only thing I am scared of/for is the society my children must grow up in that hates them merely because they are white and have pride in where they come from and have no white guilt. I take time to talk to my kids,I make sure they know I am here for them to ask questions about ANYTHING they have a question about. The TV does not raise my kids,Nor does school. Last month we had a conversation about MLK and the lie of black history and all that anti white garbage that's forced on kids today in school...It was mostly me and my 8 year old. She is a very inquisitive child and enjoys learning...Your kind will try to get every child indoctrinated and its probably pretty easy to do with to the kids whose parents work a lot or don't pay attention to them and let the TV raise them...not so with mine. Books,Books,Books...Talk Talk Talk....both me and the wife take very seriously our duties as parents and will not let cultural marxism creep into our home.
I'm sure you must be very proud of your little Hitler Youths, but they will soon discover you are full of Whitey-Pride shit, and be on their way, like the son of this Nazi pond-scum: Murder of Jeff Hall - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You keep dreaming cultural marxist.I know it must piss you off that you can't brainwash all children. Jeff Hall was killed by a troubled child had nothing to do with his beliefs. We also don't have any weapons in the home...just never got around to it. If I remember correctly the kid killed him because he was afraid his parents were going to get a divorce.
You are in for all nine levels of hell when they get to be teenagers,take it from one who knows. Your indoctrination will slide off their backs like it wasn't ever there. Also statistically there is a 50/50 chance one of them is gay or bi but which one???????
I have seen a niece that was treated as a friend by her mother become a wild child I have seen 5 teens including 4 girls be great teens. Worked,graduated going to college to become a lawyer one is...another is into acting etc...all depends on how the child is raised and treated and no I highly doubt any of my kids is a mentally ill homosexual. If they were I would get them the mental health help they needed.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.
I didn't ask for your biography, no one ever forgives their parents for lying to them about important stuff.
I didn't ask if you asked. I don't sugar coat things for my kids to be politically correct. Be straight up with kids and they will never stray from what they have been taught. I know for a fact kids naturally see the world as it is,its cultural marxists that try to brainwash them into thinking the way they are thinking is wrong and hateful etc. Its why I am so close to my kids and my door is always open,not only do I explain to them how things are,I let them use the internet to research it for themselves. :)
Once again, I didn't ask you for your Bio, I don't care, If you want to raise a litter of racist paranoid assholes that's your business.
Once again I don't give a shit. I am raising proud white kids who will become proud white men and women who don't fall for your cultural marxist bullshit and it pisses you off. Tough. :)
Children raised on lies have a way finding that out eventually. So sad for you, when they do.
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
What a lovely picture you paint...
I have hope for your children. They will someday grow up and realize that their father is a scared child, who lets his fears control him, and that what he taught them were lies. Your house will not be a happy one. Nuff said.
The only thing I am scared of/for is the society my children must grow up in that hates them merely because they are white and have pride in where they come from and have no white guilt. I take time to talk to my kids,I make sure they know I am here for them to ask questions about ANYTHING they have a question about. The TV does not raise my kids,Nor does school. Last month we had a conversation about MLK and the lie of black history and all that anti white garbage that's forced on kids today in school...It was mostly me and my 8 year old. She is a very inquisitive child and enjoys learning...Your kind will try to get every child indoctrinated and its probably pretty easy to do with to the kids whose parents work a lot or don't pay attention to them and let the TV raise them...not so with mine. Books,Books,Books...Talk Talk Talk....both me and the wife take very seriously our duties as parents and will not let cultural marxism creep into our home.
I'm sure you must be very proud of your little Hitler Youths, but they will soon discover you are full of Whitey-Pride shit, and be on their way, like the son of this Nazi pond-scum: Murder of Jeff Hall - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You keep dreaming cultural marxist.I know it must piss you off that you can't brainwash all children. Jeff Hall was killed by a troubled child had nothing to do with his beliefs. We also don't have any weapons in the home...just never got around to it. If I remember correctly the kid killed him because he was afraid his parents were going to get a divorce.
You are in for all nine levels of hell when they get to be teenagers,take it from one who knows. Your indoctrination will slide off their backs like it wasn't ever there. Also statistically there is a 50/50 chance one of them is gay or bi but which one???????
I have seen a niece that was treated as a friend by her mother become a wild child I have seen 5 teens including 4 girls be great teens. Worked,graduated going to college to become a lawyer one is...another is into acting etc...all depends on how the child is raised and treated and no I highly doubt any of my kids is a mentally ill homosexual. If they were I would get them the mental health help they needed.
I didn't ask for your biography, no one ever forgives their parents for lying to them about important stuff.
I didn't ask if you asked. I don't sugar coat things for my kids to be politically correct. Be straight up with kids and they will never stray from what they have been taught. I know for a fact kids naturally see the world as it is,its cultural marxists that try to brainwash them into thinking the way they are thinking is wrong and hateful etc. Its why I am so close to my kids and my door is always open,not only do I explain to them how things are,I let them use the internet to research it for themselves. :)
Once again, I didn't ask you for your Bio, I don't care, If you want to raise a litter of racist paranoid assholes that's your business.
Once again I don't give a shit. I am raising proud white kids who will become proud white men and women who don't fall for your cultural marxist bullshit and it pisses you off. Tough. :)
Children raised on lies have a way finding that out eventually. So sad for you, when they do.
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
Bailing on the thread, getting too close to breaking my own rule against personal attacks because you keep foolishly disclosing personal details, you probably need to quit doing that on an open forum and giving people who are not as nice as me ammunition to work with. Have a nice evening.
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
What a lovely picture you paint...

Beautiful. We aren't klansmen though. :)
Can't afford the pointy hoods, or the tithing for gas for the burning cross?

He's dead now, I'm sure you can get a deal on his USED uniform!
One down, four to go, for Odium, and family. Maybe the baby can just wear a diaper, and a hood?
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
What a lovely picture you paint...

Beautiful. We aren't klansmen though. :)
Can't afford the pointy hoods, or the tithing for gas for the burning cross?
We are not christians. Oh and its a cross lighting. As for now being christians we also do not believe in god and all that yer goofy pictures do not bother me in the slightest.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth
Unless your kids are still very young I am sure they are familiar with the concept of bisexuality. Can't shelter them forever but there is hope for you, with a lot of work maybe you can teach them to irrationally hate alternative lifestyles too.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.

When you kids ask you was a douche bag is you have an easy explanation also, just say ," your dad!"
I love watching the cultural marxists here losing their minds because I refuse to brainwash my kids with their filth.
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
What a lovely picture you paint...

Beautiful. We aren't klansmen though. :)
Can't afford the pointy hoods, or the tithing for gas for the burning cross?
We are not christians. Oh and its a cross lighting. As for now being christians we also do not believe in god and all that yer goofy pictures do not bother me in the slightest.
A godless Neo-Nazi where you live? I didn't know that PBS had a Whitey channel? Those people are nice to everyone.

What you do for fun, sneak in and put these on the bumpers of cars at black churches?
Not even close...I am just enlightened by the truth, I live unfortunately in an area I am a minority in. I deal with scum that doesn't belong here every day.
The mentally sick and their allies will always attack the normal traditional correct thinking. Cultural Marxism has creeped into the education system as to get them younger and younger as to be able to brainwash them early.
I have hope for your children. They will someday grow up and realize that their father is a scared child, who lets his fears control him, and that what he taught them were lies. Your house will not be a happy one. Nuff said.
The only thing I am scared of/for is the society my children must grow up in that hates them merely because they are white and have pride in where they come from and have no white guilt. I take time to talk to my kids,I make sure they know I am here for them to ask questions about ANYTHING they have a question about. The TV does not raise my kids,Nor does school. Last month we had a conversation about MLK and the lie of black history and all that anti white garbage that's forced on kids today in school...It was mostly me and my 8 year old. She is a very inquisitive child and enjoys learning...Your kind will try to get every child indoctrinated and its probably pretty easy to do with to the kids whose parents work a lot or don't pay attention to them and let the TV raise them...not so with mine. Books,Books,Books...Talk Talk Talk....both me and the wife take very seriously our duties as parents and will not let cultural marxism creep into our home.
I'm sure you must be very proud of your little Hitler Youths, but they will soon discover you are full of Whitey-Pride shit, and be on their way, like the son of this Nazi pond-scum: Murder of Jeff Hall - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You keep dreaming cultural marxist.I know it must piss you off that you can't brainwash all children. Jeff Hall was killed by a troubled child had nothing to do with his beliefs. We also don't have any weapons in the home...just never got around to it. If I remember correctly the kid killed him because he was afraid his parents were going to get a divorce.
You are in for all nine levels of hell when they get to be teenagers,take it from one who knows. Your indoctrination will slide off their backs like it wasn't ever there. Also statistically there is a 50/50 chance one of them is gay or bi but which one???????
Do you really think that half the population in the world is gay? Most put it at 2%.

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