'Cussin' cops could get ax under proposed legislation

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
A bill that would punish potty-mouthed cops with a pink slip goes before a State House committee today, and it’s already drawing a polite, but firm response from law enforcement.

“Take a model officer, a 10-year veteran. One arrest and he drops an ‘F’ bomb. And we’re going to fire him? I think that’s over the top,” said Everett Police Chief Steven Mazzie, president of the Major City Chiefs. “Police departments wouldn’t tolerate any of that behavior anyway. ... But I think it’s extremely difficult to legislate civility.”

The legislation, dubbed “An Act to prohibit in*appropriate language use by sworn law officers,” is a proposal by state Rep. Benjamin Swan (D-Springfield) that makes the use of “name-calling” or profanity by cops in the line of duty “grounds for dismissal.”

“These folks, they’re public servants. It’s unprofessional and beneath the dignity of any public servant to use that language toward the people they’re representing,” said state Rep. Paul Heroux (D-Attleboro), one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “I think this bill is reinforcing good police practice.”

Wayne Sampson, executive director of Massachusetts Chiefs of Police, said the “radical” legislation is broadly written, with no exceptions, even for undercover cops.

“Certainly we can’t have them speaking proper English at all times while working with gangs,” Sampson said. “We feel this is very aggressive remedy for a situation that may not be as severe as projected here.”

Cussin' cops could get ax under proposed legislation | Boston Herald
I live in the Boston area and it's all over the news.

This is ultra liberal lefty loon land so it doesn't surprise me. . :cuckoo:
I live in the Boston area and it's all over the news.

This is ultra liberal lefty loon land so it doesn't surprise me. . :cuckoo:

I'm aware. I grew up in Charlestown, but it's still stupid, even for Boston.
So if a cop gets shot and says shit that hurt, he's fired?
Yea, we wouldn't want to offend the virgin ears of the drug dealers and rapists while they are being arrested and handcuffed.

It would be inhumane......... :cuckoo:
I'm not a police officer, but I must admit that the last time I was subject to criminal activity against my person I used foul language. I don't hold officers of the law to a different standard in that aspect.
I live in the Boston area and it's all over the news.

This is ultra liberal lefty loon land so it doesn't surprise me. . :cuckoo:

I'm aware. I grew up in Charlestown, but it's still stupid, even for Boston.
I came up here from Texas 6 years ago........yea, it's like living on another planet.

And don't even get me started about "The People's Republic of Cambridge"...... :lol:
I bet the lawyers in Boston are salivating over all of the lawsuits this anti cop cussing legislation will generate. . :cool:
Now is "crap" dirty or is it "shit"? I can see the #@*% coming: The judiciary will mandate that unabridged dictionaries must be revised. CYA is king. :dance:
Profane language is constitutionally acceptable, obscene is not, therefore, if would behoove cops to stop acting like pigs. Firing? A little harsh, but let's definitely make it against the rules.
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Well they shouldn't blubber when they get an ear full then,but swear at a cop, and see what happens.
Well they shouldn't blubber when they get an ear full then,but swear at a cop, and see what happens.

You'll be in contempt of cop and anything can happen. Usually, it doesn't end well.

I used to flip off every cop I'd meet on the street but I don't do it anymore because they're fucking insane.
I used to flip off every cop I'd meet on the street but I don't do it anymore because they're fucking insane.
You flipped them off and they're fucking insane? :lol:

Well might be both the cops and RC,but our police are not what we need nor should want or used to have the war on drugs have given us little paramilitaries,with sanctioned hair triggers. wonder what the % of police have shaved heads?

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