Customer sues Wal-Mart for $1 million for racist intercom prank


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
An African American shopper who says he suffers emotional distress and mental afflictions caused by a racist intercom announcement he heard two years ago at a Wal-Mart store in Washington Township, Gloucester County, is suing the retail giant for $1 million.

Donnell Battie, 35, of Winslow Township, was in the crowded store on Route 42 the evening of March 14, 2010, when a male voice said over the loudspeaker: “Attention Wal-Mart customers, all black people must leave the store.”

Battie has suffered “severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm, resulting in depression, anxiety, anger, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia,” and other conditions, according to the lawsuit, filed this month in U.S. District Court in Camden.

Customer sues Wal-Mart for $1 million for racist intercom prank

It was SO serious, that the teenage prankster was "sentenced" to write a letter of apology. :eek:


A very small out of court settlement as that will probably be cheaper than the cost of the trial WALMART would win.
Well, if this doesn't come through for him there's always the lottery. :cool:
I read a number of comments on the linked article, and most (if not all) believe this should be thrown out. Someone even asked if businesses would then be liable for racist comments made without the intercom. That could open up a whole new industry of race baiters.
Years ago I cajoled a good-natured W.M. employee to announce Mrs. H.'s birthday over the intercom. It was a hoot.
An African American shopper who says he suffers emotional distress and mental afflictions caused by a racist intercom announcement he heard two years ago at a Wal-Mart store in Washington Township, Gloucester County, is suing the retail giant for $1 million.

Donnell Battie, 35, of Winslow Township, was in the crowded store on Route 42 the evening of March 14, 2010, when a male voice said over the loudspeaker: “Attention Wal-Mart customers, all black people must leave the store.”

Battie has suffered “severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm, resulting in depression, anxiety, anger, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia,” and other conditions, according to the lawsuit, filed this month in U.S. District Court in Camden.

Customer sues Wal-Mart for $1 million for racist intercom prank

It was SO serious, that the teenage prankster was "sentenced" to write a letter of apology. :eek:


Thank you for posting this...I was about to.

My take is that it spotlights the stupidity of political correctness.
Clearly this individual has no damages from the event ( "Battie alleges that the announcement caused him to suffer depression, anxiety, anger, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia and to suffer from anti-social tendencies").

...and the perp in question has been charged with some sort of crime...."a 16-year-old boy was arrested on harassment and bias intimidation charges"....should have been whatever the charges are for entering one of those 'employees only' areas....

I do not believe that there are 'hate crimes,' only 'crimes.'

I do not believe that lack of civility should engender any more than a scolding....and that applies to the use of certain 'banned' words.

We are strong people, not fragile, and only 'sticks and stones break our bones.'

Grow up, Americans.
Holy shit. 50 years ago, I called a black kid that hung out with our gang of neighborhood loaf-abouts, a ******. Wonder if he will sue me when he get ready to retire?
Holy shit. 50 years ago, I called a black kid that hung out with our gang of neighborhood loaf-abouts, a ******. Wonder if he will sue me when he get ready to retire?

Of course not,'re the Big BLACK dog!!!

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