Cyber attack fears as multiple cities hit with simultaneous power grid failures shockwaves of delays


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Total Chaos: Cyber Attack Fears As MULTIPLE CITIES HIT With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures: Shockwave Of Delays In San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York

The U.S. power grid appears to have been hit with multiple power outages affecting San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles.

Officials report that business, traffic and day-to-day life has come to a standstill in San Francisco, reportedly the worst hit of the three major cities currently experiencing outages.

Power companies in all three regions have yet to elaborate on the cause, though a fire at a substation was the original reason given by San Francisco officials.

A series of subsequent power outages in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City left commuters stranded and traffic backed up on Friday morning. Although the outages occurred around the same time, there is as of yet no evidence that they were connected by anything more than coincidence.


Oh AND THE loons who were on the loose today wouldn't know the first thing about staying alive if this situation occurred. When idiots in society exist like they do on here you can bet those same lunatics couldn't make it a week in a grid down scenarios. Most of them live in such a fantasy world they seem to think this Country could never lose it's grid. Goes to show how uninformed they really are. They will be in for a real rude awakening when it does occur.


Power Outages Coincide in LA, New York, and San Francisco | Inverse
Power Outages Coincide in LA, New York, and San Francisco
Commuters' trips to work got a lot longer.


It is for this reason that we have long encouraged Americans to prepare for this potentially devastating scenario by considering emergency food reserves, clean water reserves and even home defense strategies in the event of a widespread outage.

The majority of Americans have about 3 days worth of food in their pantry.

Imagine for a moment what Day 4 might look like in any major city that goes dark.

This exclusive clip from American Blackout shows what an extended outage might look like:

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Oh AND THE loons who were on the loose today wouldn't know the first thing about staying alive if this situation occurred.
Welcome back to another edition of the MindWars Doom-Tracker, where we keep up to date of all the ways Mindwars reminds us of impending trouble. I believe this one has bonus hilarity with MindWars implying personally possessing some expertise that allows scoffing at others for not knowing how to stay alive in this situation... I'm a wee bit skeptical that someone who starts a dozen threads a day gets out of their Mom's basement often, much less has some sort of survival training.

So we now stand at:

1. Flu pandemic
2. Financial collapse
3. War with Korea
4. Artificial intelligence run amok
5. Mass extinctions
6. Heavily armed Muslims in the US
7. Russian Bombers
8. Wild fires out of control with some secret reason they started
9. Nuclear war wipes out everyone
10. Massive power outage with boilerplate FEMA reference
11. FEMA Operation Gotham false flag
12. Cell phones causing brain cancer
13. Coronal hole from giant fissure on the sun
14. Popocatépetl volcano
15. Facial recognition not really for illegals
16. Cyber attack on power grid
Oh AND THE loons who were on the loose today wouldn't know the first thing about staying alive if this situation occurred.
Welcome back to another edition of the MindWars Doom-Tracker, where we keep up to date of all the ways Mindwars reminds us of impending trouble. I believe this one has bonus hilarity with MindWars implying personally possessing some expertise that allows scoffing at others for not knowing how to stay alive in this situation... I'm a wee bit skeptical that someone who starts a dozen threads a day gets out of their Mom's basement often, much less has some sort of survival training.

So we now stand at:

1. Flu pandemic
2. Financial collapse
3. War with Korea
4. Artificial intelligence run amok
5. Mass extinctions
6. Heavily armed Muslims in the US
7. Russian Bombers
8. Wild fires out of control with some secret reason they started
9. Nuclear war wipes out everyone
10. Massive power outage with boilerplate FEMA reference
11. FEMA Operation Gotham false flag
12. Cell phones causing brain cancer
13. Coronal hole from giant fissure on the sun
14. Popocatépetl volcano
15. Facial recognition not really for illegals
16. Cyber attack on power grid
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Dude, these zombie freaks don't believe anything lmfao. I can go take a screen shot of the power going out , and that NORSE site that is a gawd damn GOV. used Virus/grid attack map and these dumb fks are beyond fkn retarded they still won't believe that either.

Thanks Dale, Hugs..
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Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Can you imagine these jokes in a grid down though. Those who think it's all a joke now are the same ones who will be swimming like a fish out of the water. They couldn't even plant a gawd dam tomato right lol.


RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Can you imagine these jokes in a grid down though. Those who think it's all a joke now are the same ones who will be swimming like a fish out of the water. They couldn't even plant a gawd dam tomato right lol.

View attachment 122737

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

Yep, people have become so domesticated and they have grown so accustomed to having fully stocked markets that they have never given a thought as to what would happen if the grid went down and technology wise, they have done nothing to upgrade them or even protect them against an EMP attack.
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Can you imagine these jokes in a grid down though. Those who think it's all a joke now are the same ones who will be swimming like a fish out of the water. They couldn't even plant a gawd dam tomato right lol.

View attachment 122737

RSOE EDIS - - Event reports (Earthquakes, events, tropical storms, tsunamies and others)

Yep, people have become so domesticated and they have grown so accustomed to having fully stocked markets that they have never given a thought as to what would happen if the grid went down and technology wise, they have done nothing to upgrade them or even protect them against an EMP attack.

I think the non critical forget we would lose everything we are use to. They can't get that. or they think the almighty Government would swoop in and fix it all in just a few hours. As you and I know if it were an EMP attack, or a virus attack on the power grid that chit ain't coming back up in a few hours.

They can't even connect the fact that when multiple cities have been having a power outage they believe hte bs MSM reports it as being lol Never mind another Country is attacking our power grid.
There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true.
So I guess I'll keep on waiting for Obama's third term, something guaranteed by MindWars along with a nuke at the inauguration.

Being ever vigilant can prevent certain things from happening. No one really knows just how embedded operatives of the Deep State are in the State department and the alphabet agencies but I bet it's worse than we could possibly imagine.
Cute circle jerk but come on you tools don't know shit and wouldn't be in any better position than anyone else.

All you're doing is accommodating each others' self-esteem issues.
why haven't the power companies prepared for it? Is this a tax payer responsibility through infrastructure expense?
oh gawd dale, you actually think it's our own people doing this to us???
oh gawd dale, you actually think it's our own people doing this to us???

If people realized just what this Government is capable of doing they sure in the hell could do it.
That doesn't mean those in power know it is nec. taking place.
That is why it is termed " Deep state" or shadow Gov".

It is a way to gain control of the population for well many situations and or for mean reasons.
It's been this way for decades. It's just this generation just happens to really be picking up on it and catching all the lies thanks to the internet.

You should look into how dirty and deep " DARPA" runs....................
Follow the money............................ Harry Reid, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Soros, Gates they all fall into the same pot.
oh gawd dale, you actually think it's our own people doing this to us???

No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists – we are now threatened from within – by a group of intelligent, well-dressed globalists who are convincing America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of a … “New World Order.”

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