Cyclonus-Vader: Dystopia for Kids


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Cyclonus is the wolfish first knight robot of the evil Decepticon robots from the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers (Hasbro).

Darth Vader is the ruthless betraying Jedi Anakin Skywalker who joins the evil Sith empire before seeking ultimate redemption in the values-rich space-opera franchise Star Wars (George Lucas).

Cyclonus represents the general presence of evil, while Darth Vader represents the general undesirability of evil.

We can therefore use these two 'pop-culture' folk-mythos avatars (marketed in youth-targeted entertainment) to understand how our society conveys values/ideas regarding leadership and corruption to kids (our future leaders).

We don't want youngsters to think that our Starbucks-drenched consumerism-obsessed 'TrumpUSA' does not value traditional storytelling and ethics, so we might do well to use pop-culture avatars to teach youngsters about the 'process of learning' about ethics in a 'progressive society.'


CYCLONUS: Do you like NASA?
VADER: I don't trust anything that does not clarify its position on profit.
CYCLONUS: I suppose NASA is a commercial enterprise (like NATO or the European Union).
VADER: In the age of Wall Street and NASDAQ, it really is (remember Reagan's Star Wars?).
CYCLONUS: You serve the Sith, so what do you care about American history?
VADER: I care about the patterns in wealthy civilizations such as America. Why do you care (you're a robot!)?
CYCLONUS: As a Decepticon robot, I care about how society valuates science and space-travel...
VADER: Do you like modern-day cities in America?
CYCLONUS: I'm intrigued by how commerce-heavy U.S. cities (e.g., LA, NY, etc.) symbolize transit.
VADER: Boston, Massachusetts has more schools/colleges per capita than any other city (in history!).
CYCLONUS: That's why Americans cheer Boston sports teams (i.e., Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics).
VADER: New York and Los Angeles have two teams each in every sport (NHL, MLB, NFL).
CYCLONUS: Commerce creates prestige...
VADER: That's because mercantilism is often equated with trust.
CYCLONUS: The American President (Donald Trump) was the former owner of a casino (Trump Taj Mahal).
VADER: Trump Taj Mahal was modelled after the Taj Mahal ancient-world building in India.
CYCLONUS: Well, Trump's casino suggests Americans want a financier to lead the nation.
VADER: Why not? Commerce and globalization create all kinds of cultural exchange (e.g., Facebook!).
CYCLONUS: Profiteerism breeds piracy which is tempting to any sentient being...
VADER: Piracy desires must be tempered with a meditation on sexually-transmitted diseases (e.g., AIDS)...




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