D-Day actual film footage. On this day.

oh really. If they don't know anything about July 4, independence day why would they know anything later. Schools don't teach that. all the schools do is to drum it in their head that they are either the oppressed or the oppresser.


Which would bring me to this. Look how little the youth know about history once they are removed a generation or two...or three...which makes it ENTIRELY conceivable that this IS a young earth.
Amareka was built off of slaaverry. The war for independence was in 1967 and we fought france. LOLOL WHAT a bunch of dunces!! It was called the Industrial Revolushun. Listen to the 'teacher' at the end of the video...she admits she doesn't teacht them history....she teaches them that this is a racist country. How to protest, about BLM. She should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail...problem is...the school is full of these asholes.
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