D-Day Disgrace


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Running against former President Bush's image, the Obama campaign promised that his election would restore America's image in the world.

Now, this:

1." 'America cannot do a damn thing': Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei taunts President Obama claiming he doesn't have the guts for a military attack.

2. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has taunted President Barack Obama, claiming that the U.S. no longer has the guts for battle.

3. ....Ayatollah Ruhollah Khamenei, the 74-year-old Shiite Muslim cleric proclaimed that 'military attack is not a priority for Americans now.'
He stood on a podium amid banners boasting 'America Cannot Do a Damn Thing' as he reacted to a speech President Obama gave to West Point last week.

4. ...Khamenei, second from left, called President Obama a chicken in a speech during a ceremony....

5. The gibe comes as President Obama is being critisised for negotiating with Taliban to swap five hardened terrorists for suspected deserter...

6. ....the supreme leader launched another verbal attack on America, claiming his country's struggle will only end when it defeats U.S.-led oppression.....'Battle and jihad are endless....

7. Enriched uranium provides fuel for nuclear generating stations but it is also, if refined to a high level, the key ingredient for atomic bombs.

8. ....Iran's declared civilian nuclear energy programme is a facade for seeking a weapons capability. Iran denies this but it has a history of hiding activity from U.N. nuclear inspectors."
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claims Obama doesn't have the guts for a military attack | Mail Online

Just one more successful conclusion in Obama's panorama of foreign policy struggles.

This is what happens when you choose a community organizer for President.
All things are connected.

Ronnie's policies made America stronger.

Obama's make America weaker. But he does get 10 Points for keeping his promise to Transform America. It's just a shame that the MSM never inquired into exactly what that Transformation would mean during the 2008 election cycle.
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Well Iran is just like North Korea, nothing but weak nations run by despots...Who talk trash and dare people to do something about it. But as I taught my kids, just ignore them...they are just looking for attention....
Oh, go harsh another thread, Evul Twin.
Well Iran is just like North Korea, nothing but weak nations run by despots...Who talk trash and dare people to do something about it. But as I taught my kids, just ignore them...they are just looking for attention....

"..they are just looking for attention...."

When I was a little kid, I....no, wait- I still do that.
Reagan Rule 1: The United States should not commit its forces to military actions overseas unless the cause is vital to our national interest.

Do you really wish to argue that a President Reagan would launch an attack against Iran today?
What does this have to do with D-Day?
On the day we acknowledge the heroes of Normandy, Iran's leaders tell the world how soft America has become.

See the juxtaposition now?

They said that stuff two days ago. D-day is today.

No relation.


Yep. And there was a topic about it, too. PoliticalChicken is a day late and a dollar short.

Hey, man. They called you a chicken. You going to let them get away that? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Some bozo calls us chicken for internal consumption, and chickenhawks like PoliticalChic think we should go to war over it.


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