D-Day Disgrace

The name of the thread is self fulfilling.

What a disgrace. On D-Day no less.

One should expect our enemies to engage in hostile rhetoric towards us as a country but I never thought I'd see the day when so many ditto-heads would cheerfully agree with, wait what? Oh several parts of the article are not translations but misrepresentations of what they guy actually said.

Ho-hum. Typical pseudo-con manipulation.

Hey...Obama! Buk-buk-buk-buk!


You gonna let him get away with that? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?


What did I tell you?
Khamenei is being a classic troll, and folks like PoliticalChic took the bait.

Khamenei knows we have no intention of going to war with Iran at this time. There is insufficient reason for us to do so. That does not mean we are unable or too "chicken" to do so. We just don't have cause to do so.

So Khamenei knows he can safely taunt us. He does this for internal consumption to make himself look like a badass to PoliticalChic's gullible counterparts inside Iran.
As I recall it was Reagan who Cut & Ran from the Middle East after 200+ Marines were killed in the Beirut bombing attack.

Agreed, being in Lebanon was a mistake. It was nice having a President who learned from his mistakes instead of repeating them like Obama does.

He didn't learn from his mistakes. The commander of the Marines in Lebanon wrote a great book about how Reagan's failure to respond with retribution led to further terrorist attacks which morphed into modern day terrorism of today. The book is called PEACEKEEPERS AT WAR: BEIRUT 1983 by Col Timothy J. Geraghty.
That failure to respond and further failures to respond or his weak responses after other terrorist attacks led to the Qadaffy Libya Christmas present known today as Lockerbie.

What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.
The only disgrace is the brain dead, ignorant hater dupes who don't know what loyal opposition, truth, facts, compromise, history, tolerance, or intelligence even mean. Reagan was a disaster for the USA and the world in every possible way, like the idiot Boooosh- we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his demented, ugly American bluster. Bring back intelligent economics and the fairness doctrine. see sig.
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ha ha :p

Bitburg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Former Army S/Sgt. Jim Hively mailed his World War II decorations, including a Silver Star and a Bronze Star, to Reagan in protest. The Ramones recorded the song "My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)," which alludes to Bedtime for Bonzo, a movie from Reagan's film career that co-starred a chimpanzee, and Frank Zappa recorded "Reagan At Bitburg". Robyn Hitchcock's song "The President" from his album Element of Light also makes reference to the incident.
Reagan Rule 1: The United States should not commit its forces to military actions overseas unless the cause is vital to our national interest.

Do you really wish to argue that a President Reagan would launch an attack against Iran today?

Don't know for sure but I bet Iran wouldn't talk so tough.
The only disgrace is the brain dead, ignorant hater dupes who don't know what loyal opposition, truth, facts, compromise, history, tolerance, or intelligence even mean. Reagan was a disaster for the USA and the world in every possible way, like the idiot Boooosh- we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his demented, ugly American bluster. Bring back intelligent economics and the fairness doctrine. see sig.

The above post is a perfect example of what a "hater dupe" really is. You preach hate in every post, you hate everyone who does not bow down and kiss obama's ass. You attempt to rewrite history to suit your foolish marxist collectivist ideas.

your nose is so far up obama's ass you will never get it out. You are unworthy of any further response--------welcome to the ignore list.
Agreed, being in Lebanon was a mistake. It was nice having a President who learned from his mistakes instead of repeating them like Obama does.

He didn't learn from his mistakes. The commander of the Marines in Lebanon wrote a great book about how Reagan's failure to respond with retribution led to further terrorist attacks which morphed into modern day terrorism of today. The book is called PEACEKEEPERS AT WAR: BEIRUT 1983 by Col Timothy J. Geraghty.
That failure to respond and further failures to respond or his weak responses after other terrorist attacks led to the Qadaffy Libya Christmas present known today as Lockerbie.

What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.

His weak response to the Disco bombing was worse than a token response. The air strike managed to bomb a Qadafi home and killed his infant daughter. He vowed to the Arab world he would have his revenge and Ronnie ignored the threat. You don't really want a list of all the terrorist attacks made against the US under Reagan, do you.
As long as PC and The Rabbi and 007 and Bripat and the rest post openly without shame, the world will reject them and America.

Gosh darn it fake you will twist any truth into a lie. Foreign policy is all the President.
He didn't learn from his mistakes. The commander of the Marines in Lebanon wrote a great book about how Reagan's failure to respond with retribution led to further terrorist attacks which morphed into modern day terrorism of today. The book is called PEACEKEEPERS AT WAR: BEIRUT 1983 by Col Timothy J. Geraghty.
That failure to respond and further failures to respond or his weak responses after other terrorist attacks led to the Qadaffy Libya Christmas present known today as Lockerbie.

What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.

His weak response to the Disco bombing was worse than a token response. The air strike managed to bomb a Qadafi home and killed his infant daughter. He vowed to the Arab world he would have his revenge and Ronnie ignored the threat. You don't really want a list of all the terrorist attacks made against the US under Reagan, do you.

Qadafi gave up his nuclear weapons program right after that attack. Qadafi was killed by his own people and now Libya is controlled by the muslim brotherhood.

No one has ever said that Reagan was perfect------------But he was 10000% better than the fool currently sleeping in the whitehouse.
The only disgrace is the brain dead, ignorant hater dupes who don't know what loyal opposition, truth, facts, compromise, history, tolerance, or intelligence even mean. Reagan was a disaster for the USA and the world in every possible way, like the idiot Boooosh- we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his demented, ugly American bluster. Bring back intelligent economics and the fairness doctrine. see sig.

The above post is a perfect example of what a "hater dupe" really is. You preach hate in every post, you hate everyone who does not bow down and kiss obama's ass. You attempt to rewrite history to suit your foolish marxist collectivist ideas.

your nose is so far up obama's ass you will never get it out. You are unworthy of any further response--------welcome to the ignore list.

TYVM- You only bring down the tone of the conversation anyway. Run away lol.

Most of my friends out here in cow country NY are hater dupes, they're just not loudmouth Fox/Rush/Beck etcbots. Great people- just don't talk politics, race or religion- they're clueless. Our media sucks...Buh-bye! Sorry you can't handle the truth.:eusa_whistle:
Did you run for President 'tard? Then have a steaming hot mug of STFU. :thup:

Wow. The liberals are REALLY desperate to prevent people from talking about Obama's transgressions and lawbreaking.

Now the only people they allow to speak, are those who have been Presidential candidates themselves???
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What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.

His weak response to the Disco bombing was worse than a token response. The air strike managed to bomb a Qadafi home and killed his infant daughter. He vowed to the Arab world he would have his revenge and Ronnie ignored the threat. You don't really want a list of all the terrorist attacks made against the US under Reagan, do you.

Qadafi gave up his nuclear weapons program right after that attack. Qadafi was killed by his own people and now Libya is controlled by the muslim brotherhood.

No one has ever said that Reagan was perfect------------But he was 10000% better than the fool currently sleeping in the whitehouse.

Your "facts" are all BS lol... From Wiki...:

The 2001 September 11 attacks in the United States were prudently denounced by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.[8] Following the U.S. military response in the Afghanistan war theater, Gaddafi increasingly desired to normalize foreign relations with the United States, initially focusing on uplifting and termination of U.S. sanctions on Libya. On 19 December 2003, Gaddafi made a surprise announcement about his intentions to dismantle Libya's WMDs program.[9] Following the announcement, Libya agreed to destruct all of its chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons stockpiles.[10] The Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials were quoted" Libya had bought nuclear components from various black market dealers", and provided the various designs of centrifuges to U.S. officials and gave the name of its suppliers.
Did you run for President 'tard? Then have a steaming hot mug of STFU. :thup:

Wow. The liberals are REALLY desperate to prevent people from talking about Obama's transgressions and lawbreaking.

Now the only people they allow to speak, are those who have been Presidential candidates themselves???

Yes, even though they won't admit it to themselves, they know deep down inside that obama has destroyed their party and their liberal ideas for the next 50 or 60 years.

But like good little libtards, they must continue the denigration of anyone who speaks the truth about their failed messiah.

the are pitiful little creatures. :D

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