D-Day Disgrace

Truthfully do you think that in today's environment we could pull off D-Day?

I believe it might be possible.

But only after all the environmental impact statements have been compiled and approved.

And then only after all the EIS's are ruled incomplete by The Ninth Circus Court.

And then after they are all redone after five years of study.

And then after the Ninth Circus reviews the new report and rejects it.

And then after it's finally appealed to The U.S. Supreme Court if the new owners of the former United States allows there to be such a thing.

Yes, under those circumstances, not entirely impossible.
Agreed, being in Lebanon was a mistake. It was nice having a President who learned from his mistakes instead of repeating them like Obama does.

He didn't learn from his mistakes. The commander of the Marines in Lebanon wrote a great book about how Reagan's failure to respond with retribution led to further terrorist attacks which morphed into modern day terrorism of today. The book is called PEACEKEEPERS AT WAR: BEIRUT 1983 by Col Timothy J. Geraghty.
That failure to respond and further failures to respond or his weak responses after other terrorist attacks led to the Qadaffy Libya Christmas present known today as Lockerbie.

What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.

Here is a good one and is an impeccable source.

Robert Dean Stethem, SW2, United States Navy
Ignore Franco? nah.....it's comedy gold...


True to a point. But the predictability of his senile frothing gets tedious. More a source of pity than humor.

Besides, so many people quote the angry old geezer, having him on ignore only dilutes his fumes by a third.
Reagan Rule 1: The United States should not commit its forces to military actions overseas unless the cause is vital to our national interest.

Do you really wish to argue that a President Reagan would launch an attack against Iran today?

As I recall it was Reagan who Cut & Ran from the Middle East after 200+ Marines were killed in the Beirut bombing attack.

But did he fart or, God forbid, laugh while touring the Berlin Wall? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Must you people excuse Dear Leader of everything? You lose all credibility because of that.
As I recall it was Reagan who Cut & Ran from the Middle East after 200+ Marines were killed in the Beirut bombing attack.

But did he fart or, God forbid, laugh while touring the Berlin Wall? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Must you people excuse Dear Leader of everything? You lose all credibility because of that.

Much of which He is accused is on the mark. Much for which he is excused by the loyal left is inexcusable.

A man not worthy to carry the knapsacks will stand at Omaha Beach on D-Day Anniv.~ Allen West
Junior Bush's bellicose bluster didn't inspire Saddam Hussein to tone it down now did it?

Nor did his 'axis of evil' blather.

Bush did inspire Gaddafi to stop all weapons development and give the UN full access to all sites.

By negotiating with the terrorist Gaddafi? Hmmm...

No he didn't negotiate. After Saddam was hanged Gaddafi thought better of his actions. He just never thought the US would betray him. After Mubarak got a US knife in his back too all bets were off.
I thought the biggest D-day disgrace was the fact they overloaded the first wave of guys with a zillion pounds of kit, and treated them ALL like sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Maybe they deserved to be treated better than that.
Bush did inspire Gaddafi to stop all weapons development and give the UN full access to all sites.

By negotiating with the terrorist Gaddafi? Hmmm...

No he didn't negotiate. After Saddam was hanged Gaddafi thought better of his actions. He just never thought the US would betray him. After Mubarak got a US knife in his back too all bets were off.

The entire Libya timeline is at the link below. The most relevant part is here:

"Early March 2003: Libyan intelligence officials approach British intelligence officials and offer to enter negotiations regarding the elimination of Libya’s WMD programs. The subsequent negotiations, which include U.S. officials, are kept secret.

Former National Security Council official Flynt Leverett later writes in a January 23, 2004 New York Times article that Washington offers an “explicit quid pro quo” to Tripoli regarding its WMD programs. U.S. officials indicate that the United States will remove its sanctions on Libya if the latter verifiably dismantles these programs, according to Leverett.

The meeting occurs prior to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq later that month.

I thought the biggest D-day disgrace was the fact they overloaded the first wave of guys with a zillion pounds of kit, and treated them ALL like sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. Maybe they deserved to be treated better than that.

If you read Eisenhower's or Churchill's memoirs, you'd change your opinion real quick. No Western political or military leader ever thought of or treated the fighting men as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. They agonized over the slaughter their plans would bring. The revisionist view is that these leaders knew precisely the outcome of their plans. In reality, they planned as best they could for over two years with sketchy, many times incomplete and many times downright false information. On this day 70 years ago, the issue was in doubt.

Very unlike the disgrace of Obama, Eisenhower was willing to accept complete responsibility if the invasion failed. Something Obama would blame on others. Eisenhower drafted an announcement to be broadcast in case of failure. Not even the most ardent lefty in the world would agree that in the same situation Obama would do such a thing. That Obama was even there on that hallowed ground was a disgrace to the brave men who died there.

--Publicly, Eisenhower radiated confidence about the liberation of Europe. But privately, he was deeply worried that the Germans would push the invaders back into the sea. After all, the Allies could initially propel only five divisions by sea and three divisions by air against an area held by 58 German divisions. If the Allies had been defeated, Eisenhower planned to issue a statement:

Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops, the air, and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.

Doomsday Speeches: If D-Day and the Moon Landing Had Failed - Dominic Tierney - The Atlantic
95% of the first wave of Americans on Utah beach died, Overloaded like turtles. They couldn't run or hide or even entrench themselves. As an American, I am really amazed at that. I understand rifleman were the sacrificial lambs to this mightily endeavor, but couldn't they have thought this strategy out a little better?
What does this have to do with D-Day?

On the day we acknowledge the heroes of Normandy, Iran's leaders tell the world how soft America has become.

See the juxtaposition now?

No, what I see is a bitter old bitch dishonoring the memory of the great men and women that enabled the beginning of the end of the Nazis.

Everybody was saying how soft the British youth had become before WW2, with their dislike of militarism. Yet, when the chips were down, they held off the Nazis in the Battle of Britain. The young people in see at the university are of the same cloth. It is you bitter old hags that are weak and inneffectual, and accuse everyone else of being the same as you.
95% of the first wave of Americans on Utah beach died, Overloaded like turtles. They couldn't run or hide or even entrench themselves. As an American, I am really amazed at that. I understand rifleman were the sacrificial lambs to this mightily endeavor, but couldn't they have thought this strategy out a little better?
Screwed up the bombing, tank landing. Snafu.
95% of the first wave of Americans on Utah beach died, Overloaded like turtles. They couldn't run or hide or even entrench themselves. As an American, I am really amazed at that. I understand rifleman were the sacrificial lambs to this mightily endeavor, but couldn't they have thought this strategy out a little better?


Of course they could if they had 20/20 hindsight. And you shouldn't be amazed at false information. Utah Beach casualties were light. You might be thinking about Omaha Beach where casualties were heavy but nowhere close to 95%. And our attacking infantry weren't sacrificial lambs. They were trained, aggressive killers Hell bent on killing NAZIs which they did wholesale.

73,000 American troops landed at Normandy on D-day. 1,465 of those Americans were killed.
LINK: D-Day in numbers: The remarkable statistics behind the largest seaborne invasion in history - ITV News

"The breakdown of US casualties was 1,465 dead, 3,184 wounded, 1,928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2,499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2,000 casualties at Omaha Beach."
LINK: D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery

The answer to your question is easily available. You'll find the answer to your question and much more in many books on the subject of D-Day. I get the impression you heard about how the airborne troops were severely overloaded which is true and you may be transferring that bit of history to the amphibious landing troops. (Or perhaps you watched the first 20 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" and innocently assumed it represented all 5 beach landings).

Stephen Ambrose's "D-Day" is a very good read. The follow-on book, "Citizen Soldier" is available if you finish "D-Day" and want more. The author also worked for Eisenhower after he left office as president so he had a special insight into The Supreme Allied Commander's thinking. Unfortunately, Ambrose lost a great deal of his reputation by being sloppy in managing his writing staff. He overlooked proper credits in one of his last books and was charged with plagiarism. The case got ugly and when he died shortly after, more academics piled on being he was no longer here to defend himself. His name has been sullied.

Regardless, his knowledge and scholarship on WW II and D-Day are tops. Better yet, he's a great story teller. While reading the book, your questions will be answered and the answers will frustrate you. You'll have many "Are you blind!!" moments while reading about the build up and planning of D-Day--all because you know how it ends. If you're not a reader, the book(s) are available on audio. It's a spellbinding true story that will make you proud to be an American as it seems you already are.

If you think overloaded troops was a bad planning error, read these books. You'll have plenty more to be amazed at. Don't even get me started about the assault glider operations.:banghead: I'm just pointing out the mistakes weren't made out of callousness or neglect. The thousands of planners did the best with what they knew and with the technology at hand. Many things on D-Day were tried for the very first time. Not all could be expected to work under the horrific chaos of battle.

MaryL, I appreciate the compassion you have for our troops past and present as expressed in your posts. Thank you.


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His weak response to the Disco bombing was worse than a token response. The air strike managed to bomb a Qadafi home and killed his infant daughter. He vowed to the Arab world he would have his revenge and Ronnie ignored the threat. You don't really want a list of all the terrorist attacks made against the US under Reagan, do you.

Qadafi gave up his nuclear weapons program right after that attack. Qadafi was killed by his own people and now Libya is controlled by the muslim brotherhood.

No one has ever said that Reagan was perfect------------But he was 10000% better than the fool currently sleeping in the whitehouse.

Qadafi didn't give up his WMD programs after Reagan's weak ass response. He increased it, and increased his support for further terrorist attacks. He even took out another passenger jet, UTA 772, French, so we won't count that one.

Quadafi didn't quit his nuke program until 2003 and 2004. If you have a link showing how Reagan's bombing forced him to stop his program show us some evidence. Even a comic book link would give you a tiny shred of cred, but I happen to know for certain you can't even find a comic book.

Gaddafi giving up his we'd had nothing to do with Reagan. It was George Bush invading Iraq that did that. It took Hussein's body swinging from a gallows.

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