D-Day Disgrace

Qadafi gave up his nuclear weapons program right after that attack. Qadafi was killed by his own people and now Libya is controlled by the muslim brotherhood.

No one has ever said that Reagan was perfect------------But he was 10000% better than the fool currently sleeping in the whitehouse.

Qadafi didn't give up his WMD programs after Reagan's weak ass response. He increased it, and increased his support for further terrorist attacks. He even took out another passenger jet, UTA 772, French, so we won't count that one.

Quadafi didn't quit his nuke program until 2003 and 2004. If you have a link showing how Reagan's bombing forced him to stop his program show us some evidence. Even a comic book link would give you a tiny shred of cred, but I happen to know for certain you can't even find a comic book.

Gaddafi giving up his we'd had nothing to do with Reagan. It was George Bush invading Iraq that did that. It took Hussein's body swinging from a gallows.

lol, right after I post proof in post 91 that the negotiations with Libya to get rid of their nuclear program began before the Iraq war,

the woefully ineducable Katzndogz comes back and says the opposite.

Talk about brainwashed.
Running against former President Bush's image, the Obama campaign promised that his election would restore America's image in the world.

Now, this:

1." 'America cannot do a damn thing': Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei taunts President Obama claiming he doesn't have the guts for a military attack.

Just one more successful conclusion in Obama's panorama of foreign policy struggles.

This is what happens when you choose a community organizer for President.

Um, iranian leaders taunted us when Bush was in charge, too.

The reality is, after 35 years of punishing Iran for throwing out our murderous puppet, the Shah, there just isn't all that much we can do to them.
So I guess Obama has to start an unnecessary war in the ME, and get thousands of Americans needlessly killed and tens of thousands needlessly wounded and throw away several trillion dollars in needless war spending,

and impose another massive burden of long term healthcare needs on our veterans administration,

then the last of the neocons like the author of this thread will show him a bit of the demented love they retain for the disastrous Bush administration?
95% of the first wave of Americans on Utah beach died, Overloaded like turtles. They couldn't run or hide or even entrench themselves. As an American, I am really amazed at that. I understand rifleman were the sacrificial lambs to this mightily endeavor, but couldn't they have thought this strategy out a little better?

Where in the hell do you get your information? I doubt you have studied the subject for even one freakin' minute.

Here are the casualty numbers for D-day none are as specific as the first wave and none can be so you certainly can't know for sure. In my opinion you belittle the sacrifice of those brave men, a lot braver then I think I would be, by your stupid childish remarks about being sacrificed like lambs. I seriously have my doubts you ever really served in any capacity.

D-Day casualty estimates, Col. Stacey

BTW 950 or so men lost their lives in Exercise Tiger right before D-day, about 200 lost their lives on Utah beach. So you try and pretend to be the allied commander and make the decision to invade, I doubt with the leadership we have today we would ever have gone.
What does this have to do with D-Day?

On the day we acknowledge the heroes of Normandy, Iran's leaders tell the world how soft America has become.

See the juxtaposition now?

so Repub-voters (you in this case) give a shit what Iran thinks? Sad the level you people have sunk in your partisan hatred.

the Iranians are merely giving voice to what the entire world thinks of obama. He is a disgrace and an embarassment to this great nation and the brave men and women who died to preserve it. So yes, we give a shit what Iran and the rest of the world think of us. We give a shit about the constitution, our history, and our dead heroes.

All you libfucks care about is Feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and fairnessssssss.
Running against former President Bush's image, the Obama campaign promised that his election would restore America's image in the world.

Now, this:

1." 'America cannot do a damn thing': Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei taunts President Obama claiming he doesn't have the guts for a military attack.

Just one more successful conclusion in Obama's panorama of foreign policy struggles.

This is what happens when you choose a community organizer for President.

Um, iranian leaders taunted us when Bush was in charge, too.

The reality is, after 35 years of punishing Iran for throwing out our murderous puppet, the Shah, there just isn't all that much we can do to them.

I agree that Bush dropped the ball.

But you are dead wrong in giving the windbag a pass.

Recently, he reduced sanctions promising some ethereal benefits six months later.

And, a huge foreign policy gaffe here:

"Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009?

Lost in the debate over whether the US should use military force to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is the opportunity that arguably arose nearly three years ago to make the entire debate moot.

When the mullahcracy that seeks the nukes in order to attack Israel rigged their presidential election even more clumsily than usual in order to return Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to office, Iranians poured out into the streets in protest for months. Curiously, Barack Obama made no public overtures for weeks to the opposition, and the White House at one point even confirmed the results of the rigged election. Later, when the opportunity passed, Obama and the White House insisted that the Iranian opposition never asked for help from the US."
Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009? « Hot Air

Not only is he a loser....but so is everyone who voted for him.
Running against former President Bush's image, the Obama campaign promised that his election would restore America's image in the world.

Now, this:

1." 'America cannot do a damn thing': Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei taunts President Obama claiming he doesn't have the guts for a military attack.

Just one more successful conclusion in Obama's panorama of foreign policy struggles.

This is what happens when you choose a community organizer for President.

Um, iranian leaders taunted us when Bush was in charge, too.

The reality is, after 35 years of punishing Iran for throwing out our murderous puppet, the Shah, there just isn't all that much we can do to them.

I agree that Bush dropped the ball.

But you are dead wrong in giving the windbag a pass.

Recently, he reduced sanctions promising some ethereal benefits six months later.

And, a huge foreign policy gaffe here:

"Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009?

Lost in the debate over whether the US should use military force to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is the opportunity that arguably arose nearly three years ago to make the entire debate moot.

When the mullahcracy that seeks the nukes in order to attack Israel rigged their presidential election even more clumsily than usual in order to return Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to office, Iranians poured out into the streets in protest for months. Curiously, Barack Obama made no public overtures for weeks to the opposition, and the White House at one point even confirmed the results of the rigged election. Later, when the opportunity passed, Obama and the White House insisted that the Iranian opposition never asked for help from the US."

Not only is he a loser....but so is everyone who voted for him.

Sorry, I just didn't see any compelling reason for us to take a side in Iran's election, especially since there was no evidence that the oppossition had won. (Polling before the election showed Ahmedihijad with a lead.)

It's getting involved in internal politics where we really don't have a stake. Either side would have continued with the nuclear program, no matter who won.
I do not think another country not liking us is cause to reduce it to rubble, pretty sure they would not like us any better afterward. The shitty war hawks like you who would be overjoyed at Americans dying in more and more useless military actions need to shut the fuck up. You want a president that boasts and threatens and issues ultimatums that our soldiers have to back up with their lives. Screw what that Iranian religious conservative piece of shit has to say, it's not worth the time of any American, much less their lives.
Um, iranian leaders taunted us when Bush was in charge, too.

The reality is, after 35 years of punishing Iran for throwing out our murderous puppet, the Shah, there just isn't all that much we can do to them.

I agree that Bush dropped the ball.

But you are dead wrong in giving the windbag a pass.

Recently, he reduced sanctions promising some ethereal benefits six months later.

And, a huge foreign policy gaffe here:

"Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009?

Lost in the debate over whether the US should use military force to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is the opportunity that arguably arose nearly three years ago to make the entire debate moot.

When the mullahcracy that seeks the nukes in order to attack Israel rigged their presidential election even more clumsily than usual in order to return Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to office, Iranians poured out into the streets in protest for months. Curiously, Barack Obama made no public overtures for weeks to the opposition, and the White House at one point even confirmed the results of the rigged election. Later, when the opportunity passed, Obama and the White House insisted that the Iranian opposition never asked for help from the US."

Not only is he a loser....but so is everyone who voted for him.

Sorry, I just didn't see any compelling reason for us to take a side in Iran's election, especially since there was no evidence that the oppossition had won. (Polling before the election showed Ahmedihijad with a lead.)

It's getting involved in internal politics where we really don't have a stake. Either side would have continued with the nuclear program, no matter who won.

"Sorry, I just didn't see any compelling reason for us to take a side in Iran's election,..."

Probably true.

That is because you don't understand America's role in the world.

Nor does Obama.
On the day we acknowledge the heroes of Normandy, Iran's leaders tell the world how soft America has become.

See the juxtaposition now?

so Repub-voters (you in this case) give a shit what Iran thinks? Sad the level you people have sunk in your partisan hatred.

the Iranians are merely giving voice to what the entire world thinks of obama. He is a disgrace and an embarassment to this great nation and the brave men and women who died to preserve it. So yes, we give a shit what Iran and the rest of the world think of us. We give a shit about the constitution, our history, and our dead heroes.

All you libfucks care about is Feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and fairnessssssss.

hyperbole much? Patriotism isn't determined by your political leanings as much as you'd like to think so. I served active-duty during the Cold War & had a few Right-leaning friends & a few Left-leaning friends. You? I have more patriotism in my pinky than you have in your entire body shitstain. Thats why I don't buy the false two party paradigm touted by the corporately-owned media but you knew that right?

I, and most rational , non butt hurt people, could care less what Iran says about this great nation. Same goes for North Korea & China for that matter. Follow the logic there son?
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I do not think another country not liking us is cause to reduce it to rubble, pretty sure they would not like us any better afterward. The shitty war hawks like you who would be overjoyed at Americans dying in more and more useless military actions need to shut the fuck up. You want a president that boasts and threatens and issues ultimatums that our soldiers have to back up with their lives. Screw what that Iranian religious conservative piece of shit has to say, it's not worth the time of any American, much less their lives.

^ that

We've been the Bush II "Cowboy Diplomacy" route and we've lost our shirt ($3 TRILLION +/- off-budget, borrowed money)
He didn't learn from his mistakes. The commander of the Marines in Lebanon wrote a great book about how Reagan's failure to respond with retribution led to further terrorist attacks which morphed into modern day terrorism of today. The book is called PEACEKEEPERS AT WAR: BEIRUT 1983 by Col Timothy J. Geraghty.
That failure to respond and further failures to respond or his weak responses after other terrorist attacks led to the Qadaffy Libya Christmas present known today as Lockerbie.

What "other" failures to respond did Reagan do?

I remember what he did respond to, the terrorist attacks against the troops like in Germany.

His weak response to the Disco bombing was worse than a token response. The air strike managed to bomb a Qadafi home and killed his infant daughter. He vowed to the Arab world he would have his revenge and Ronnie ignored the threat. You don't really want a list of all the terrorist attacks made against the US under Reagan, do you.

My point was about the Soviet Union and what he accomplished with strength. You took it a different direction to terrorism. I agreed Lebanon was a mistake, but to blame terrorism on him is just stupid. You hate the guy, there's no point in discussing it with you.

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