Da Bears At The Hawks


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
The Bears suck hind tit. This should be a very easy game to take out the Hawks frustration.

I watched the Green Bay Chicago game and it wasn't even close.
The Bears suck hind tit. This should be a very easy game to take out the Hawks frustration.

I watched the Green Bay Chicago game and it wasn't even close.

If they lost THIS GAME that would be as shocking as the shocking upset of the Raiders beating the Ravens yesterday .after that,they just may be on their way to not being the chokeland faiders anymore.

I would be shocked beyond words if they lost this game,their second home game of the year after their HOME opener in stank louis,lol but then again,i never in my wildest imaginations thought they would lose to nick foles and never dreamed the raiders would beat the ravens yesterday so nothing surprises me anymore.
The Bears suck hind tit. This should be a very easy game to take out the Hawks frustration.

I watched the Green Bay Chicago game and it wasn't even close.

If they lost THIS GAME that would be as shocking as the shocking upset of the Raiders beating the Ravens yesterday .after that,they just may be on their way to not being the chokeland faiders anymore.

I would be shocked beyond words if they lost this game,their second home game of the year after their HOME opener in stank louis,lol but then again,i never in my wildest imaginations thought they would lose to nick foles and never dreamed the raiders would beat the ravens yesterday so nothing surprises me anymore.

That doesn't bode well for a conspiracy theorist do it?
The Bears suck hind tit. This should be a very easy game to take out the Hawks frustration.

I watched the Green Bay Chicago game and it wasn't even close.

If they lost THIS GAME that would be as shocking as the shocking upset of the Raiders beating the Ravens yesterday .after that,they just may be on their way to not being the chokeland faiders anymore.

I would be shocked beyond words if they lost this game,their second home game of the year after their HOME opener in stank louis,lol but then again,i never in my wildest imaginations thought they would lose to nick foles and never dreamed the raiders would beat the ravens yesterday so nothing surprises me anymore.

That doesn't bode well for a conspiracy theorist do it?

i did not realise disinfo agent rightwinger,the conspiracy theorist with the theory oswald shot JFK, was here right now.:cuckoo:
Huggy, I can't believe that you even started a Bears/Hawks thread........you that butt-hurt already?

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh No!!!

Butt hurt? Over what? Before the Packers pulled ahead late in the middle of the 4th qtr the looks on Rodgers face were priceless.

Face it we fucked ours selves in the foot. Can't cry over spilled SKITTLES.


I believe that will be Da Bears this coming Sunday at the CLink.

I would certainly like to see Wilson put down the bible and pull his head outta his ass and start running the read option more earlier in the game.

Not worried even a little bit bout Chicago. Cutler is NO Aaron Rodgers.

0-2 might be an imposing obstacle to overcome on the way to the playoffs but I don't see it that way.

We came VERY close to beating GB in their stadium where they have been averaging some 44 plus points for quite a while. If we play even THAT good for the rest of the season we should be 14-2 13-3 come playoff time.
AND I'm sure these two losses will motivate Carroll to make improvements needed. The good news is we CAN make improvements with the existing team. That was not substitutes that blazed ahead of GB in their own stadium in the 4th qtr. Seattle didn't go ahead on trick plays or gadgets. We just have to play the best football we are capable of playing and there is no other team that can hang with us.

Butt Hurt? Why? This is shaping up to be a great season. Give the other boys a two game jump and let's see how it goes!
I think the Bears will give the toothless Seachickens a good game and would not be surprised to see them pull off the upset.
I think the Bears will give the toothless Seachickens a good game and would not be surprised to see them pull off the upset.

I would be STUNNED if Da Bears won at the CLink.

I just watched the replay of the GB game and as many times as we made mistakes we were just a "C" hair from running away with it. Ya..2 games and no W's but we also played two of the toughest teams on our schedule in their own fields. We were ahead in the second half in both games threatening to pull away even farther. Ya we need to clean up a few things but nothing radical. Small stuff. Without the benefit of the free plays because of Bennett's off sides GB is minus 10 points. The whole game would have been different.

The things that went wrong were not the great play of GB as much as the Hawks giving GB the opportunity to take huge risks without any consequences. Aaron Rodgers is a great QB that played smart. We won't face any QB the rest of the regular season like him. If we meet in the playoffs even in Green Bay and the Hawks are still healthy I don't fear the setting. AND having already been there will help if we have to return there.

There is no way Cutler comes into our stadium and dominates. He just doesn't have the skills to do that.
Da Bears will play better without Cutler. He throws way too many INT's.
Cutler is hurt. Out two weeks or more.
This looks like a sucky game to watch.

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Where did you get that? Fox's video says they will get a better physical condition of Cutler on his strained hammy on Wednesday...aka tomorrow.

10-4 that.......and why it is even open for discussion, well, we have Hugs to thank for that.

I follow the Seahawks in depth and closely. I get the same old "why are there so many Seahawk threads on USMB?" every season.

Well this IS the sports forum and I've been doing this here since I got here in 2009.

I encourage all members to start threads on their own team's season's games. Ragging on HUGGY because he supports the Hawks here is lame. If YOU have a team BRING IT!

10-4 that.......and why it is even open for discussion, well, we have Hugs to thank for that.

I follow the Seahawks in depth and closely. I get the same old "why are there so many Seahawk threads on USMB?" every season.

Well this IS the sports forum and I've been doing this here since I got here in 2009.

I encourage all members to start threads on their own team's season's games. Ragging on HUGGY because he supports the Hawks here is lame. If YOU have a team BRING IT!

Just cause your team is 0-2, don't take it out on me!
Rogers was composed, played smarter and exploited the undisciplined Hawks.

Rodgers was allowed "free plays" every time the Hawks were off sides. Wilson's plays were called "dead" when GB was off sides.

Ya..Rodgers is just SOOOoooo...fucking brilliant.

Also when Cliff Averil ,obviously injured, was trying to get off the field the incredibly "smart" Rodgers ran a hurry up play and the Hawks were caught technically with 12 on the field even though Averil was right at the sideline. Ya...not a unsportsmanlike conduct call on Rodgers which it should have been. You HAVE to allow injured players to exit the field. Duh! But nosireee... Rodgers is just SOOOoooo..smart!

Quit sucking Rodgers dick for half a second and tell me how the Hawks had twelve lined up on the field when Averil was five yards off side attempting to get off the FOP. Now if he, Averil, had just flopped down and required assistance the refs would have HAD to stop Rodgers cheezy attempt to miss use the intent of the rules.

10-4 that.......and why it is even open for discussion, well, we have Hugs to thank for that.

I follow the Seahawks in depth and closely. I get the same old "why are there so many Seahawk threads on USMB?" every season.

Well this IS the sports forum and I've been doing this here since I got here in 2009.

I encourage all members to start threads on their own team's season's games. Ragging on HUGGY because he supports the Hawks here is lame. If YOU have a team BRING IT!

Just cause your team is 0-2, don't take it out on me!

Don't worry I am not taking it out on you because the Hawks are 0-2. But I do have incentive now to rub it in your ass face when the Hawks win. :lol:

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