The Race of Caitlin Clark

She's coming into the league as the greatest college player of all time, whether you like it or not.
Hold your horses there eager beaver.

Here's a list for you, let me know if you can understand the common theme:
Christian Laettner - Duke
Adam Morrison - Gonzaga
Jimmer Fredette - BYU
Ed O'Bannon - UCLA
Mateen Cleeves - Michigan St.
Calbert Cheaney - Indiana

.. you get it?
You might find this segment informative OP...

Basically, it's racism, but it will help the league in general.

Which is a good thing for all the players.

Kinda reminds me of the Dave Chappelle joke about the rapist superhero, who saves lives but has to rape to save.

How did your precious "racism" help Clark break the NCAA scoring record?
A rising tide lifts all boats

Whether Clark is the best player in the league or not, she will put fannies in the seats and get the WNBA better ratings

All players will benefit
Without spigots of money from outside ways, they would playing small high school gyms. I love the NFL, and yet know its needs to e humbled for how they are treating fans as one example.
The biggest name in gymnastics is Simeone Biles. She is everywhere.
yep. Super talented and absolutely covered by the media. More so as the Olzempics approach in Paris.

Also, I believe she is of black African descent.
Somebody explain this difference in standards to me:

When Tiger Woods was dominating golf, he was absolutely praised as being a minority race in the sport who was the best. It was commonly said he was great for golf, as because he was black, more black people who watch.

So, in this scenario, a race of people (black) are expected to only seek out the sport because someone of their color is succeeding.

Now, put that exact wording and logic to Clark. Basketball is a black-dominated sport, and there's a minority white player who is tearing up basketball.

But suddenly, it's BAD that a minority player is getting attention, even if for some it IS because of their race.

It's good for black kids to watch sports because black guys play, but bad for white kids to watch sports because white guys play.

This makes no sense, but it on full display. Which is it?
This women's basketball. Which is promoted so much as other sports for women with massive resources spent on it. So, the intellect of males are lowered more and more and kore of them are underachievers and criminals. This will not go on forever as we see expenses rising in everything toe the number one nation of the world.
There's probably SOME genuine increase in interest, but most of the ascent of interest in women's sports is social engineering by ESPN.

I don't have any problem with women's basketball becoming more popular, but it's important to note it wasn't done organically, plus to note that the WNBA isn't yet capable of being able to financially support itself. It relies on handouts from the NBA.

How crazy is it that the WNBA is so loud and proud, in concert with feminist media, but yet beneath the surface rely on a men's league to stay afloat.

Sounds like they should cut their defiant tone and have a little appreciation... at least one would think.

It's like those spoiled kids on social media who talk about how horrible their parents are... as they use the phone their parents bought them, live in the comfortable big house their parents have, go on vacations with their parents, and drive in the car their parents bought them.

If your entire existence is bankrolled, you owe them gratitude.. but modern feminism can't concede that. There's no appreciation or shame in that movement. It's all chest puffing.
Very, very successful engineering by ESPN. It will be studied as will Taylor Swift in communications and social media programs.
There's probably SOME genuine increase in interest, but most of the ascent of interest in women's sports is social engineering by ESPN.

ESPN already has a contract with the girls basketball league.

Can hardly blame them for doing what they can to promote the spectacle.
ESPN already has a contract with the girls basketball league.

Can hardly blame them for doing what they can to promote the spectacle.
Well, I'd just say maybe the league that can't make it on its own and needs a gigantic social engineering project and handouts from the NBA could be a little more appreciative and less defiant and chesty.. that's all.

Women's basketball had a big year in the NCAA this year... Let's see how this goes. It might be a flop.
Clark or not, WNBA basketball is not very good basketball. As millions have already observed, a good HS boys team could beat the WNBA all-stars without breaking a sweat.

There are other sports with women where the difference in quality of play is not and golf, for example, but anyone familiar with NBA broadcasts will just laugh at WNBA games.

I hope the WNBA takes off now, but a couple months of history are required to see at least tentatively.
Let her play the games and see what she can do.

That being said, if she runs her mouth, the other players in the league will gladly do everything they can to make her struggle.
Game #1, ten turnovers, lousy shooting, lots of cheering.

It appears that she has found herself on a pretty bad team. Not her fault. We'll see how the fan interest goes after a month or so.

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