DACA wasn’t a bipartisan program at commencement...why a bipartisan solution now?

I might pay more in property taxes in one year than you earn over a few years. I could buy your filthy ass many times over...I’m pretty sure of that.

No, I'm pretty sure you can't.

Real rich people don't brag about being rich
I’ll bite...
The American people gave him the key to the Oval Office...they did so in exchange for his commitment to end the degradation of our nation caused by foreign filth and to stop the American people from being burdened by foreign invaders. Like or not....DACA “Nightmares” are foreign invaders with a sob story just like all the rest.
(this is where you scream “popular vote”)
Go ahead, I have something for you....Your turn.

Your ancestors must have been native indian... At some point in your words nearly all Americans came from 'foreign filth'... Should they all go back home as well...

The Dreamers are good for US Economy and further the corner stone of what America was built on...

The problem you got is that a lot more Americans would prefer is racist filth like you left instead of the Dreamers.

“Your ancestors must have been native indian... At some point in your words nearly all Americans came from 'foreign filth'... Should they all go back home as well...”
You people have lost the ability to reason. Let me teach you through story...like I would a five year old.
Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.
What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?

“The Dreamers are good for US Economy and further the corner stone of what America was built on...”

NEGATIVE...We have plenty of wetbacks here to “further the corner stone” whatever the fuck that means.

“The problem you got is that a lot more Americans would prefer is racist filth like you left instead of the Dreamers.”

NEGATIVE...good Americans want to keep America American...they’d move to Mexico if they wanted to live among thirdworld cockroaches. Think for once.

Didn't actually answer my first comment...

the answer to my second comment was a lie.
Here's How Much Money Rescinding DACA Could Cost the U.S. Economy
The economy could lose out on about $280 billion if the Trump Administration deports the nearly one million undocumented who qualified for the program, according to a January 2017 study from the CATO Institute.
Thats CATO you dumbass, hire a Dreamer to educate you...

And you third comment is a lie too:
Poll: Most Americans support DACA
The CBS News poll, released Sunday, shows 70 percent of Americans favor allowing those who benefit from the program, often known as “Dreamers,” to stay in the country. Congress has in recent days met to work on a long-term fix for the program

NEGATIVE...that poll was taken in East Los Angeles and NYC. They love filth there.
Real, legitimate Americans hate wetbacks...they’re federal criminals, they steal welfare from blacks, they’re second only to blacks in criminal activity, they procreate like cockroaches, they’re second to blacks in lowest iQ, they use abortion as contraceptive, they crowd our emergency rooms, they drive uninsured and underinsured, they leave Bud Light cans and dirty diapers on our beaches and roadways, they dump couches and mattresses in open fields, they’re dirty, they smell like Modello and ass, they speak jibber-jabber, they abuse animals, they are Dodger and Raider fans, 50 year old beaners stare at my 14 year old daughter like a Lion in the wild stares at a gazelle.
Face it bud....they’re disgusting subhuman pieces of shits. We don’t need anymore filth in this nation. Good people already have plenty of catch-up and cleanup to do. Sorry to hurt your feelings with truth.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

You lie. Why lie? Are your views that indefensible?

What did I lie about?
Generally speaking, my description of wetbacks is spot on....no?

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