Damnation theology


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
In regards to the concept of damnation (e.x. to Hell); I have heard some oppose the concept as being something akin to "revenge", and therefore a human passion or sentiment.

As far as other takes on it, one I thought of is that it's less akin to "revenge", but more akin to willfully commiting oneself to the Devil and wishing to be with the Devil for eternity instead of God. (Akin to Lucifer's rebellion).

In this sense, it's not "revenge" so much as an elective choice. I'd be interested in hearing other theological thoughts on the subject.
In regards to the concept of damnation (e.x. to Hell); I have heard some oppose the concept as being something akin to "revenge", and therefore a human passion or sentiment.

As far as other takes on it, one I thought of is that it's less akin to "revenge", but more akin to willfully commiting oneself to the Devil and wishing to be with the Devil for eternity instead of God. (Akin to Lucifer's rebellion).

In this sense, it's not "revenge" so much as an elective choice. I'd be interested in hearing other theological thoughts on the subject.
Choice to turn one's back on God. Thus results are hell which is life without God in it. Some have seen it in the spirit, some know they have experienced it in the flesh.
In regards to the concept of damnation (e.x. to Hell); I have heard some oppose the concept as being something akin to "revenge", and therefore a human passion or sentiment.

As far as other takes on it, one I thought of is that it's less akin to "revenge", but more akin to willfully commiting oneself to the Devil and wishing to be with the Devil for eternity instead of God. (Akin to Lucifer's rebellion).

In this sense, it's not "revenge" so much as an elective choice. I'd be interested in hearing other theological thoughts on the subject.
Choice to turn one's back on God. Thus results are hell which is life without God in it. Some have seen it in the spirit, some know they have experienced it in the flesh.

All that could be true, but only if you are positive your religious beliefs are the only true religion, and there is no possibility you could be wrong about any of it.
In regards to the concept of damnation (e.x. to Hell); I have heard some oppose the concept as being something akin to "revenge", and therefore a human passion or sentiment.

As far as other takes on it, one I thought of is that it's less akin to "revenge", but more akin to willfully commiting oneself to the Devil and wishing to be with the Devil for eternity instead of God. (Akin to Lucifer's rebellion).

In this sense, it's not "revenge" so much as an elective choice. I'd be interested in hearing other theological thoughts on the subject.
Choice to turn one's back on God. Thus results are hell which is life without God in it. Some have seen it in the spirit, some know they have experienced it in the flesh.

All that could be true, but only if you are positive your religious beliefs are the only true religion, and there is no possibility you could be wrong about any of it.
View attachment 299704
I have no doubt about what I have been allowed to see in the spirit. Your doubts are your issues not mine.
In regards to the concept of damnation (e.x. to Hell); I have heard some oppose the concept as being something akin to "revenge", and therefore a human passion or sentiment.

As far as other takes on it, one I thought of is that it's less akin to "revenge", but more akin to willfully commiting oneself to the Devil and wishing to be with the Devil for eternity instead of God. (Akin to Lucifer's rebellion).

In this sense, it's not "revenge" so much as an elective choice. I'd be interested in hearing other theological thoughts on the subject.
There is no question in you opening post, Questioner!
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
Like Granny always says...

... "It's damned if ya do...

... an' damned if ya don't!"

Or like Uncle Ferd says...

... "Damned if I know!"

(Figgered dat one out.)
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?

Much akin to any concept which isn't visible to the naked eye, but able to be referred to via abstraction, such as the concepts of physics, which are not physical or material objects, but are ideas, mental concepts, much as the laws of physics are constructed theoretically from mathematics.
..it's all a fairy tale/made up stories
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
Yet more ignorance as to what "mythology" actually is or means, and how much of the mythology which you erroneously associated with the nonsense term "fairy tale" or "made up" exists within the context of other areas, such as much of history or folk wisdom, or the "story" of your own life, for that matter, much of which is "made up" by the content of your own mind, not anything akin to a perfect mathematical approximation thereof.

Much as conflating the "making up" of a story or body of knowledge, with the facts, information, ideas, or concept which said story or body of knowledge alludes to or attempts to refer to.

(Newton and Einstein's physical theories are "made up", of course - as in the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics, but that of course doesn't mean the information which the theories are based on, or attempt to refer to are "bad", "wrong", "false", "nonexistent").
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so you don't believe in god/devil/bible?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so, like I said --god is just a made up fairy tale/etc
you have proof otherwise?
I'm not sure what you mean by "believe in them"?

Most likely you have a childish, popular culture idea of "god", "devil", or something akin to that - just a childish symbolism, akin to one of Carl Jung's archetypes, rather than the abstract concept which said things refer to.

Even in the Bible, idols or paganistic graven images were forbidden, just as in the days of the Midieval church, images of a God were not said to be the same as "God" himself, but merely a way of representing such a thing to simple or non-literate people.

To me, it's clear that the Bible (as well as other world religions with a monotheistic deity) is referring to God as being the Supreme Being of the Cosmos, not a simplistic andromorphic character with physical flesh and bone, akin to a pagan deity such as Zeus, Thor, or whatnot, or how a simpleton might view a Hollywood celebrity on TV, something akin to how a pagan simpleton would have viewed on of the Greek Gods; like a powerful mortal or something of that kind.
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so, like I said --god is just a made up fairy tale/etc
you have proof otherwise?
Science is "made up", the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics.

That doesn't mean that the abstractions which science refers or alludes to are not valid, nor are they "nonexistent" simply because they exist in theory or abstraction, rather than as something physical, visible, or tangible to the naked eye.

As far as I'm aware of, all major world religions have their own version of a Supreme Being of the Cosmos, or some equivalent (e.x. the Dao in Taoism).
yours is the typical immature deflection
answer it ---yes or no--you know what I mean
hahahha--how can I have a childish idea of god/etc if I don't believe in them???!!!
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so, like I said --god is just a made up fairy tale/etc
you have proof otherwise?
Science is "made up", the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics.

That doesn't mean that the abstractions which science refers or alludes to are not valid, nor are they "nonexistent" simply because they exist in theory or abstraction, rather than as something physical, visible, or tangible to the naked eye.

As far as I'm aware of, all major world religions have their own version of a Supreme Being of the Cosmos, or some equivalent (e.x. the Dao in Taoism).
that's not proof there is a god ....
I asked you a question.

Do you mean a being with a physical forum, akin to the image of God depicted by Michelangelo, or how a pagan god like Zeus or Thor was believed to be?

Or something abstract, intangible, transcendent - the Alpha, the Omega, and so on?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so, like I said --god is just a made up fairy tale/etc
you have proof otherwise?
Science is "made up", the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics.

That doesn't mean that the abstractions which science refers or alludes to are not valid, nor are they "nonexistent" simply because they exist in theory or abstraction, rather than as something physical, visible, or tangible to the naked eye.

As far as I'm aware of, all major world religions have their own version of a Supreme Being of the Cosmos, or some equivalent (e.x. the Dao in Taoism).
that's not proof there is a god ....
What do you mean by proof?
ok--just say it--you're afraid to answer the question
I believe in God, not in gods.
so, like I said --god is just a made up fairy tale/etc
you have proof otherwise?
Science is "made up", the theories are invented or constructed from mathematics.

That doesn't mean that the abstractions which science refers or alludes to are not valid, nor are they "nonexistent" simply because they exist in theory or abstraction, rather than as something physical, visible, or tangible to the naked eye.

As far as I'm aware of, all major world religions have their own version of a Supreme Being of the Cosmos, or some equivalent (e.x. the Dao in Taoism).
that's not proof there is a god ....
What do you mean by proof?
proof....like when someone murders someone they have to have proof of it or not guilty
proof --no proof no god

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