Daniel Penny defense fund surpasses One Million Dollars...

Semper Fi. As long as the media keeps harping about Penny's military history, Marines will continue to donate to his defense.
Soldiers too, and Airman and Sailors.

There has been an ongoing collection at the VFW, the Legion and the DAV.
I don't have to wait for the coroner. He was definately alive and breathing when Penny performed first aid and helped place Neely in the recovery position.

WAIT. Dude was alive when he turned Neely over to the medics and he died later in THEIR custody and this asshole Bragg is charging the Marine with 2nd degree manslaughter?


What NYC is saying to New Yorkers is F You---- you will suffer our lawless city full of criminals WE put there and a shortage of cops because WE defunded them and if anyone tries to step in and help out, we will squash them like a bug!
Glad to see people orating for the legal defense of this gentleman. Any truly responsible court would throw this case out immediately, but that won’t be the case. Instead this veteran will have to fight for his life and livelihood for doing precisely what any decent citizen should have.

Here’s hoping he ends up filing a malicious prosecution lawsuit against the city when this is all over.
Yes, this is a politically motivated persecution. He needs to sue. A case like this should, at the minimum, have a Grand Jury.
Protesting with our wallets...

Funds are pouring in at an average of $821 per minute.

Keep it going ...

"Thousands of donors raced to the defense of Marine Daniel Penny Saturday as a fund for his legal defense surpassed $1 million Saturday."

WAIT. Dude was alive when he turned Neely over to the medics and he died later in THEIR custody and this asshole Bragg is charging the Marine with 2nd degree manslaughter?


What NYC is saying to New Yorkers is F You---- you will suffer our lawless city full of criminals WE put there and a shortage of cops because WE defunded them and if anyone tries to step in and help out, we will squash them like a bug!

"During the fight, the Marine put the victim in a chokehold and tried to restrain him, police sources said. Neely fell unconscious on the train and was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital, where he died.

According to a New York Police spokesperson, Neely had 42 prior arrests between 2013 and 2021.

They REALLY, don't want this video getting out...

That's the SECOND video that Twitter has made unavailable.

Here is a different Tweet.

How long will it stay up?

I doubt it will matter. Daniel Penny is screwed.
Not if there is ONE decent person on the jury. They can’t ALL be leftists who side with a violent criminal making death threats on an enclosed subway car against a U.S. Marine who stepped in to protect others simply because of the pro-criminal attitude of the mayor and DA.
If it had been another black guy choking him out.
Or a black guy choking out a white guy.
It wouldn't have been on the news and nothing said.

But since it was a white guy choking out a black guy.
Get ready for massive riots and looting if the guy isn't arrested.
Or found "Not Guilty" by a jury.
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Not if there is ONE decent person on the jury. They can’t ALL be leftists who side with a violent criminal making death threats on an enclosed subway car against a U.S. Marine who stepped in to protect others simply because of the pro-criminal attitude of the mayor and DA.

There may not be...and the jurors may be afraid (with good reason) of having their houses burned down if they don't convict.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Stolen Valor.

(See what I did there)

What are you, twelve?

I've known a lot of real Marines and Soldiers.

I mean a lot.

Not only IRL but on here as well.

If I told them I thought they were liars...

...or better yet...if you told me you thought I was lying about MY military service...

I'd tell you to fuck the fuck off.

I'd tell ya I don't give a good g-ddamn what you think.

I'd tell ya that I know what I did, and that was all that was important.

I'd say, I don't trade on my military service, my opinions stand on their own.

And had YOU said those things, I might have had second thoughts...

But everything that comes out of your mouth screams that you're a liar...and an insecure liar at that.

You seem to be a legend in your own mind.
Protesting with our wallets...

Funds are pouring in at an average of $821 per minute.

Keep it going ...

"Thousands of donors raced to the defense of Marine Daniel Penny Saturday as a fund for his legal defense surpassed $1 million Saturday."

I donated One Hundred Dollars to his defense fund.

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