Dark Money from people with dark hearts hiding dark agendas


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
While the uninformed fawn all over the immature, uneducated, indoctrinated students from the Parkland, Fl area, the tried and true “follow the money” technique reveals who is really pulling the strings of this fascist movement.
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  • Mark Kelly & the Gifford Foundation
  • Michael Bloomberg & Everytown for Gun Safety
  • MoveOn.org
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Open Society Institute (George Soros)
  • The Tides Foundation (George Soros)
  • Louis Farrakhan
This is the who’s who of disturbing radicals.

DARK MONEY: 10 anonymous donors ‘March For Our Lives’ is deliberately hiding
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While the uninformed fawn all over the immature, uninformed, indoctrinated students from the Parkland, Fl area, the tried and true “follow the money” technique reveals who is really pulling the strings of this fascist movement.
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  • Mark Kelly & the Gifford Foundation
  • Michael Bloomberg & Everytown for Gun Safety
  • MoveOn.org
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Open Society Institute (George Soros)
  • The Tides Foundation (George Soros)
  • Louis Farrakhan
This is the who’s who of disturbing radicals.

DARK MONEY: 10 anonymous donors ‘March For Our Lives’ is deliberately hiding
George Soros and other rich liberals who spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed door meeting to retool the big-money left to fight back against Donald Trump.

The conference, which kicked off Sunday night at Washington’s pricey Mandarin Oriental hotel, is sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club, and will include appearances by leaders of most leading unions and liberal groups, as well as darlings of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, according to an agenda and other documents obtained by POLITICO.

The meeting is the first major gathering of the institutional left since Trump’s shocking victory over Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election, and, if the agenda is any indication, liberals plan full-on trench warfare against Trump from Day One. Some sessions deal with gearing up for 2017 and 2018 elections, while others focus on thwarting President-elect Trump’s 100-day plan, which the agenda calls “a terrifying assault on President Obama’s achievements — and our progressive vision for an equitable and just nation.”
Interestingly enough, the “March for Our Lives” registered as a 501(c)(4) - which means they do not have to release their donor list. Well gee...I wonder why that would be. Why would a group claiming to be created by children for the express purpose of “protecting” children want to hide their donor list?

One would think that donors would be beaming proud to donate to an organization by children to protect children. Oops.

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