David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

I am from the Missouri Ozarks. So, I am from the hills too. I am sure you know something. You just don't know shit about Louisiana.

I'm going to guess you know more than a little about racism and the KKK if you're from the Ozarks. (my dad grew up in Pleasant Hope...south Missouri is...a pretty unique place).

Actually, not really. Southern Missouri is pretty homogeneous. Racism (to me) didn't seem to be a problem as we only had a few black people in my town (about 8000) people. Now, I might have a different perspective if I were not white.

When I was growing up, the KKK moved it's "Headquarters" to Harrison Arkansas, which was pretty close to me. They must have been a shell of what they used to be. I never saw a white hood in my area.
But he was a democratic racist and that makes it okay. You know, the lesser of two evils and the like?

Dems and Reps, the two most corrupt parties in the history of the world, and Americans still vote for them. Guess that makes us stupid, doesn't it?
Neither were okay. Robert Byrd's racism doesn't make David Duke's racism any more palatable. Both parties have more than their fair share of racist morons.

I've voted Republican for most of my life, but the responses of many of the self-proclaimed conservatives on this thread are downright disheartening.

Is Robert Byrd the only response that some of the more koolaid swilling Republicans have to this shit? You don't feel mortified about David Duke associating his scary white butt with the party? You aren't put out with the Louisiana Republican party for allowing it? You have zero words of condemnation for this self-serving race baiter?

David Duke is the scum of the earth. So was Robert Byrd. Robert Byrd has been a shame and a black eye to the Democratic party for the last 50 years. The fact that they tolerated it does them no credit. Republicans need to stand up and rebuke this idiotic mofo as forcefully as we know how, along with the douchecanoes who bring up racist tactics against Obama, instead of falling back on Robert Byrd as a defense mechanism.

Why is it that some Republicans' brains have turned to pablum? Y'all are so fucking disheartening. Stop drinking the koolaid, and start standing up for what is best for the party. And, what is best for the party is to vigorously and forcefully disavow ANY CONNECTION AT ALL to the racebaiting fucktards on the far right, including this miscegenated offspring of a troll and a retarded albino chimp.

Don't ask me, I'm not a republican, or a democrat anymore. They can't pay me enough to vote for either of those parties anymore.
You can blame odumbo for emboldening Duke.

Duke sees the pure black racism against whites in the odumbo administration and figures, if the kenyan can get away with it and people look the other way, then so can he.

Blame Obama for a former Klucker being racist?

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Is being stupid actually physically painful?

I see reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, is it ya fucking jerk off?

Now back your little third grade brain up, read it again, and maybe you see that that's not what I said at all ya dumbass, pea brained twit.
LOL, the other residential KKK member, Big Hoss, touted Double D also. He couldn't even come close to winning any primaries. He is a joke!

Wouldn't this be something to have David Duke go up and challenge Obama for the presidency? At least we know one thing. Duke is a natural born citizen born to 'Two' U.S. citizen parents which qualifies him for Article 2 Section 1 purposes that Obama doesn't meet. Apparently Duke was elected in the richest district of Louisiana when he ran for the House Seat that David Vitter held as well as former Governor David Treen. According to the article, Duke will go on a 25 state tour. He will get support I believe and he sure knows how to scare the media to death and they would surely give him media attention. This will be interesting to watch

David Duke on a Presidential Bid: 'Yes, I Am Considering It' - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

White Supremacists Running for Political Office in 2012 in Growing Numbers - The Daily Beast

former Louisiana state representative David Duke confirms he's mulling tossing his hat into the 2012 presidential contest.

"Yes, I am considering it,"

Story going national:
You can blame odumbo for emboldening Duke.

Duke sees the pure black racism against whites in the odumbo administration and figures, if the kenyan can get away with it and people look the other way, then so can he.

Blame Obama for a former Klucker being racist?

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Is being stupid actually physically painful?

No. He's blaming obama for emboldening Duke.

Emboldening him how? By being 1/2 black?
You can blame odumbo for emboldening Duke.

Duke sees the pure black racism against whites in the odumbo administration and figures, if the kenyan can get away with it and people look the other way, then so can he.

Blame Obama for a former Klucker being racist?

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Is being stupid actually physically painful?

I see reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, is it ya fucking jerk off?

Now back your little third grade brain up, read it again, and maybe you see that that's not what I said at all ya dumbass, pea brained twit.

Oh, I understood completely. It was just stupid. I'd rather blame the fucking racist for being a fucking racist.

Somehow I doubt Duke's motivated by Obama's platform.
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Blame Obama for a former Klucker being racist?

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Is being stupid actually physically painful?

I see reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, is it ya fucking jerk off?

Now back your little third grade brain up, read it again, and maybe you see that that's not what I said at all ya dumbass, pea brained twit.

Oh, I understood completely. It was just stupid. I'd rather blame the fucking racist for being a fucking racist.

Somehow I doubt Duke's motivated by Obama's platform.

Maybe you would rather blame a racist for being racist... so the fuck what?

The point I made is there's already a blatant racist in the White House with a racist lap dog attorney general on down working for him, so why in the hell should Duke think he doesn't have a shot when obviously racism doesn't appear to mean shit? Nothing stupid about that other than you getting your depends up your crack because I thought of it and you didn't, moron.
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This is America isn't it.....if the race baiters al Sharpton and Jackson can run for president....I don't see why Duke can't.....has to be better then what we have now, thats for sure.....and I don't think anyone can see what the future has in store for us....so Duke might make a good president...
1. "There is some debate as to how much race played into the south's voting Demographic shift. There is no doubt that the GOP tried to exploit race relations to win votes in the South (successfully). "

You wrote that?

"...some debate as to how much race played ..."

You did a great job destroying your own premise.
Means, simply, that you have no proof of any racist 'Southern Strategy."

Yes. Some scholars have recently questioned how much race relations factored into the voting shift in the south. Some feel it was more of an economic issue. Those scholars still don't debate that race was an influence, and no one (save for you and Coulter I suppose) claims that the "Southern Strategy was non-existent".

I didn't impeach my argument, I am just employing some intellectual honesty. You should try it.

2. I, on the other hand, gave you a ton of indicia that Nixon was a) not racist,
b) worked hard and successfully to break the segregationist Democrat choke hold on the Southern black population.

Unless you can show where any of the facts that I provide are untrue....
.....you can't? Shocking.

3. So, you would rather quote the NYTimes? And you need, what, liberal racism 'during the last fifty years'?
To this very day, Democrats capitalize on the fallacious idea that the Republicans are the racists, as this seems to be the very worst accusation one can make in polite company. Anything worse is one of the seven banned words!

I didn't say Nixon was a racist. Nixon was simply ambitious and not above using race to win an election. I don't really give a crap about the man's personal beliefs. I just care about his actions. Contrast that with LBJ who most likely had the typical "Good Ol' Boy" mentality but was able to move beyond that to implement controversial policy that he though was important.

You want to act as if the GOP was the force behind the Civil Rights act of 1964. Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat. Perhaps you'd like to forget how the actual vote breakdown went:

Perhaps you'd like to forget who the President was who signed the bill into law? Here's a hint: It wasn't Nixon.

The Democratic party had a majority in the House and Senate at the time. You keep referencing the GOP. It's great that the GOP supported the bill, but they weren't the driving force behind it's passage. They were just along for the ride. More hilarious, you keep wanting to point to the internal strife in the Democratic party as evidence of racism without avoiding the larger point that an overwhelming majority of the Democrats in office at the time voted for the bill and supported it, which ensured it's passage.

All this is aside the point. As I said, the more interesting story isn't where the GOP was in 1964. It's where they went after that. Somewhere along the way, the GOP became a party of cynical exploitation of issues of race, sexuality, religion, and gun ownership. It's completely hilarious (but oh so predictable) that Coulter would ignore this and write a book about the evils of the Democratic party on "wedge politics".

Fuck Chris Matthews. What does he have to do with anything? Can you stay on topic?

See above.

According to whom? Coulter and her dusty ovaries? Do you think if Coulter had children, she (being the magnificent person you think she is) would send them to NYC public schools out of a spirit of equality? Carter sent his kids to the Washignton D.C. public school for that reason. Does he get credit? I mean, since we are using individual actions to paint with a broad brush, you might as well use people I've actually heard of.

It's an asinine point anyways. I don't find the notion that a politician has to force their kids to be a social experiment to be particularly appealing or fair. So, if that's the tact you are going to take with me, I am disinterested.

See above. You're posts are needlessly redundant and I see no need to also be redundant.

From my previous source:

"No Southern Strategy" my ass.

LMAO. According to you? You conveniently dismiss the article. You can believe what you want, the research disagrees with you.

I am denying that liberalism had anything to do with "banning" of ROTC. I am denying that ROTC was in fact banned. If you had bothered to read the article, you would have found that ROTC left the Universities and not the other way around.

Not that I'd expect you to know anything about it. As someone who actually was in ROTC (see, I don't have to rely on what happened to "my bud") at a secular, liberal university, I can say I never experienced any sort of animosity for being in ROTC from the students or administration.

So what about Hillsdale? I respect their reason for denying ROTC, but if you are going to whine about one instance of ROTC being restricted from "liberal" campuses (which is not true) then you shouldn't hide from it being restricted from a conservative one (which is true. ROTC is absolutely forbidden at Hillsdale).

Again, why? Because you say so? Once again, a Laura Croft get up and an Uzi doesn't mean you know jack and shit about the military.

as is your contention that the South is filled with racists, and the GOP had a racist Southern Strategy.

I contended that the GOP had a Southern Strategy. I never contended that the South is "filled with racists". Are you always this dishonest. Wait, I already know the answer to that.

Again: there was no racist Southern Strategy by Nixon, and your flaccid 'defense' of your post is insignificant.

Again, you seem to think you have fiat power over this issue. You do not.

1. "Nixon's Southern Strategy". This was your response to my pointing out that every segregationist in the Senate was a Democrat….
I refer to racists…..and you say "Nixon's Southern Strategy"

But now, you attempt to run away from the only possible implication with “I didn't say Nixon was a racist.”

Glad I was able to teach you a lesson.

2. “You want to act as if the GOP was the force behind the Civil Rights act of 1964. Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat.”

Since you evince an advanced case of ADD, let me remind you of what I said:

“But by 1964 more blacks were voters, thanks to the efforts of Republicans. And, again, Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act: 82 % of Senate Republicans and 80% of House Republicans; it was 66% of Senate Democrats and 63% of House Democrats. But the Democrat input in the ’64 act made it different in a very important way: the rise of blacks into professional and other high–level occupations was greater prior to the ’64 act, meaning that the ’57 and ’60 civil rights acts had far greater implications for black achievement…” post #45

Do you recognize this? Do you deny any of the quote?
No? Then I am correct that a smaller part of the Democrat Party favored same than the Republican Party.

a. Did the Dems and LBJ wish to support civil rights for blacks? Consider LBJ’s comment about an earlier (1957) civil rights bill: During the endless deliberations, LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.
So, what is the essence of your “Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat.” In the face of the above, are you claiming that LBJ wished to support civil rights? Or retain power???

2. “GOP became a party of cynical exploitation of issues of race, sexuality, religion, and gun ownership.”
Exactly the opposite: the Democrats were co-opted by the far Left, forfeiting traditional values, as I posted here: “…against the lawless, unprincipled Democrats, who they recognized as being responsible for, or at least accepting of the legalized obscenity, student riots, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Party, and the Black Panthers, skyrocketing crime rates, courts giving more and more elaborate rights to criminals, ended the death penalty, banned prayer from the schools, among other depredations. And, being patriots, (name a Southern university that banned ROTC. Even Duke has one) they appreciated the fact that the Republicans were hawks during the Cold War. So rather than a Republican strategy, it was the Democrats’ shift from the party of Harry Truman to the party of Rosie O’Donnell."

3. “Chris Matthews. What does he have to do with anything?”
You may pretend that MSNBC and the other segments of the Old Left Media are other that the on-air Democrat Party, but they are. And they scream “racist” , while behaving as racists.

4. From your Phillips quote: “The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”

You actually don’t see what a bonehead this makes you appear??? The Republicans are racist because they want to help blacks register to vote??????

5. “I am denying that liberalism had anything to do with "banning" of ROTC. I am denying that ROTC was in fact banned.”

Wow! With all your chest thumping and sneers about my outfit, you sure make yourself look like a chump. Read this and weep:
“Harvard, with other elite universities to follow, has rectified a mistake it never should have made. On Friday, it signed an agreement with the Pentagon to allow the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps back on campus… In the uproar and protests over the Vietnam War, ROTC found itself being evicted from the campuses of various colleges and universities. There was a strong animus between liberal academia and the traditional military, and opposition to “don’t ask, don’t tell” provided a useful pretext for keeping it off.” ROTC marches back to Harvard | Davis Enterprise

Turns out your NYTimes article was bogus, eh?
Turns out you don’t know anything, eh?
Actually, not really. Southern Missouri is pretty homogeneous. Racism (to me) didn't seem to be a problem as we only had a few black people in my town (about 8000) people. Now, I might have a different perspective if I were not white.

When I was growing up, the KKK moved it's "Headquarters" to Harrison Arkansas, which was pretty close to me. They must have been a shell of what they used to be. I never saw a white hood in my area.

In large part, the racial purity is due to the lynchings in Springfield in 1906. Those lynchings changed the racial hue of that section of Missouri. Newspaper reports suggest that thousands of blacks fled the area. Joplin, in contrast, is extremely racially diverse.

(I grew up near KC).
2. “You want to act as if the GOP was the force behind the Civil Rights act of 1964. Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat.”

Since you evince an advanced case of ADD, let me remind you of what I said:

“But by 1964 more blacks were voters, thanks to the efforts of Republicans. And, again, Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act: 82 % of Senate Republicans and 80% of House Republicans; it was 66% of Senate Democrats and 63% of House Democrats. But the Democrat input in the ’64 act made it different in a very important way: the rise of blacks into professional and other high–level occupations was greater prior to the ’64 act, meaning that the ’57 and ’60 civil rights acts had far greater implications for black achievement…” post #45

Do you recognize this? Do you deny any of the quote?
No? Then I am correct that a smaller part of the Democrat Party favored same than the Republican Party.

a. Did the Dems and LBJ wish to support civil rights for blacks? Consider LBJ’s comment about an earlier (1957) civil rights bill: During the endless deliberations, LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”
~~~ 1964, President Lyndon Johnson vows after he signed into law civil rights legislation.
Duke would be good for the white people of America.

Without white people America is a third world country.

Better stay away from "southern states".

Better stay away from "southern states".
I get really tired of the constant attempt to label southerners as racists.

Idiocy knows no state borders:

Members served in state legislatures and Congress, and were elected to the governorship in several states. Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Oregon saw significant klan influence.
Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan

Maybe it was Southern Indiana or Southern Oregon
I see reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, is it ya fucking jerk off?

Now back your little third grade brain up, read it again, and maybe you see that that's not what I said at all ya dumbass, pea brained twit.

Oh, I understood completely. It was just stupid. I'd rather blame the fucking racist for being a fucking racist.

Somehow I doubt Duke's motivated by Obama's platform.

Maybe you would rather blame a racist for being racist... so the fuck what?

The point I made is there's already a blatant racist in the White House with a racist lap dog attorney general on down working for him, so why in the hell should Duke think he doesn't have a shot when obviously racism doesn't appear to mean shit? Nothing stupid about that other than I thought of it and not you, ya moron.


What kind of racial discriminatory practices against whites has the Obama Administration enacted that would prompt Duke to feel he was "emboldened" to run in order to protect the poor, down-trodden white folk of this land.

Don't blow your last neuron trying to think of an example.

If Duke is going to run, the reason is obvious.

He won't win, but he knows that.
So we have:

Political Chick
Pale Rider

On Board for the 2012 David Duke GOP Race. Should be interesting to watch!

Anyone else on Duke's side?
You really seem excited by the concept of a racist in our government....is this new, or did you always feel this way?

Would I be spilling any beans by revealing that that's what made up the Democrat Party?

1. Every segregationist who ever served in the Senate was a Democrat, and remained a Democrat…except for Strom Thurmond. He remained a Democrat for eighteen years after running for President as a Dixiecrat- before he became a Republican. There’s a reason they are not called “Dixiecans.”

2. “The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms. Democrats never denied a segregationist a committee chairmanship or a leadership position because of his noxious views on race. No Democrat has ever been punished for making a racist remark….More than 80 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965….[The] record on race, of Thurmond the Republican is pretty good. He was among the first of Southern senators to hire blacks for his staff. He supported blacks for judgeships. He voted for extension of the Voting Rights Act.” Jack Kelly

a. Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.

Got this from Coulter's new best-seller. You might like it.

I'll see your three canned GOP talking points and raise you one "Nixon's Southern Strategy".

There is a reason the South is red now.

Let's not play coy about it.

As for what happened in the past, I could give a shit less. I don't live in the past. I live in the present. I don't see the Democratic Party as flawless. I just see it as the lesser of two evils.

Hell-boy, this is my fav post of the day! The week!

Cause it shows that you have been raised like the proverbial mushroom...raised in the dark and fed you know what.

Now, hope you're sitting dow:
There never was a racist "Nixon's Southern Strategy".
It is a totally fabricated idea by the Left, supported by the Old Left Media, and bought- like it was on sale- by the gullible.

1. As president of the Senate, Nixon strongly supported civil rights, specifically the 1957 civil rights act, issuing an advisory opinion that a filibuster could be stopped with a simple majority, thereby changing Senate rules. Congressional Record, Volume 157 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

a. During the endless deliberations, Democrat LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. Then there was liberal Democrat Sam Ervin- instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon- who told fellow segregationists, “I’m on your side, not theirs, “ but “we’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something.” Ibid.

c. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.

2. Typical idiot education: When the Republicans won their gains in Congress, 2010, Bill Maher said: “I haven’t seen Republicans so happy about taking seats since they made Rosa Parks stand up.” HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher: Ep 196 November 5, 2010: Quotes

a. When Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat, the mayor of Montgomery enforcing segregation on the buses was- of course- a segregationist Democrat, William A. “Tacky” Gayle. “The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Birth of a new age, December 1955,” p. 80.

b. History provide the basis for a very different analysis. “During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.” Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

3. Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon – who believed that blacks had gotten a raw deal in America and wanted to extend a helping hand: raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ; adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented "Black Capitalism" (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, "It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South."http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30233#ixzz1RH1WZDv8

a.Now, clearly, conservatives do not favor racial quotas of any kind, but Nixon’s efforts must be seen as a reaction to a century of Democrat obstructionism on civil rights. Purely a coincidence, I’m sure, that Dems finally came around when blacks were voting in high enough numbers to make a difference at the ballot box. Note, Nixon did it even though it hurt him politically. Kotlowski, Dean J. ; "Richard Nixon and the Origins of Affirmative Action" The Historian. Volume: 60. Issue: 3. 1998. pp. 523 ff.

4. Do you get it yet?
Everything you believe in politics is wrong!
You've been lied to...and worse...you never did your own research to see if it was true!!!

If there was a Southern Strategy, it was unfurled by the people of the South, who essentially ‘rebelled’ again, against the lawless, unprincipled Democrats, who they recognized as being responsible for, or at least accepting of the legalized obscenity, student riots, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Party, and the Black Panthers, skyrocketing crime rates, courts giving more and more elaborate rights to criminals, ended the death penalty, banned prayer from the schools, among other depredations.

And, being patriots, (name a Southern university that banned ROTC. Even Duke has one) they appreciated the fact that the Republicans were hawks during the Cold War. So rather than a Republican strategy, it was the Democrats’ shift from the party of Harry Truman to the party of Rosie O’Donnell!

You've been mislead- but it's your own fault! Pick up a book.
Do you feel dumb? Really, really dumb?
1. "Nixon's Southern Strategy". This was your response to my pointing out that every segregationist in the Senate was a Democrat….
I refer to racists…..and you say "Nixon's Southern Strategy"

But now, you attempt to run away from the only possible implication with “I didn't say Nixon was a racist.”

That's where you fucked up. You made saw an "implication" that wasn't there.

Glad I was able to teach you a lesson.

2. “You want to act as if the GOP was the force behind the Civil Rights act of 1964. Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat.”

Since you evince an advanced case of ADD, let me remind you of what I said:

“But by 1964 more blacks were voters, thanks to the efforts of Republicans. And, again, Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act: 82 % of Senate Republicans and 80% of House Republicans; it was 66% of Senate Democrats and 63% of House Democrats. But the Democrat input in the ’64 act made it different in a very important way: the rise of blacks into professional and other high–level occupations was greater prior to the ’64 act, meaning that the ’57 and ’60 civil rights acts had far greater implications for black achievement…” post #45

Do you recognize this? Do you deny any of the quote?
No? Then I am correct that a smaller part of the Democrat Party favored same than the Republican Party.

The GOP had no power in 1964. They weren't driving policy. As I said, it's nice that they were along for the ride (most of them), but they weren't driving the bus.

As I said, the GOP's evolution after civil rights is a much more interesting story.

a. Did the Dems and LBJ wish to support civil rights for blacks? Consider LBJ’s comment about an earlier (1957) civil rights bill: During the endless deliberations, LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.
So, what is the essence of your “Perhaps you forget that it was introduced by a Democrat.” In the face of the above, are you claiming that LBJ wished to support civil rights? Or retain power???

Yada, yada, yada. Who had the majority and who signed it into law? Acting like LBJ wasn't the driving force behind the civil rights act is laughably retarded. I don't even like LBJ and can give credit where it is due.

2. “GOP became a party of cynical exploitation of issues of race, sexuality, religion, and gun ownership.”
Exactly the opposite: the Democrats were co-opted by the far Left, forfeiting traditional values, as I posted here: “…against the lawless, unprincipled Democrats, who they recognized as being responsible for, or at least accepting of the legalized obscenity, student riots, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Party, and the Black Panthers, skyrocketing crime rates, courts giving more and more elaborate rights to criminals, ended the death penalty, banned prayer from the schools, among other depredations. And, being patriots, (name a Southern university that banned ROTC. Even Duke has one) they appreciated the fact that the Republicans were hawks during the Cold War. So rather than a Republican strategy, it was the Democrats’ shift from the party of Harry Truman to the party of Rosie O’Donnell."

The oh-so-lame "traditional values" card. Ironically, you expect me to respond to your asinine opinion pionts when you simply ignore my points, which at least are sourced.

3. “Chris Matthews. What does he have to do with anything?”
You may pretend that MSNBC and the other segments of the Old Left Media are other that the on-air Democrat Party, but they are. And they scream “racist” , while behaving as racists.

I don't pretend anything. I simply don't care about MSNBC or Chris Matthews. Ironic that you would bash Matthews while parroting Coulter.

I also fail to see how it's germane to this topic.

4. From your Phillips quote: “The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”

You actually don’t see what a bonehead this makes you appear??? The Republicans are racist because they want to help blacks register to vote??????

How you could read that from that quote is beyond me. Maybe Phillips wants blacks to register so that more "negrophobe" whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans because that's where the votes are?

Let me spell this out for you, as your brain has obviously been corroded: Phillips wants racist whites in the South to become disenfranchised with the Democrats over civil rights so that the GOP can take the South.

There's your Southern Strategy.

5. “I am denying that liberalism had anything to do with "banning" of ROTC. I am denying that ROTC was in fact banned.”

Wow! With all your chest thumping and sneers about my outfit, you sure make yourself look like a chump. Read this and weep:
“Harvard, with other elite universities to follow, has rectified a mistake it never should have made. On Friday, it signed an agreement with the Pentagon to allow the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps back on campus… In the uproar and protests over the Vietnam War, ROTC found itself being evicted from the campuses of various colleges and universities. There was a strong animus between liberal academia and the traditional military, and opposition to “don’t ask, don’t tell” provided a useful pretext for keeping it off.” ROTC marches back to Harvard | Davis Enterprise

Turns out your NYTimes article was bogus, eh?

No, I think the writer of this OPED, like you and so many others, was misinformed. Though, I wouldn't expect a (comparatively) small local paper from Davis, California to carry the weight of the Times.

The NYTimes article covers all of this, if you had bothered to read it. Perhaps you could respond to the substance of that article as opposed to simply claiming the author is lying.

What about Hillsdale? They actually do ban ROTC from their campuses.

Turns out you don’t know anything, eh?

I know you look positively ridiculous in that paramilitary get-up.
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But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:
People voted for a guy whos Church hates white people and America
Talk about hating America: your House Majority Leader - right now - has $15,000 invested, betting AGAINST the U.S. economy.
Actually, not really. Southern Missouri is pretty homogeneous. Racism (to me) didn't seem to be a problem as we only had a few black people in my town (about 8000) people. Now, I might have a different perspective if I were not white.

When I was growing up, the KKK moved it's "Headquarters" to Harrison Arkansas, which was pretty close to me. They must have been a shell of what they used to be. I never saw a white hood in my area.

In large part, the racial purity is due to the lynchings in Springfield in 1906. Those lynchings changed the racial hue of that section of Missouri. Newspaper reports suggest that thousands of blacks fled the area. Joplin, in contrast, is extremely racially diverse.

(I grew up near KC).

I don't think I would use the term "racial purity".

For my part of the world, no one was driven out. There simply wasn't any industry (agricultural for slaves) or industry for factory work to attract anything other than the natives: Hill people from Tennessee and Kentucky who were heading West and stopped in because it reminded them of home.
Nobody is afraid of him. He is sub human and a known racist.

So was Dem Sen Byrd but that didn't stop the dems from reelecting him time after time.
Byrd wasn't a racist, and you cannot produce a single quote or action by him that denigrates Blacks.

He joined the KKK to get ahead - go along to get along. He admitted that was a mistake.

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