David Petraeus To Plead Guilty To Disclosing Classified Information To Mistress

David Petraeus owes President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder a big THANK YOU. If this had been some regular G.I. Joe - they would have crucified him/her. In this case - justice was not blind.
Come on, NaziCons, and tell us more about how mean President Obama has been to David Betrayus.
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Yeah, it was very serious, and Obama let him off very lightly.
Why do you suppose that is?
BHO doesn't want the fall out from both sides.

We hide to force the retirement of our division CSM because he was caught peeing the Vietnam War Memorial at midnight because he was drunker than a skunk and was mourning the loss of many of his comrades as a young solider.

Soldiers do a lot of stupid things because of sex and booze, just like civilians do.
Here is the litmus test for Lakhota to see if he/she is consistent

Should Hilary Clinton be charged and convicted for the same crimes Petraeus has been convicted of. She obviously spoke of classified material on her private insecure blackberry because she used nothing else during her whole time as sec of state? Take all the time you want.
Here is the litmus test for Lakhota to see if he/she is consistent

Should Hilary Clinton be charged and convicted for the same crimes Petraeus has been convicted of. She obviously spoke of classified material on her private insecure blackberry because she used nothing else during her whole time as sec of state? Take all the time you want.

Well, NaziCon, has Hillary been thoroughly investigated and tried in a court of law and found guilty of misusing emails? No, she hasn't. This shit with Petraeus has been going on for a long time. It takes time. Hillary will probably be president before we ever know the whole story.

UPDATE -- 7:41pm: CREW spokesman Stephen Santulli released the following statement Tuesday night, calling the matter a "systemic problem throughout the federal government":

“Today’s New York Times report shines a light on a systemic problem throughout the federal government. Agencies simply do not know how to handle emails from a record keeping perspective. That is why President Obama issued an executive order mandating that all agencies have electronic record keeping systems in place by 2016. But that will take new technology, which means money, which is why the President gave agencies several years to comply.

"Secretary Clinton is not the first agency head to go without an official email account. FOIA requests CREW sent during the Bush Administration revealed that then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff did not have official email accounts, and we understand the practice was even more widespread and continues to the present.

"This issue is not unique to any official or agency. It is an ongoing issue that President Obama’s order is designed to address.”

MORE: Bombshell New York Times Report On Hillary Clinton Email Account Disputed
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She violated the Federal Records Act which has changed since the time of bush. And if you say it won't even come to trial til after she wins the election you must not have ANY respect for the law when it comes to dems. The test is completed.
WASHINGTON -- Former military commander and CIA Director David Petraeus agreed Tuesday to plead guilty to one misdemeanor count of removing and retaining classified material, admitting to providing his mistress with that material while he headed the CIA.

The plea deal, revealed in documents filed in federal court in the Western District of North Carolina, means that Petraeus will likely avoid prison time. Federal prosecutors will ask for two years of probation and a $40,000 fine under the terms of the plea agreement.

More: David Petraeus To Plead Guilty In Connection With Disclosing Classified Information To Mistress

Plea deal? One misdemeanor count? That obviously means it was much worse than what he is pleading to. Shame on General Petraeus.
He and that slut home wrecker deserve jail time.
This is ridiculous, what did he even do? have sex? he should be exonnerated and issued an apology to.
Patreus shared sensitive documents with a mistress who was in love with the idea of feeling important.....She cheated on her husband in order to get close to Patreus so she could write a book about him.....
Latest news is good though. SHE may face criminal charges for receiving classified material...
As most of you know, I'm conservative on fiscal issues and right leaning moderate on social issues.....Here's my take...
Both these people should be punished. Patreus has been. Broadwell knew exactly what she was doing. She slept with Patreus to get hm to open up so she could write a book about him. To me she is nothing more than a prostitute. She used her lady parts for financial gain. She cheated on her husband, disgraced her children and in the mix she broke the law by knowingly receiving classified government documents. For that she deserves some kind of criminal sanctions.
I am standing firm on this....There is no response needed. I'm not changing my mind and no amount of counter argument or commentary is going to matter.
In fact I'm not even going to come back to this thread. Done.
Here is the litmus test for Lakhota to see if he/she is consistent

Should Hilary Clinton be charged and convicted for the same crimes Petraeus has been convicted of. She obviously spoke of classified material on her private insecure blackberry because she used nothing else during her whole time as sec of state? Take all the time you want.

Well, NaziCon, has Hillary been thoroughly investigated and tried in a court of law and found guilty of misusing emails? No, she hasn't. This shit with Petraeus has been going on for a long time. It takes time. Hillary will probably be president before we ever know the whole story.

UPDATE -- 7:41pm: CREW spokesman Stephen Santulli released the following statement Tuesday night, calling the matter a "systemic problem throughout the federal government":

“Today’s New York Times report shines a light on a systemic problem throughout the federal government. Agencies simply do not know how to handle emails from a record keeping perspective. That is why President Obama issued an executive order mandating that all agencies have electronic record keeping systems in place by 2016. But that will take new technology, which means money, which is why the President gave agencies several years to comply.

"Secretary Clinton is not the first agency head to go without an official email account. FOIA requests CREW sent during the Bush Administration revealed that then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff did not have official email accounts, and we understand the practice was even more widespread and continues to the present.

"This issue is not unique to any official or agency. It is an ongoing issue that President Obama’s order is designed to address.”

MORE: Bombshell New York Times Report On Hillary Clinton Email Account Disputed
Of course the Times would be one of the first to swoop in to protect Hillary..
Would you expect anything less?
She violated the Federal Records Act which has changed since the time of bush. And if you say it won't even come to trial til after she wins the election you must not have ANY respect for the law when it comes to dems. The test is completed.
Lol, you threw a wrench in her outrage.

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