David Vitter lurches toward a humiliating defeat: scandal and hypocrisy finally catches up to him

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
How great it would be to see Vitter defeated.

David Vitter lurches toward a humiliating defeat: A record of scandal and hypocrisy finally catches up to him - Salon.com
First there was a story published by Jason Berry, an investigative reporter who writes for the blog, American Zombie. Berry interviewed Wendy Ellis, a former prostitute in New Orleans, who claims to have serviced Vitter between 1998 and 2000. She also alleges that Vitter requested that she have an abortion after he impregnated her, a claim Vitter vehemently denies. Berry’s story has since unraveled, but there’s enough smoke to sway voters, particularly those who are familiar with Vitter’s philandering past.

Vitter’s follies continued last week when a private investigator his campaign hired, a man named Robert Frenzel, was caught clandestinely recording a conversation between a local sheriff, a state senator, and a lawyer with ties to the Democratic Party. The PI was promptly arrested, after which Vitter released a vacuous statement about his intent to spy on the lawyer, not the sheriff. However you spin it,writes Lamar White, a prominent Louisiana blogger, it seems “David Vitter hired and paid someone $130,000 to spy on John Cummings, a private citizen, because David Vitter is absolutely terrified about what John Cummings knows.” No one knows for sure what Cummings knows, but it’s not hard to imagine what it’s about (hint: prostitutes).
Especially if his cohorts, Coburn and Santorum, went down with him.

Hush money/sex scandal. Disgusting but just another day for the christian Repubs.
Republicans have only themselves to blame for such ridicule, of course, the consequence of their nonsense about being the party of 'family values.'
How great it would be to see Vitter defeated.

David Vitter lurches toward a humiliating defeat: A record of scandal and hypocrisy finally catches up to him - Salon.com
First there was a story published by Jason Berry, an investigative reporter who writes for the blog, American Zombie. Berry interviewed Wendy Ellis, a former prostitute in New Orleans, who claims to have serviced Vitter between 1998 and 2000. She also alleges that Vitter requested that she have an abortion after he impregnated her, a claim Vitter vehemently denies. Berry’s story has since unraveled, but there’s enough smoke to sway voters, particularly those who are familiar with Vitter’s philandering past...

Especially if his cohorts, Coburn and Santorum, went down with him.

Hush money/sex scandal. Disgusting but just another day for the christian Repubs.

Just so I get this right: A Salon story (strike 1) about some self-styled "investigative reporter" at some blog site called American Zombie (strike 2) claims to have evidence that turns out to be as bogus as the story (strike 3).

Really guys ... do you mega-loony leftists have nothing honest or productive to do with your time?

Perhaps you could call a "meeting of the zombies" where you can discuss the prospect of smearing the campaign of one as scandal-ridden and guilty of hypocrisy as the Dem's current leading presidential candidate.

Nah ... that would take the kind of integrity not one of y'all possess.
If only hypocrisy were a crime. Salon would be doing 100 years in jail.

that has to be the nastiest leftwing HATE website on the internet. there are many out there but that one takes prize

go to that site at your own peril.
How great it would be to see Vitter defeated.

David Vitter lurches toward a humiliating defeat: A record of scandal and hypocrisy finally catches up to him - Salon.com
First there was a story published by Jason Berry, an investigative reporter who writes for the blog, American Zombie. Berry interviewed Wendy Ellis, a former prostitute in New Orleans, who claims to have serviced Vitter between 1998 and 2000. She also alleges that Vitter requested that she have an abortion after he impregnated her, a claim Vitter vehemently denies. Berry’s story has since unraveled, but there’s enough smoke to sway voters, particularly those who are familiar with Vitter’s philandering past...

Especially if his cohorts, Coburn and Santorum, went down with him.

Hush money/sex scandal. Disgusting but just another day for the christian Repubs.

Just so I get this right: A Salon story (strike 1) about some self-styled "investigative reporter" at some blog site called American Zombie (strike 2) claims to have evidence that turns out to be as bogus as the story (strike 3).

Really guys ... do you mega-loony leftists have nothing honest or productive to do with your time?

Perhaps you could call a "meeting of the zombies" where you can discuss the prospect of smearing the campaign of one as scandal-ridden and guilty of hypocrisy as the Dem's current leading presidential candidate.

Nah ... that would take the kind of integrity not one of y'all possess.

now you see why they are such low information when it comes to politics. it's a real shame the damage these leftwing website do to the voting public

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