Day 4 of this Miserable Cold

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
It started last Thursday night with a tickling in my throat and a dry couch. By Friday night I had fever and chills, body aches, couching, sneezing, head and chest congestion. I cannot remember the last time I was this sick. I never got Covid. Then came the sore throat, which I think is due to irritation from all the drainage. Both Saturday and Sunday nights, the fever returned, along with the body aches. I tried to ignore it by listening to podcasts of Art Bell radio shows and bigfoot encounter stories. I decided to get up and drag my ass to work today. I regret doing it. I am presently trying to decide if I should drag my ass out to my car and go home, or if I should just close my eyes and fall asleep in my chair right here in the office. If I get up feeling like shit again tomorrow I am just going to stay home and rest. I am treating with Alleve and Mucinex, along with an increase of water intake. My appetite has completely left me now too. I just want cold water. Dragging myself to the toilet every 3-4 hours is like being nailed to a cross, though slightly less humiliating. I had to get up 3 times last night to change shirts because they were drenched in my sweat. The only positive I have to hold onto is that at least I have not puked yet.
It started last Thursday night with a tickling in my throat and a dry couch. By Friday night I had fever and chills, body aches, couching, sneezing, head and chest congestion. I cannot remember the last time I was this sick. I never got Covid. Then came the sore throat, which I think is due to irritation from all the drainage. Both Saturday and Sunday nights, the fever returned, along with the body aches. I tried to ignore it by listening to podcasts of Art Bell radio shows and bigfoot encounter stories. I decided to get up and drag my ass to work today. I regret doing it. I am presently trying to decide if I should drag my ass out to my car and go home, or if I should just close my eyes and fall asleep in my chair right here in the office. If I get up feeling like shit again tomorrow I am just going to stay home and rest. I am treating with Alleve and Mucinex, along with an increase of water intake. My appetite has completely left me now too. I just want cold water. Dragging myself to the toilet every 3-4 hours is like being nailed to a cross, though slightly less humiliating. I had to get up 3 times last night to change shirts because they were drenched in my sweat. The only positive I have to hold onto is that at least I have not puked yet.
That's not a cold. That's the a minimum. Loss of appetite another indicator. Shoulda stayed home from work. Hope you weren't around other people. Go home. :)

I'm surprised listening to Art Bell didn't make you puke! :auiqs.jpg:
That's not a cold. That's the a minimum. Loss of appetite another indicator. Shoulda stayed home from work. Hope you weren't around other people. Go home. :)

I'm surprised listening to Art Bell didn't make you puke! :auiqs.jpg:
I am learning from Art’s show that you can fuck with the space-time continuum to crack into other dimensions and to cause objects to manifest in remote areas of the world. Great stuff!
Never too late to start . I have never coughed or sneezed even once in the last four years, and the key elements which guaranteed this result are daily 50ug ( mu) of Vitamin D 3, and 6000mg of Vitamin C .You probably can get the same result with 3-4000mg of vitamin C a day, but if the higher figure was good for Linus Pauling , whom am I to argue with the person who first isolated it and reputedly took 9000mg a day for the rest of his life. Only a partial succees for him because he croaked when he was 93 !! Obviously you can benefit from also eating the appropriate foods -- which I do .And sunlight for Vitamin D .Most people grossly under-estimate the importance of Vitamin C. So :-
  • It boosts immunity and fights cell damage and disease
  • It improves heart health and lowers blood pressure
  • It bolsters iron absorption and prevents scurvy
  • It helps with tissue growth, development, repair, and wound healing
  • It protects against eye disease and promotes healthy skin
It is why those Bats never died from Covid despite having more than one of the family of Corona viruses all the time --plus Rabies etc . It was because they produced Vitamin C , 24x7 , something which we cannot do .The bastards never admitted that and even made Joseph Mercola an outcast because he told people how important Vitamin D was and is as a treatment .
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It started last Thursday night with a tickling in my throat and a dry couch. By Friday night I had fever and chills, body aches, couching, sneezing, head and chest congestion. I cannot remember the last time I was this sick. I never got Covid. Then came the sore throat, which I think is due to irritation from all the drainage. Both Saturday and Sunday nights, the fever returned, along with the body aches. I tried to ignore it by listening to podcasts of Art Bell radio shows and bigfoot encounter stories. I decided to get up and drag my ass to work today. I regret doing it. I am presently trying to decide if I should drag my ass out to my car and go home, or if I should just close my eyes and fall asleep in my chair right here in the office. If I get up feeling like shit again tomorrow I am just going to stay home and rest. I am treating with Alleve and Mucinex, along with an increase of water intake. My appetite has completely left me now too. I just want cold water. Dragging myself to the toilet every 3-4 hours is like being nailed to a cross, though slightly less humiliating. I had to get up 3 times last night to change shirts because they were drenched in my sweat. The only positive I have to hold onto is that at least I have not puked yet.

Glad to hear that you saved your sick days for when you aren't and instead decided to infect your coworkers.
I'm glad you didn't get Covid, Rod. And I hope your immunity lasts.
Seems I was reading up on Covid prevention at the CDC, or other trusted source that said Zinc, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D3 prevent viruses, with covid at the top of the viruses they present. Im not sure that's why I never got covid either, but I did get a virus like the one you described, and my doctor took blood tests and said the results showed that I never got covid, and I don't have it now. I also use social distancing, and social distancing on steroids if I forget to wear a mask in a superstore like Walmart.

I hope all of us stay well and avoid the viruses going around. The coughing virus I got lasted 6 weeks that culminated into me going to the emergency room at our local hospital one night when my coughing made my chest hurt really bad. I thought it could be a heart attack warning, but the attending nurses and physicians ruled that one out because I just had sore lungs from all that coughing. It went away with their steroid, antibiotic, and allergy prevention prescription, but a couple of weeks later, I got an eye infection, so I am going to trek down to the doctor's office if I can get an appointment.

Good luck with your immunity.

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