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Day without a Woman

You just lost the presidency, and many more vulnerable Democrat seats are up for grabs in 2018. Your chance came and went in 2016. That's what all this unprescendented freaking out by the Dems and the media is all about. The Dems know they're about to lose the entire farm in 2018.
You know you are talking nonsense. The game is afoot Right Now, and we see the GOP running around screaming about AHCA and the wire tapping and Trump's connections, and you, stupidly, are doing a victory dance. :lol:
The game is afoot and republicans are going to do what they promised, get the job done and undo Obama the damage caused by the disastrous presidency. The democrats have no levers to pull and can't do jack about it, republicans are in the driving seat, they have a majority in every position that counts. Deal with with it.
So you hope, but the Republican confusion right now undermines your hope.
What confusion is that? Republicans aren't fascists like the Dems who shove bills down the throats of Americans without anybody having a say. They are debating the rough draft of the first phase of a three phase bill. The bill will eventually pass and so will the other two. Democrats can chose to either participate and get something done, or fuck off.
You are babbling now. You insinuate the Republicans will shove the bill down America's throat whether they like it or not, then condemn the Dems for doing the same thing. Make some sense, please.
No shoving here like the way the Dems said it has to pass before you see what's inside it, moron, the repub's have posted the bill online and have said they are open to negotiations.
I LOVE this idea.....

A day where women stay home from work and actually do the jobs that nature intended them to do (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc...)?!?! GREAT!!!!!!
A day where women don't talk or drive. :lmao:
Yeah, mental cases like you probably think the Dems are "ahead". Ha ha ha.
Nope, they are not, but unbalanced people like you think the game is in the last few seconds.
You just lost the presidency, and many more vulnerable Democrat seats are up for grabs in 2018. Your chance came and went in 2016. That's what all this unprescendented freaking out by the Dems and the media is all about. The Dems know they're about to lose the entire farm in 2018.
You know you are talking nonsense. The game is afoot Right Now, and we see the GOP running around screaming about AHCA and the wire tapping and Trump's connections, and you, stupidly, are doing a victory dance. :lol:
The game is afoot and republicans are going to do what they promised, get the job done and undo Obama the damage caused by the disastrous presidency. The democrats have no levers to pull and can't do jack about it, republicans are in the driving seat, they have a majority in every position that counts. Deal with with it.
So you hope, but the Republican confusion right now undermines your hope.
Republican's don't operate like the fascist Dems. When they say they believe in free speech and are open to other people's opinions, they mean it.
what are these chicks "fighting for" anyways? Are they fucking suppressed somehow? Is Affirmative action not enough? What?
Speaking from a female's perspective I would warn them that if they actually want independence and freedom dump the Dems. That is merely from one person's perspective though. In contracting/owning my own business I actually came across a lot of people that were most generally Dem males and a lot of those did not like the idea of a "woman" being able to tell men what to do. Had one guy actually turn down $75.00 an hour because he wasn't have'n no woman tell him what to do. Making more money did not appeal to him when the "woman" owned the contracts. I have seen my fair share of those type males in this old world. I'd always figured its a personal problem they have and that is why generally those types have to work for someone else in order to make their living.
March 8, 2017 - ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike seeks to continue legacy of massive D.C. march

Last Prophet's words hours after Trump's inauguration, extended 2 days later with Clinton's tweets after the Women's March

Suppress protest while advancing other agendas: How totally ignorant you are of illuminati tactics
It was the same illuminati who marketed the 40,000 attending Trump's inauguration as "nearly one million" who also organized these two acts:
- the masked police acting as "anarchist protesters", same act served ad nauseum since 2004 by each "protest" covered by illuminati media.
- the anti-Trump Women's March who will rally millions across the USA tomorrow.

Women's march after Trump's inauguration - for dummies
1. The "safety valve" psy-op technique to suppress protest.
2. Literally applying the "divide and reign" tactic to suppress protest: keep men out of it.
3. The "feminist" agenda, part of the destruction of the family agenda, where "divide and conquer" is obviously one of the underlying tactics.
4. Marketing terminator Clinton, who will be proclaimed the real 44th president after the staged arrests of the two actors casted as "married to a TRANS": "black Obama" and "billionaire Trump".

Added 2 days later: Clinton (re)tweets the Women's March
Terminator Hitlery (Hitler's oldest daughter, Merkel's half sister):
How she reached average rally audiences of 300 during the "head to head" race with Sanders: a group of 200 was always ordered to attend, to prevent the media-only "crowd" that prevents empty rooms in the first place.
23 Jan 2017 - Clinton (re)tweets a photoshopped image multiplying Trump's crowd and reducing the women's march captioned as:
"Scrolling through images of the #womensmarch is awe-inspiring. Hope it brought joy to others as it did to me." ...

All in Blog
Protest Suppression Techniques, by the Illuminati: Women's march after Trump's inauguration for dummies
How about a MONTH where your wife doesn't get to nag you, tell you what to do, or spend your money?
You know you are talking nonsense. The game is afoot Right Now, and we see the GOP running around screaming about AHCA and the wire tapping and Trump's connections, and you, stupidly, are doing a victory dance. :lol:
The game is afoot and republicans are going to do what they promised, get the job done and undo Obama the damage caused by the disastrous presidency. The democrats have no levers to pull and can't do jack about it, republicans are in the driving seat, they have a majority in every position that counts. Deal with with it.
So you hope, but the Republican confusion right now undermines your hope.
What confusion is that? Republicans aren't fascists like the Dems who shove bills down the throats of Americans without anybody having a say. They are debating the rough draft of the first phase of a three phase bill. The bill will eventually pass and so will the other two. Democrats can chose to either participate and get something done, or fuck off.
You are babbling now. You insinuate the Republicans will shove the bill down America's throat whether they like it or not, then condemn the Dems for doing the same thing. Make some sense, please.
No shoving here like the way the Dems said it has to pass before you see what's inside it, moron, the repub's have posted the bill online and have said they are open to negotiations.
That's good it is online, but your comments, silly, is a deflection from your desire to have the GOP ram it down the throat of all America.
When one uses "illuminati" as above, then the reader knows he is in la la land.

The day is not one of Rosie the Red going off on moral humanity.
I LOVE this idea.....

A day where women stay home from work and actually do the jobs that nature intended them to do (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc...)?!?! GREAT!!!!!!

It's a day where women stay at home, where they belong.

Unless it involves shopping at a store owned by a Muslim immigrant that believes in honor killings for women or who think that women are second class citizens thanks to the quran. They will support such a person but not some cracker with a Trump bumper sticker.
How about a day with out progressive/liberal/beatches and can we make it permanent...
And craven Democrats predictably remain silent.
March 8, 2017

Ari Lieberman

The relentless campaign to undermine the Trump administration and question the legitimacy of the 2016 election continues apace. The left has an embarked on a Jihad of sorts to embarrass and derail the new administration in a desperate bid to undo the choices made by the American people.

In Congress, Democratic lawmakers – despite the fact that they’re in the minority – are resorting to every trick in the book to delay and impede President Trump’s nominees. The latest to fall victim to this unscrupulous charade is Trump’s deputy attorney general nominee, Rod Rosenstein. Democratic lawmakers on the Judiciary Committee have vowed to “use every possible tool” to block the nomination.

Meanwhile, elements within the media elite have continued to propagate fake news in connection with Russia and the 2016 elections. Despite the fact that there is not a scintilla of evidence substantiating allegations of collusion between Trump’s campaign staff and Russia or that Russian interference with the 2016 election had any impact on the outcome, the purveyors of fake news – principally the New York Times, MSNBC and CNN – continue to suggest otherwise.

Former Obama administration officials, frustrated by their monumental electoral loss and watching helplessly at the reversal of eight years of legacy, have joined forces with leftist lawmakers and media elites. Loretta Lynch, Obama’s corrupt attorney general who secretly met with Bill Clinton (to discuss “grandchildren” and “golf”) while Hillary was under FBI investigation, is on record encouraging anti-Trump chaos and even called for “blood.” That sort of irresponsible talk appears to green light violence and lends fuel to an already volatile situation.


One such group has scheduled a “Day without a Woman” rally for March 8. The group’s organizers represent the who’s who of the radical left but two stand out as among the worst of a rancid bunch.

The first is Angela Davis, a former Black Panther radical, unrepentant Marxist, notorious supporter of the BDS movement and purveyor of anti-Semitic canards, including the false claim that Israel practices Apartheid against Arabs.

During the height of the Cold War, Davis openly cavorted and collaborated with autocrats from Cuba and the Soviet Union. Her notorious brushes with law enforcement are well known. In 1970 her mug landed on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. She earned that dubious distinction as a felonious fugitive in connection with her role in a bloody kidnapping-murder incident at a Marin County courtroom in California that left a judge dead and a prosecutor paralyzed for life.


If the Democratic Party has an ounce of decency left in its decayed coffers, it would unequivocally disavow the organizers of the March 8th event and repudiate their platform. Sadly and predictably, with leaders like Keith Ellison, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders – who either share the pernicious views of Davis and Odeh or are too craven to oppose them – this will not occur.

'Women’s Strike' Platform Calls For Destruction Of Israel
I stayed home today and my wife went to work.
I fully support the right of women to wear red, because that's the color of prostitutes and whores.
I'm retired so I wasn't able to go to work to protest this stupid protest, instead I specifically went out to all of the local shops I typically visit and spent money! I don't think anyone stayed home in Eagle River, all the chicky-poo's I typically deal with were working...

Though my husband's about to have 10 days without his woman as I'm off to Vegas :p He was supposed to come with, but nooooo he chose work over me... again. Damn work-a-holic's... I'm protesting his choice by spending his money ~giggles~
Suppress protest while advancing other agendas: How totally ignorant you are of illuminati tactics

It was the same illuminati who marketed the 40,000 attending Trump's inauguration as "nearly one million" who also organized these two acts:
- the masked police acting as "anarchist protesters", same act served ad nauseum since 2004 by each "protest" covered by illuminati media.
- the anti-Trump Women's March who will rally millions across the USA tomorrow.

Women's march after Trump's inauguration - for dummies
1. The "safety valve" psy-op technique to suppress protest.
All in Blog
Protest Suppression Techniques, by the Illuminati: Women's march after Trump's inauguration for dummies
How effectively it worked: no more mass protests afterwards despite Trump's role as classic bomber pushed to new limits each day

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