DDR 2.0. SPD leader Esken in favor of regular review of an AfD ban


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
DDR 2.0 ( former Germany) has two main political parties

1. CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens - there is no difference between these 'parties', all of them serve Schwab, NWO, Globalism and hard-core communism
2. AFD - practically a left - wing party in comparison to which even democrats from CA, IL or MA are right - wingers

Today the united communist block of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens wants to prohibit their left - wing competitor

1. Because almost all leading politicians of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens will go to prison charged by their numerous crimes against the country including tyranny through SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984

2. Because AFD stops support of Ukraine

3. Because AFD will try to improve relations with Russia (I think it will be impossible for the next hundred years)

4. Because AFD wants to stop Islamisation ( in reality it's too late)

You betcha CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens gonna prohibit AFD, they have simple no other choice
The last three years clearly showed we're run by a gang of satanist tyrants who do anything possible to keep the power

In any case grab popcorn and enjoy the show, the fight between NWO communist tyrants and national oriented socialists
DDR 2.0 is just the beginning, in any western country all election will be stolen

Parties - SPD leader Esken in favor of regular review of an AfD ban​

Despite all of the AfD 's electoral successes, banning the party remains an option for SPD leader Saskia Esken. "Such a party ban is rightly subject to high hurdles. But I am convinced that we should keep looking into it," Esken told the German Press Agency. "It is important that we talk about banning the AfD and that voters are shaken up."

SPD leader calls AfD "clearly anti-democratic"

Esken explained that the AfD is part of an extreme right-wing network, maintains lists of critical journalists who are not popular and sets up reporting portals for teachers who express criticism of the AfD. "It uses every topic to incite people. For me, that is clearly anti-democratic," emphasized Esken.

The AfD recently made significant gains in state elections in western Germany and won mayoral and lord mayor elections in eastern Germany.

In all polls for the Bundestag elections, the party is in second place behind the CDU/CSU with more than 20 percent, well ahead of all three governing parties SPD, Greens and FDP.

53% expect AfD head of government in eastern Germany

Elections will be held in three eastern German states in September: Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. The AfD is leading the polls in all three states. It cannot be ruled out that it will win an absolute majority of parliamentary seats in at least one of the states and be able to appoint a prime minister.

According to a recent survey conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of dpa, a majority of 53% of Germans believe such a scenario is likely. Only 32% of respondents consider it unlikely. In eastern Germany, as many as 58% expect the AfD to come to power in one of the three states and become head of government.

Esken warned of the consequences of further AfD election successes. "The current polls are a warning to us," she said. "In the coming months, we will make it clear that our country is at risk of great damage if the AfD gains political power. Because that would be a major rupture and a major threat to democratic culture, our common good and our business location."

Esken first brought up the idea of banning the AfD before the Federal Constitutional Court back in August. According to the Basic Law, a party can be banned if it actively and militantly opposes the free democratic basic order. An application for a ban can be filed in Karlsruhe by the Bundestag, Bundesrat or Federal Government.

AfD classified as "definitely right-wing extremist" in three federal states

Esken emphasized that it is the responsibility of the offices for the protection of the constitution to constantly re-examine the threat posed to democracy by the AfD. If they come to the conclusion "that a party as a whole is definitely right-wing extremist, then the sword of prohibition must be drawn". The AfD is currently classified as "definitely right-wing extremist" by the state offices for the protection of the constitution in Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt.

Majority do not see AfD as the strongest party at federal level

According to the YouGov survey, most Germans do not give the AfD a chance of becoming the strongest party in nationwide elections. Only 28% of respondents think this is likely in the European elections on June 9, with 57% considering it unlikely. There are similar expectations for the Bundestag elections, which are currently scheduled to take place in the fall of 2025. 27% believe it is likely that the AfD will become the strongest party, while 56% consider this to be unrealistic.

42% do not believe that the "firewall" will hold

However, many respondents can imagine that the other parties' strict demarcation against the AfD will crumble. 42% of respondents do not believe that the CDU/CSU will keep its promise not to work with the AfD at state and federal level. Only 36% are of the opinion that this so-called "firewall" will hold.

Esken warns of "major rupture"

Through SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 the united commies of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lrfts-Greens showed their true face.
Without an ocean of blood they will never give power to the People back

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To be Free no Socialism, no Communism, no Green Utopias but Freedom like in the Lone Star State, one of the few free places on the planet
TX, its laws and politically system shall be a pattern for all nations dreamed to be free ( including completely devastated by commies DDR 2.0 and Russia)

DDR 2.0 ( former Germany) has two main political parties

1. CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens - there is no difference between these 'parties', all of them serve Schwab, NWO, Globalism and hard-core communism
2. AFD - practically a left - wing party in comparison to which even democrats from CA, IL or MA are right - wingers

Today the united communist block of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens wants to prohibit their left - wing competitor

1. Because almost all leading politicians of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens will go to prison charged by their numerous crimes against the country including tyranny through SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984

2. Because AFD stops support of Ukraine

3. Because AFD will try to improve relations with Russia (I think it will be impossible for the next hundred years)

4. Because AFD wants to stop Islamisation ( in reality it's too late)

You betcha CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lefts-Greens gonna prohibit AFD, they have simple no other choice
The last three years clearly showed we're run by a gang of satanist tyrants who do anything possible to keep the power

In any case grab popcorn and enjoy the show, the fight between NWO communist tyrants and national oriented socialists
DDR 2.0 is just the beginning, in any western country all election will be stolen

Through SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 the united commies of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Lrfts-Greens showed their true face.
Without an ocean of blood they will never give power to the People back

Socialists NOT COMMUNISTS, brainwashed functional moron. Democracy duhh
the political situation has worsened in Germany

Yeah - in 1797 AD it was much more better. Fireworkers and ambulance drivers not had been attacked in the streets and all 200 million Germans had been very friendly people. Then came the French under Napoleon, the idiotic Prussians under English idiots. The stupid Americans under president money came even twice - together with the Russian Czar and the Russian Soviets and dozens of other nations. And all of them had not any idea what to do in their self-made holidays in Germany than to murder, to steal, to rape and to call all Germans criminals. And now come the Russians again supported from Islamists, Nazis, Soviets and Mathilda from Australia ... No stop - sorry - this time we try to support Mathilda in Australia with our 50 million people and 30 million "guests". Hopefully we are not too late and are able to save him.

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Are you a German? I guess Mathilda was. And if I am right then it looks like Mathilda was a woman.


Einst lagerte ein fröhlicher Geselle am Billabong
Im Schatten eines Coolabah-Baumes
Und er sang, während er zusah und wartete, bis sein Billy kochte
"Wer tanzt mit mir Walzer mit Matilda?"

Ein Jumbuck kam herunter, um am Wasserloch zu trinken
Ein Fuhrmann sprang auf und packte ihn voller Freude
Und er sang, als er ihn in seiner Tuckertasche verstaute
"Du kommst mit mir Matilda walzen".

Da ritt der Squatter auf seinem Vollblutpferd
Aufwärts ritt der Trooper - eins, zwei, drei
"Wo ist der Jumbuck, den du in deiner Tuckertasche hast?",
"Du kommst mit mir und tanzt Walzer mit Matilda"

Doch der Fuhrmann sprang in das Wasserloch
und ertränkte sich am Coolabah-Baum,
Und sein Geist kann gehört werden, wenn er im Billabong singt,
"Wer tanzt mit mir Walzer mit Matilda?"

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JGalt, Baron ...

You are slaves of Putin - independent from your nationality. In very most countries of the world slaves of Putin are high traitors. Everyone who supports the German political party AfD supports Nazis and supports Putin. That's totally clear. So if you are no Germans or Russians what is your intention to do so?

PS: By the way - I do not need any modern equipment to see that all this Australian soldiers singing "Waltzing Mathilda" had been genetically Germans.
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