DEA engaging in armed robbery at airports


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The DEA is roaming the airports of America and robbing travelers of cash at gunpoint. Police in general use armed robbery and car jacking to fund departmental perqs and toys. Termed "asset seizure," the armed robberies rarely tie to any crime, often there is no allegation of crime.

The DEA robberies are a new low, as thugs wander Airports intent on robbing travelers;

{Federal drug agents may be racially profiling and unjustly seizing cash from travelers in the nation’s airports, bus stations and train stations. A new report released by the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice examined the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s controversial use of “cold consent.”}

The DEA Is Seizing Cash Without Warrants In Its Version Of Stop-and-Frisk - Forbes
Overzealous police forces can sometimes be motivated by the prospects of obtaining forfeiture proceeds, and a strong desire to enforce laws and protect society. So, it is possible for your assets to be wrongly seized in some cases.

Generally, your cash or property can be seized by federal authorities for forfeiture, as stipulated in Title 21, US Code Section 881, because the property was allegedly used or acquired due to a violation of the Controlled Substances Act, Title 21 US Code Section 801.}

Cash Seized National Seizure Lawyer DEA Customs Homeland Security Boston Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer

This is nothing more, or less than armed robber under the color of authority. We get the government we deserve - if we the people do not put anyone in prison for this, we deserve to be robbed at gun point by so called "law enforcement."
Welcome to the ObamaNation

you voted for Transformation. well you're getting it right in your face
The DEA and local authorities have been illegally stopping people at random and seizing cash since the late 60's. I did a personal survey of the police activities at Miaimi International, Ft Lauderdale International and West Palm Beach International airports to determine the safest airport to smuggle in and out of and personally witnessed dozens of seizures at Miami and Ft Lauderdale. My survey took place in the mid 70's. At THAT time I discovered that West Palm Beach airport was a "safe" zone for all as I saw not interdictions and the baggage was delivered straight from the aircraft to a carousel out by public parking away from the terminal. There the baggage claim was strictly on the honor system with not so much as any attendant what so ever watching people taking their baggage to cars or taxis.
Th Miami airport was a bit of a mystery as it was obvious that SOME individuals had no trouble with authorities parking limousines right in the no parking zones at the door exiting international arrivals and young girls and boys coming from the South American and Carribean drug terminals walking with big bags right past customs to the waiting limos. Sometimes the limos timed it so they could pick up the "mules" from several different countries arriving within a few minutes of each other. Other "mules" not in on the payoffs got stopped for no apparent reason and had drugs and money discovered by random stop and search policies.

Obviously I only used West Palm Beach for my travels in and out of Florida. Over several years of fying in and out of South Florida at WPB I was never stopped even once.
The DEA and local authorities have been illegally stopping people at random and seizing cash since the late 60's. I did a personal survey of the police activities at Miaimi International, Ft Lauderdale International and West Palm Beach International airports to determine the safest airport to smuggle in and out of and personally witnessed dozens of seizures at Miami and Ft Lauderdale. My survey took place in the mid 70's. At THAT time I discovered that West Palm Beach airport was a "safe" zone for all as I saw not interdictions and the baggage was delivered straight from the aircraft to a carousel out by public parking away from the terminal. There the baggage claim was strictly on the honor system with not so much as any attendant what so ever watching people taking their baggage to cars or taxis.
Th Miami airport was a bit of a mystery as it was obvious that SOME individuals had no trouble with authorities parking limousines right in the no parking zones at the door exiting international arrivals and young girls and boys coming from the South American and Carribean drug terminals walking with big bags right past customs to the waiting limos. Sometimes the limos timed it so they could pick up the "mules" from several different countries arriving within a few minutes of each other. Other "mules" not in on the payoffs got stopped for no apparent reason and had drugs and money discovered by random stop and search policies.

Obviously I only used West Palm Beach for my travels in and out of Florida. Over several years of fying in and out of South Florida at WPB I was never stopped even once.

IF there is a crime involved, charges filed, and a conviction had, then seizure is warranted. My issue, as Forbes noted, is that the DEA is simply taking cash, with no arrest or charges. This is literally armed robbery. The man with a gun stops a person, usually black, and demands their cash. Once the cash is taken, that's the end of it.
The DEA is roaming the airports of America and robbing travelers of cash at gunpoint. Police in general use armed robbery and car jacking to fund departmental perqs and toys. Termed "asset seizure," the armed robberies rarely tie to any crime, often there is no allegation of crime.

The DEA robberies are a new low, as thugs wander Airports intent on robbing travelers;

{Federal drug agents may be racially profiling and unjustly seizing cash from travelers in the nation’s airports, bus stations and train stations. A new report released by the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice examined the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s controversial use of “cold consent.”}

The DEA Is Seizing Cash Without Warrants In Its Version Of Stop-and-Frisk - Forbes
Welcome to America. This has become par for the course. The government and its agencies are operating a complete take-over of rights, freedom, and justice. Or, hasn't anyone noticed? The U.S. Constitution is becoming an ancient relic, hanging on walls, and referenced in history books. No longer is privacy, freedom, and justice the American way, rather we've surrendered to the almighty powers of Washington DC. The land of freedom and opportunity, has become the land of suppression, oppression, and government rule. The people are nothing more than votes at election time, and a source of tax revenue. In today's America, one's luck is their freedom, and justice is nothing more than a gamble. What's yours, belongs to the government, and what's the government's, belongs to the government.

In reality, we own nothing. We're mere stewards of government property. Our land belongs to the government, and property taxes are the rent we pay to dwell on it.The government takes what they want, uses it how they want, and then ask for more. The U.S. government is an insatiable beast, needing constant feeding, and demanding loyalty and respect. They toss crumbs to the masses, all the while, expecting gratitude and praise. We're taught to resent dictatorships and communist rule, but we never look within our own borders for the signs.

We've become servants to the lords, and slaves of the ideology of a free people and a free nation. What was once treasured by our ancestors as a new beginning, filled with hope and expectations of peace and prosperity, has now become anxiety and much fear for the future. The only piece left of those by-gone days is hope, and that hope is for a miracle to somehow fall on a betrayed people and a betrayed nation. Those we've entrusted with our prosperity and posterity, with our well-being and opportunities, have abandoned their sworn duty to serve this nation and her citizens. Our poor and homeless weep in the streets, our unemployed give up hope, and our elderly cry for their grandchildren's bleak and uncertain future.

America no longer stands against wrong, against tyranny and oppression, rather we follow like sheep, and move to the command of the shepherd. Our only hope lies in prayer and the belief of better times ahead. At this point, what more can we do?

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