DEAD DOG Receives Register to Vote-by-Mail Application From MI Dem Party…Homeowner’s Response Is PRICELESS!

How the hell did this happen?

Don't hate the playas, my homey - hate the game.

Its worked in tbe past, it worked last time. It ain't cheating if you don't get caught, and you haven't been caught unless fake news media says so.

Don't change nuttin' if it ain't broke or you haven't been caught.

Just keep spinning that propaganda the Democrats keep pushing:

Nuttin' illegal here...cause...


We're 2 Legit
2 Legit to quit
...Can't Stop This!

How the hell do you think it happened ? Democrats cheat . How do they get more votes then voters? Who or what is preventing them from cheating again? Nobody, or nothing. So why would they stop? They wont.
Considering people may get stuck with the same 2 choices as the last election I will in fact, vote for a dog.
First, a caveat: I do not intend for this post to be too severe a snark on some of our RighteyTightie brethren on this message board.
For one important reason - I don't wanna drive them away. They are a reliable source of entertainment with my morning cup of joe.

I mean, offering us Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit as a source of news that they believe in?
Is that fun, or what?

And the hand-wringing & pearl-fluttering over a request to get a ballot app sent by a third party (not the SOS, or the township, or local voting jurisdiction). They seem to think their Q-world is under attack. (umm, lemme re-think that last thought. Their Q-World is under attack. Duh! Why wouldn't it be? They are fringie-nutters.)

That's it for the morning. Chores to do. But I know I won't miss out on much. Our forum contingent of Q-Nuts will be here tomorrow and everyday ---- when they are not getting out the vote for John F.Kennedy Jr., or taking in their Space Lasers for a re-fill (at the local synagogue).

I love this bar.
(and Gateway Pundit too! It's like Mad Magazine and the Onion interbred. No?)

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