Dead Pool 2012

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
With December looming on the horizon, I figured now is as good a time as any to introduce the 2012 Dead Pool. Here's how it works: Pick 10 (ten) celebrities from any venue (politics, sports, business, media, entertainment or whatever Paris Hilton does) who you believe will not be around to see the ball drop in Times Square ushering in 2013. They must be alive as of January 1, 2012, but enriching the soil someplace as of midnight Eastern December 31, 2012.

Ten dead people. That's all we need to win. When you think of it in those terms, it's cheaper than war.

The winning entry must be submitted no later than December 30, 2011 at midnight Eastern time. Post as many times as you like, but CLEARLY MARK the entry you want taken seriously. One and only one serious entry will be accepted, but I know how much you folks love to speculate. Just look at last year's entries!

So, put on the cloak, pick up the scythe and figure out who will be breathing as of New Year's Eve 2012-2013 and who's gonna be room temperature.

In a later post, I'll lay out the rules clearly and reveal what next year's prize will be!

Have fun!
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A little early to pick yet, almost 40 days left in the year and those on the edge ....
Who's Alive and Who's Dead

A good reference site to determine, well, who's dead and who's still alive. It even shows how old someone is so your choices might make a little more sense. But, then again, choosing a dark horse is always interesting. Amy Winehouse surprised no one, but only one person had her last year.
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o come play....we had a neat group but then we lost a few...and its fun....

i assure you when i heard winehouse was dead....i began to curse cause i knew someone had her and would win with just her.....

morbid sure but hey thats us
Thanks, strollingbones, but to tell you the truth, being as I am so unpsychic, I did look up Hollywood people in the Hospital.

The only one I found was Reese Witherspoon who was injured while out jogging in September, but she was promptly released after examination.

It turns out the 84-year-old woman driving the car that hit her apologized.

Well, that's show biz and suspiciously, whatever the writer writes about the talented famous people on the silver screen, you just accept.

I mean, what other choice is there, really?
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Hmm. Remember Karen Carpenter who died of anorexia a ton of years ago?

It appears the 5'8" Angelina Jolie is down to 97 pounds and is forgetting to eat on a regular basis "due to her stressful lifestyle."

Unless she pulls herself together, she could be next. I hope she gets help.
Hmm. Remember Karen Carpenter who died of anorexia a ton of years ago?

It appears the 5'8" Angelina Jolie is down to 97 pounds and is forgetting to eat on a regular basis "due to her stressful lifestyle."

Unless she pulls herself together, she could be next. I hope she gets help.
What's 5' 5" long and 6" wide?

Karen Carpenter's casket.

c'mon, Becki! Pick ten folks. The prize is a valuable piece of Fiestaware china. It's made in my hometown and I know where the factory outlet store is!
bumping the 2012 Dead Pool thread up! 23 days left to enter. And once again, yours truly will be providing a Grand Prize to the winner.


Creamer and sugar in your choice of color.
Again I am calling for entries for the 2012 Dead Pool! Pick ten celebrities from any field, just so everyone has some familiarity with them, who you think won't make it through 2012. They have to be alive as of January 1, 2012 and pushing up daisies by December 31, 2012.

The winner gets the prize shown above. Enter as many times as you like, but CLEARLY MARK the one entry you want counted as "official".

Entries will be accepted up to the dead line December 31, 2011 at 11:59 Eastern time.
It's already December 19! Kim Jong Ill just croaked, and he was plenty popular among the 2011 entries. Vaclav havel died earlier this week. They always go in 3s! Who's next? Enter the 2012 Dead Pool and get a jump on the competition!
OK, here are my choices for who shall assume room temperature in 2012

Jimmy Carter
Chuck Berry
Etta James
Saif Gadhafi
Pope Benedict
Gordie Howe
Stephen Hawking
Bashar Al-Assad
Muhammed Ali
Lindsey Lohan (since I still think she's been on borrowed time since 2010)
My top ten for the deep six are:

Prince Philip
Billy Graham
Ernest Borgnine
Nancy Reagan
Mickey Rooney
Fidel Castro
Muhammad Ali
Zsa Zsa Gabor (yeah! I said it!)
Betty White
Coach Chuck Noll
I may tweak this between now and Sat. Then again, I may not.

Zsa Zsa Gabor (she's still kicking)
Hugo Chavez
Robin Gibb (The Bee Gees)
Penny Marshall
Ethan Zohn (Winner, Survivor: Africa)
Ted Williams (homeless guy with the golden voice)
Lindsay Lohan
Lee Iacocca
Kirstie Ally
Larry Hagman

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