Deadpool & Wolverine


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I'm not a comic book fan boi, so I am unfamiliar with the Marvel Universe or the X-men or the Avengers or any of that. I usually avoid comic book movies like the plague. They just aren't my thing.

However, I made an exception for the first Deadpool movie since Ryan Reynolds is really funny. Seriously funny, and that movie was terrific.

Of course, that meant I had to see the sequel, which was also very good, but not as good as the first.

And now this third installment came along, and I went to see it last night.

I knew a little about Wolverine/Logan, and I was vaguely aware he had been killed off. I also remember Deadpool ragged quite a few times on Logan in the first two movies, so this was a good setup for the third movie.

I have to say I did not enjoy this movie as much as the first two Deadpool movies, but I can see where comic book fan bois will absolutely love this movie. It has a huge ensemble cast, almost none of whom I knew of but probably are well known to comic book fan bois.

I did recognize Wesley Snipes. It was a surprise to see him reprising his action hero role as Blade in this movie.

For those who don't know, Wesley Snipes was a big action hero in the 80s and early 90s. Almost as big as Schwarzenegger and Stallone. Then he decided he didn't have to pay income taxes and got into trouble with the IRS.

This might sound strange in today's world of anything goes, but not paying your taxes was a career killer back then.

So it was nice to see Snipes onscreen again.

There is a lot of the humor one expects in a Deadpool movie, and a lot of gore, but gore done in a humorous way, if that makes any sense. I hate gore, but I don't mind Deadpool gore.

All of the characters in the first two Deadpool movies are in this third installment, but they are completely sidelined and just make a cameo. And that took a lot away from this movie for me. This was a Marvel Universe movie, and like I said above, I'm not into that sort of thing.

There is a huge ensemble of Marvel characters and a lot of battle scenes, so if you are into that, you will love this movie.

For me, this was a big meh.

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