Trump pretty much says Kamala Harris is NOT BLACK.

Trump had deluded himself he was going to win a significant portion of the black vote.

He never would have gotten more than 12 percent.

Now with Kamala in the race, Trump can feel the suction of the loss of even more black votes.

That's what this "she's not black" insanity is about.

Trump and the hive mind are deeeeeeeeep in mental illness territory now.
Trump started using a deeper hue of orange for his porn star trial, telling himself his crimes made him more likeable to black people.

I guess he's going to have to go with umber now...
I'm trying to figure out exactly how many pounds of brain damage it takes to say Kamala Harris is not black.

My god!
"Kamala Harris is not black!"

Yeah. Go with that, tards. Please go with that so Trump gets ZERO black votes.

Holy shit.
We don't know who the birth parents were . We do know that kammy looks 100% white. Open your eyes, you fool.
you need the birthcertificate.

That was fantastic. If he keeps this up, it's good. In one week they've insulted women, and men, who don't have kids, Jews and now blacks. Fantastic.
She is brown, not black.
My first wife is pure blooded Mexican, way down both sides of her family. Not a speck of anything else.
Which makes my two kids half Spanish, half white. But they are not dark at all, they look white... just not sheet white. You can tell something is there, anyway they have always put down white on forms because that is what they look like most.
If I never knew who Harris was, I would not think she was black. I would think middle eastern
Harris' dad was black, her mom was Indian. These are the facts.

The horsehit that flows out of trumps mouth is not. That's why he got blasted by the crowd for running his mouth saying that.

Trump can kiss the black vote goodbye.
Oh mom is Mysore, Indian and Dad is "JAMAICAN" Indians of
Mysore---are--according to the anthropologists who invented racial designations--CAUCAISION ---Dad is TAINO which is american indigenous----mixed with Spanish and the MANY MANY subsaharan people brought to south america to make that DAMEND RUM. SO!!!!! Kamila is what is called in the species DOG----a MUTT----like most of the people of the world FACE FACTS

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