Dean Phillips is running against Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips formally launched his presidential campaign Friday and filed to run in New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, kicking off his long-shot challenge to President Joe Biden.
Surrounded by a small crowd of supporters, staff and curious bystanders outside the New Hampshire State House in Concord, Phillips reiterated his call for a new generation of Democratic leaders.
“I am running for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States because, my friends, it is time for a change,” the third-term congressman said. “And I am ready to lead our great nation to a secure and a more prosperous future.”

"Sweet Jesus yes!"
exclaimed a desperate registered democrat voter as he began to cry. "Could it be............he can walk......................he can talk.............................he can walk and talk at the same time..........................he can walk and talk and complete a sentence? We will take him!" said the man as he broke down crying as he sat down as he placed his head down on his hands and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Should we get him medical help"? asked another democrat registered voter.

"No." said Phillips, "Besides, all paramedics know these days is to give Narcan cuz it is all they do all day with Biden as President".

"Are you related to Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House?
" asked another voter, "Because we have never heard of you either"

"Mike who?"
, asked Dean, "I have no idea who that is."

"Anyway, I am here to offer a new platform, an alternative to Biden."
said Dean.

"I will continue to let as many immigrants into the country as I can, only, I will build a border wall so they can't leave Texas. Our Northern states are in crisis mode with the thousands that are coming to blue states. Besides, Texas takes in millions a day, so they are used to it"

"Sounds good to me!" exclaimed a New Yorker in the crowd, "And can you send the criminals and rats and horrible politicians in New York City with those Brown skinned dirty immigrants?"

"Now let's not talk crazy"
, said Dean. "If we did that, who would be left in New York City?"

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