Dear Assholes!!!! (a rant)


Jan 29, 2011
Damn water bottles! ANY bottle! I can't open a regluar ol bottle of drinking water without pliers and even then I have to hold it twixt my poor throbbing knees then use my left hand and try to PRY it off with twisting the lid. PLUS, the lid is so small with no grip at all even for those with normal hands. AND the pliers are those big ones so even those are making my hands throb.

This incudes milk containers, screw top fruit drinks, even cans of cat food that have those pop tops and bottles where you finally get the wrapping off, then unscrew it only to find a pull tab before the olive oil came come out.

No wonder old people are skinny and look like they are starving. THEY ARE. They can't get the fucking lids off!!!! Hello distributers and manufacturers of the above! WAKE UP! Some of us have arthritis and you will too when you get older, you stupid dickwads!

pant pant pant. No, I don't feel better. I just woke everyone up with my cussing to get a simple bottle of water open.


Anyone else have a gripe they wanna scream out? Feel free to use this thread.:mad:

Damn water bottles! ANY bottle! I can't open a regluar ol bottle of drinking water without pliers and even then I have to hold it twixt my poor throbbing knees then use my left hand and try to PRY it off with twisting the lid. PLUS, the lid is so small with no grip at all even for those with normal hands. AND the pliers are those big ones so even those are making my hands throb.

This incudes milk containers, screw top fruit drinks, even cans of cat food that have those pop tops and bottles where you finally get the wrapping off, then unscrew it only to find a pull tab before the olive oil came come out.

No wonder old people are skinny and look like they are starving. THEY ARE. They can't get the fucking lids off!!!! Hello distributers and manufacturers of the above! WAKE UP! Some of us have arthritis and you will too when you get older, you stupid dickwads!

pant pant pant. No, I don't feel better. I just woke everyone up with my cussing to get a simple bottle of water open.


Anyone else have a gripe they wanna scream out? Feel free to use this thread.:mad:


My Ma has the same issue. I bought her a roll of cheap electrical tape, and wrapped the lid until it was fat enough for her to twist it off. I also got her this little plastic thing that helps pop the lid on canned foods, and that works ok for her. Hope I was able to offer some helpful words.
Joe is 70 and having prostate problems After his exam, the doctor gave him a
specimen jar to take home for a semen specimen. "Stop by tomorrow so I can
run a few tests".

Joe took the jar home. The next day he returned and the doctor asked him how he
made out.

"Not good doctor! I went home and tried to do what you said. I tried with my
right hand until it was cramped with arthritis. No luck. I tried with my left hand
until I had blisters and still no luck. I asked my wife to help me. She tried with her
left hand and then her right hand. No luck! She even tried with her mouth. She tried
with her teeth in and with her teeth out and still no luck. Then we called Edna next door
to see if she could help".

"Good grief" said the doc, "you asked your next door neighbour to help you?"

"Yep", said Joe......."None of us could get the lid off that jar!"
Damn water bottles! ANY bottle! I can't open a regluar ol bottle of drinking water without pliers and even then I have to hold it twixt my poor throbbing knees then use my left hand and try to PRY it off with twisting the lid. PLUS, the lid is so small with no grip at all even for those with normal hands. AND the pliers are those big ones so even those are making my hands throb.

This incudes milk containers, screw top fruit drinks, even cans of cat food that have those pop tops and bottles where you finally get the wrapping off, then unscrew it only to find a pull tab before the olive oil came come out.

No wonder old people are skinny and look like they are starving. THEY ARE. They can't get the fucking lids off!!!! Hello distributers and manufacturers of the above! WAKE UP! Some of us have arthritis and you will too when you get older, you stupid dickwads!

pant pant pant. No, I don't feel better. I just woke everyone up with my cussing to get a simple bottle of water open.


Anyone else have a gripe they wanna scream out? Feel free to use this thread.:mad:


Here you go.

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I've noticed a trand in hardware and tools that I find most annoying.

They are packaged in a kind of heavily armored plastic that demands that you pierce it with something pointy and sharp and then you must use some sharped edged (very sharp edged) instrument to cut through the stuff.

And the stuff they are protecting doesn't need that sort of packaging EXCEPT for purposes of shipping.
isn't it sad when the packaging has more integrity than the product?
Damn water bottles! ANY bottle! I can't open a regluar ol bottle of drinking water without pliers and even then I have to hold it twixt my poor throbbing knees then use my left hand and try to PRY it off with twisting the lid. PLUS, the lid is so small with no grip at all even for those with normal hands. AND the pliers are those big ones so even those are making my hands throb.

This incudes milk containers, screw top fruit drinks, even cans of cat food that have those pop tops and bottles where you finally get the wrapping off, then unscrew it only to find a pull tab before the olive oil came come out.

No wonder old people are skinny and look like they are starving. THEY ARE. They can't get the fucking lids off!!!! Hello distributers and manufacturers of the above! WAKE UP! Some of us have arthritis and you will too when you get older, you stupid dickwads!

pant pant pant. No, I don't feel better. I just woke everyone up with my cussing to get a simple bottle of water open.


Anyone else have a gripe they wanna scream out? Feel free to use this thread.:mad:

Update your can opener for 10.99. Opens bottles too.
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I've noticed a trand in hardware and tools that I find most annoying.

They are packaged in a kind of heavily armored plastic that demands that you pierce it with something pointy and sharp and then you must use some sharped edged (very sharp edged) instrument to cut through the stuff.

And the stuff they are protecting doesn't need that sort of packaging EXCEPT for purposes of shipping.

Hate that.
Damn water bottles! ANY bottle! I can't open a regluar ol bottle of drinking water without pliers and even then I have to hold it twixt my poor throbbing knees then use my left hand and try to PRY it off with twisting the lid. PLUS, the lid is so small with no grip at all even for those with normal hands. AND the pliers are those big ones so even those are making my hands throb.

This incudes milk containers, screw top fruit drinks, even cans of cat food that have those pop tops and bottles where you finally get the wrapping off, then unscrew it only to find a pull tab before the olive oil came come out.

No wonder old people are skinny and look like they are starving. THEY ARE. They can't get the fucking lids off!!!! Hello distributers and manufacturers of the above! WAKE UP! Some of us have arthritis and you will too when you get older, you stupid dickwads!

pant pant pant. No, I don't feel better. I just woke everyone up with my cussing to get a simple bottle of water open.


Anyone else have a gripe they wanna scream out? Feel free to use this thread.:mad:

Update your can opener for 10.99. Opens bottles too.

Guess that link no workee..
I've noticed a trand in hardware and tools that I find most annoying.

They are packaged in a kind of heavily armored plastic that demands that you pierce it with something pointy and sharp and then you must use some sharped edged (very sharp edged) instrument to cut through the stuff.

And the stuff they are protecting doesn't need that sort of packaging EXCEPT for purposes of shipping.

no mal....i keep kitchen scissors to cut thru that mal....and it still takes forever.....
if you are out in public grace just grab a kid and ask them to open it.....i have never had a person refuse to help...i keep an opener at home to help twist it can simply take a piece of rubber and lay over the lid to help you untwist it...still easier just to get a kid to do it...
Sorry to hear about your frustrations Grace. I'm sure after I've had my first cup of coffee, I can come up with something to rant about. lol

I keep a couple of these in my kitchen drawer.

Not that particular brand of course, but the rubber grip helps to open the most stubborn of lids and screwtops. ( juice ... etc ... )
I don't normally rant. It takes much more than irritatingly tight packaging and unreasonably small caps.

BUT I have dental issues now that are horridly painful because I clinch my jaws at night. I am surrounded by individuals who seem incapable of considering anyone outside of their own damned heads. My kids are pulled in every direction that it seems the levels of manipulation may scatter them nationwide if not worldwide. My computer could be my best friend but the mouse is too touchy and it messes up most everything I attempt to post. In venting and ranting I may save my health and my teeth but I risk the most important relationships within my life.

There is something to be said about effective peacekeepers, for sure, and those that can successfully keep moderate peace AND their health intact really deserve the recognition of a Godly crown. *hearts* The left side of my brain does not seem to yet be activated. Perhaps I'll be asking God to do so soon.

I may end up taking time off from work this week because the pain that used to radiate throughout my body is now all within my head, jaw, ear, and neck. :( Sleeping helps and pain pills are not really an option.

Rant and rave.... it may very well be what saves our bodies from suffering some of the worst depreciation of life's stress.
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Packaging. That's another one. Every try to open a baby benadryl tablet frm the plastic front and stiff tinfoil back that is made out of cement? And child proof med bottles. You can TELL the pharm to give you easily open caps but first ya gotta PUSH on both sides then twist. What about people WITH NO THUMB USE?
What i hate is those little plastic bands used to hold price tags on ARGH!
Yep! I got one....starting facial tissue boxes, can't start with one because for some reason it is required
to pull out half the box, or rip and tear away until it comes down to the right one; great marketing ploy. Use a hanky.
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