Dear Democrats and liberals.

LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

Matthew is a perfect example of what you get from public schools that teach identity politics, “gender fluidity” and other left wrong-wing bull[Matthew] instead of teaching math, literacy, science, and other useful skills and knowledge.

Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
Single payer? I hope you don't get cancer, because with you on welfare wouldn't get the treatment. only those that actually pay into the system would get treatment. If it doesn't cost a whole lot, or you would die waiting to get treatment.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
That isn't bitterness toward the losers. It's bitterness toward the losers' behavior.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
That isn't bitterness toward the losers. It's bitterness toward the losers' behavior.

There was no bitterness.
Liberals made that freedom oof speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

You just voted in one of the biggest liberal of all
That must be why he's a racist and a misogynist.

But then, why do liberals keep protesting a liberal's victory?

Oh, yea, you're just protesting Hillary's loss.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
That isn't bitterness toward the losers. It's bitterness toward the losers' behavior.

There was no bitterness.
I know.

Baby bites.

Liberals. I don't like to distract them with any more.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?

Yes Grandma way back in the 60's and they bullied the conservaties into silence to get their harmful social agendas through, just like they are doing now.
We were right back then and we are right now.

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