Dear God Let This Be An Onion Type Article About Campus wait a minute. Lemme get this straight. Here is the opening of the op ed:

In last week’s op-ed piece “Transgender-inclusive Changes at Mac,” Oliver Schminkey ’16 (they/them/theirs), Grey Myers ’17 (ze/zir/zirs) and Amy McMeeking ’15 (she/her/hers) discussed Macalester transgender activism of the last year. About recent trainings to support future transgender international students they wrote, “In the coming years, we hope that Mac can be a place where transgender students across cultures can find a welcoming and supportive environment.” It is important to support our international students, but I wonder at where the limits of “across cultures” imagined by the writers exist. Because as far as I know, never once in the more recent student transgender activism has there been a concerted, earnest, worthwhile engagement with domestic transgender people of color on campus. Though few we may be (which can be said about the transgender white population as well), we exist. We are known. Our voices matter. Our actions contribute.
Our exclusion, then, is an act of white supremacy.

So, just to be clear, the bitch of the author of this op-ed is that African Americans were not being individually referenced in an article that was clearly, and specifically written to bring attention to international (read, Non-American) students?!? And it was called an act of "White Supremacy???? Really??? And we're supposed to take this seriously???

I think not...
I wa hoping it is parody. Are liberals this insane?
If its not parody, its stupidity. It would be like bitching about "Christian persecution" not being talked about in an article specifically about the difficulties faced by Muslims!

The opening sentence of the piece says it all:

the mac weekly said:
In last week’s op-ed piece “Transgender-inclusive Changes at Mac,” Oliver Schminkey ’16 (they/them/theirs), Grey Myers ’17 (ze/zir/zirs) and Amy McMeeking ’15 (she/her/hers) discussed Macalester transgender activism of the last year. ...

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Got a picture of Precious?

There has to be a reason he/she is getting black -balled (no pun intended).

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