Dear GOP, Remember the "PROMISE" about cheap Iraqi gas and oil? Oops!



Bush White House Counselor Dan Bartlett Caught In A Lie: ‘No One Ever Said The War Would Result In Cheaper Gas Prices’

President Bush’s senior economic advisor at the time — argued in 2002 that the Iraq war would increase oil supplies and lower prices. From the Washington Times, 9/19/02:
As for the impact of a war with Iraq, “It depends how the war goes.” But he quickly adds that that “Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war.”
“The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil,” which would drive down oil prices, giving the U.S. economy an added boost.

Dan Bartlett Caught In A Lie: 'No One Ever Said The War Would Result In Cheaper Gas Prices'

Isn't this just another Republican screw up the GOP is blaming on Obama?

Remember "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then, "Government can't make jobs"?

So are they running on "We don't know how to do anything"?
Might I suggest you have a look at what other nations pay for gas? Gas in the USA is ridiculously cheap by comparison to the vast majority of them.

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RDean thinks that by calling attention to the greatest failure of his God, the rise of gas prices, that the stink will attach to someone else.

Deanie, the price of gas has about doubled since the Big 0 took office and he wishes it was higher so his buddies in the alternative energy business could get more subsidies.

Your man is a failure and his polices are unapologetically corrupt. He is actively campaigning to end the USA and fighting against the prosperity of the people of the country. November 6 is the finish line of the worst presidency in the history of the republic.

I hope we can hang on until then. Lord knows we'll get no help from Washington.
Funny, no one remembers cheap gas from Iraq, but they want to blame the guy who didn't want to go into Iraq.
Who would have predicted that you hate your nation so much that youd elect a President who wants our energy prices to necessarily skyrocket, thus making the poor and the sick among us to be unable to purchase said energy and more likely to die because of it?
Remember the whole reason we went there was for cheap gas from Iraq? Oops another lie.

What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.
I don't recall any such statement out of the Bush administration; that was a canard thrown up by the left to accuse Bush of doing it just for oil. There were many reasons, and that wasn't one of them.

Well, it's not like any of us expected rdean to be honest about this.
Bush White House Counselor Dan Bartlett Caught In A Lie: ‘No One Ever Said The War Would Result In Cheaper Gas Prices’

President Bush’s senior economic advisor at the time — argued in 2002 that the Iraq war would increase oil supplies and lower prices. From the Washington Times, 9/19/02:
As for the impact of a war with Iraq, “It depends how the war goes.” But he quickly adds that that “Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war.”
“The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil,” which would drive down oil prices, giving the U.S. economy an added boost.

Dan Bartlett Caught In A Lie: 'No One Ever Said The War Would Result In Cheaper Gas Prices'

Isn't this just another Republican screw up the GOP is blaming on Obama?

Remember "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then, "Government can't make jobs"?

So are they running on "We don't know how to do anything"?

hey, dipshit...

“The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil,” which would drive down oil prices, giving the U.S. economy an added boost.
The part IN the quotation is the statement of Laurence Lindsey, the senior economic adviser at the time. You can tell it's what he actually said, because it is enclosed in quotation marks.

The part OUTSIDE the quotation marks, are the comments of the reporter writing the piece the Lindsey quote appeared in.


As usual.
Remember the whole reason we went there was for cheap gas from Iraq? Oops another lie.

What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

a million is tame ... 600'000 is the lowest possible estimate I could find. Some say 12 million.
What was the reason again?

Mushroom clouds?

I believe it was the fact they were impeding weapons inspectors, everyone believed they had WMD's, they moved them to syria, Saddam killed millions of people and was a threat to the middle east.

Saddam killed "millions" of people? Millions? You sure? You might want to "rethink" that statement.

over half a million is a more accurate figure.

IRAQ: Deaths under Saddam Hussein
Along with other human rights organizations, The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power"
Actually it was the radical left that said the Iraq conflict would result in cheaper gas. Democrats who signed on to boots on the ground became traitors when they thought the conflict would bring cheaper oil to the US. Who could forget traitor Harry Reid trying to get the US Troops to throw down their weapons when he used the power of the US Senate to tell them "the war is lost". Who could forget left wing democrats giggling about the full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us" or senator Kerry calling Soldiers "terrorists" or congressman Murtha calling Marines "murderers"?
If you look at the numbers you'll find that Iraq'a oil production which was at about 1.7 million barrels per day pre invasion was almost 3 million barrels per day at the time George Bush left office. As I recall gas prices were about $1.88 when Obama took over. Hmmmm..

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