Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

You still sidestepped defining Russian Collusion as a Legal Term
you already know that there is no legal term, 'collusion'.
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
You still sidestepped defining Russian Collusion as a Legal Term
you already know that there is no legal term, 'collusion'.
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Conspiracy to defraud united states.
18 U.S. Code § 371
why not? you just pointed to a crime. seems you know more than mueller eh? wow, he paying you?

Investigation is ongoing into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration.
Please CITE US CODE which authorized Mueller to Investigate The Crimes for which he was Authorized to Investigate.

What crime was committed which allowed a Special Counsel to be authorized to investigate said crime?

In other words, Mueller's Investigation is actually not authorized and is a violation of Due Process, and Civil Rights if no one can name what crime was committed.

Please Show Legitimate Probable Cause and The Crime Mueller was charged with investigating.

Stone tweeted about the hacked Podesta E-mails 6 weeks before they were published. Clearly the Trump Administration had knowledge of the crime prior to the crime was publicly known.

Unauthorized Use of a Computer Network is a crime. I imagine conspiracy to commit is also a crime.
why is that a crime exactly? LOL you all hear shit and go oh goodie goodie, and yet you have no idea what it actually means. And yes, Stone admits he sent the emails I believe. but so what? what's the crime exactly? do you know?
In an alternative universe, the Clintons and the DNC arrange with Russia to hack RNC websites and further work with them to a) release hacked info at embarassing times in the election and b) help the Russian troll farms fill U.S. social media with anti-GOP propaganda.

The trumpanzees were found to be a-ok with that.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

No...he hasn't admitted to doing that at all......but please....keep lying..... you have a lot of democrat crimes to hide....
You still sidestepped defining Russian Collusion as a Legal Term
you already know that there is no legal term, 'collusion'.
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
Some of our Trumptards here on USMB will be in denial for more than a decade after everyone else knows and sees what a corrupt crooked family and cult Trumpicans are.
excuse me I think you meant the clinton's and we already know.
Well, how many folks in Clinton's administration were indicted or convicted of a crime compared to Trump folks already?
dems never get indicted or convicted. you don't know this? you should read up.
Isn't it odd how he never said that and yet, here you are, pretending he did. You know what that's called?
Look DimTards.... Here is what is happening....though you have no clue.....its going on.

Mueller's Investigation is on it's way to being a monumental flop. Even CNN says so. And they Hate Trump.

They tried like Hell to frame him. Even used Russian Propaganda to stop him from being elected, and filed false affidavits in the FISA Court, and even had traitors in THE FBI and DOJ fail at pulling off a COUP and even in Text Messages despite their BIAS admit there was Zero Evidence of Collusion. But they had to push forward with the plot, because once you decide to commit treason against your country, you have to go the whole 10 yards with it or go to jail.



Your clown car has reached the end of the road.


Meanwhile back in reality, Captain Mueller’s investigation in the multiple scandals of the Trump administration continues unabated. Long Time blob lawyer Michael Cohen is now working very closely with Mueller in his investigation of Shin Splints.

The investigation has already resulted in indictments, guilty pleas and jail time for Trump associates.

Have a nice day.
what scandal in trumps administration? there are zero so far. so you are again lost.
:777: :777: :777: :777:
you already know that there is no legal term, 'collusion'.
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
You prove you are too stupid or too stubborn to comprehend the issue. No matter how many times it is explained to you, you can not seem to grasp that collusion is a component of conspiracy. Whether you are simply stupid or brainwashed into stubbornness can only be speculated on, but one or rhe other is a fact.
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
You prove you are too stupid or too stubborn to comprehend the issue. No matter how many times it is explained to you, you can not seem to grasp that collusion is a component of conspiracy. Whether you are simply stupid or brainwashed into stubbornness can only be speculated on, but one or rhe other is a fact.
You still can't post the statute that defines the crime of "collusion," I see.

Calling someone on the phone is often a component of the crime of conspiracy. That doesn't make calling someone a crime.

You are a fucking moron who makes claims that you can't demonstrate.
Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
You prove you are too stupid or too stubborn to comprehend the issue. No matter how many times it is explained to you, you can not seem to grasp that collusion is a component of conspiracy. Whether you are simply stupid or brainwashed into stubbornness can only be speculated on, but one or rhe other is a fact.
You still can't post the statute that defines the crime of "collusion," I see.

Calling someone on the phone is often a component of the crime of conspiracy. That doesn't make calling someone a crime.

You are a fucking moron who makes claims that you can't demonstrate.
Calling someone on the phone could or would be the collusion component dunce.
Collusion is not a crime you moron. Collusion is a necessary component for making a conspiracy charge. Conspiracy is the crime.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

A computer hacker is going to hack. Please describe how you help a hacker to hack a computer?
If this is true there must be some recorded phone calls or emails from Roger stone to the Russians, etc.
lets have it


View attachment 231817

Six weeks prior to Podesta e-mails being released.
so what, how is that illegal? you never answered me.Stone hasn't denied the email. he's asked what is illegal and so far he's walking around.

"So far"......nothing more fun than letting that bait run for a while.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

A computer hacker is going to hack. Please describe how you help a hacker to hack a computer?
If this is true there must be some recorded phone calls or emails from Roger stone to the Russians, etc.
lets have it


View attachment 231817

Six weeks prior to Podesta e-mails being released.
so what, how is that illegal? you never answered me.Stone hasn't denied the email. he's asked what is illegal and so far he's walking around.

"So far"......nothing more fun than letting that bait run for a while.
Always will be ok. Dossier is no different
conspiracy against the US, or just an action performed with the intent to conspire in this way is unlawful, in and of itself, even if the vehicles used to forward the conspiracy are independently legal acts.

Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
Only Collusion is not a crime. .

Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States,
or to defeat the measures of the United States,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Nope: no evidence of that.

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

No evidence of that either. Mueller has failed to identify any crimes committed by the Trump administration. Winning an election is not a crime.

Remember when Democrats weren't totally insane?
Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States,
or to defeat the measures of the United States,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Nope: no evidence of that.

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

No evidence of that either. Mueller has failed to identify any crimes committed by the Trump administration. Winning an election is not a crime.

Remember when Democrats weren't totally insane?
That case is being built right now, the endgame is near.
Last year Trump kept saying he had no business in Russia. But now he says everybody knew he had business is Russia. This is why he wont testify under oath.
Conspiracy is.
Conspiracy to do what?
Some folks are just too stupid or stubborn to understand the meanings and relationships of collusion and conspiracy.
I see you can't explain it. None of you snowflakes can show us the statute that defines the crime of "collusion."
18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States,
or to defeat the measures of the United States,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Nope: no evidence of that.

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

No evidence of that either. Mueller has failed to identify any crimes committed by the Trump administration. Winning an election is not a crime.

Remember when Democrats weren't totally insane?
They failed to identify a crime when Mueller was appointed head of The FBI. In other words his appointment as so called 'Special Counsel' is unauthorized.
When does The Clinton Witch Hunt Begin? That Dirty Dossier was some dirty dealing. Even made its way to a FISA Court.
The Dossier? The one that is looking more accurate as time passes?

That one?


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