Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You

More from this amazing article "They hate what they have decided we are, and are not remotely interested in hearing otherwise. They are showing us that if they don’t get their way, they will respond with violence, verbal and physical, because we do not agree or embrace an agenda which purposefully spits on our history, our beliefs, our rights, our faith and our patriotism."

That could not have been written any better, nor could it have been more prescient (as demonstrated right here in this thread)
Let Soros' savages burn shit down. It's to be expected. But if they choose to escalate the violence, most Republicans are well-armed and prepped. They're very capable of vigorously defending themselves and their families.

As long as Soros' savages stick to burnin shit down, there won't be any real problems. I mean, looting & rioting is a Democrat thing. Most of the country knows that. Very few are surprised they resorted to violence after they lost.

I have a reply but the remarkable stupidity you exhibit gives me pause...
It is that "All men are created equal" thing isn't it? We have to remember the Declaration is not law; only a goal of some liberals.
Well, hell, what the heck. Here is my reply. bush=Iraq and Afghanistan. Hows that for a riot and looting? Maybe you havent heard about the gold and lithium deposits in Afghanistan and the oil in Iraq?How fucking stupid can you be?
"As if they see the world in only one or two dimensions, so-called “progressives” seem incapable of processing their overwhelming emotions outside a narrow framework of self-pity and raging narcissism. Because they appear to think about the world around them in ways guided entirely by emotion, unlike their foes who see emotion as a dangerous foundation for permanent change, they react to disappointment or loss as self-righteous victims, or antisocial thugs, rather than mentally sound individuals. It seems necessary to their fragile psyches to believe that any opposition to their obvious superiority is illegitimate, and therefore its proponents deserving of punishment. The irony of this fact will be utterly lost on any progressive reading this."

"We have been subjected to their scorn and ridicule for years. You will find it in the comments section that follows this or any other article that identifies them. "You will find it in your pick of violent confrontations with people expressing a view they don’t like, or assaults on police, or riots over fake narratives, or obnoxious thugs who verbally and physically assault otherwise decent people who resist. It’s all of a kind, and a common thread in all of this seems to be their belief in a right to be as offensive and aggressive as one can be, as if this validates the illusion that they’re right, and so are entitled to correct the nonbeliever. There is also the implied premise that virtue is the sole property of these embittered, angry zealots, whose reflexive dehumanization of every person who disagrees animates so much of what they say or do."

Articles: Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You

Well said.

Thank you for abandoning free trade, one of the cornerstones of conservatism, and adopting the progressive position of protectionism.
Let Soros' savages burn shit down. It's to be expected. But if they choose to escalate the violence, most Republicans are well-armed and prepped. They're very capable of vigorously defending themselves and their families.

As long as Soros' savages stick to burnin shit down, there won't be any real problems. I mean, looting & rioting is a Democrat thing. Most of the country knows that. Very few are surprised they resorted to violence after they lost.

I have a reply but the remarkable stupidity you exhibit gives me pause...

How so? Rioting & looting is a Democrat thing. But that's ok, as long as Soros' savages don't escalate the violence, there won't be any real beefs. But if they do choose to escalate the violence, most Republicans are fully armed and prepped for the worst. If they're pushed into a corner, they will unleash a fury like nothing Soros' savages have ever seen before. I wouldn't push them too much.
How so? Rioting & looting is a Democrat thing. But that's ok, as long as Soros' savages don't escalate the violence, there won't be any real beefs. But if they do choose to escalate the violence, most Republicans are fully armed and prepped for the worst. If they're pushed into a corner, they will unleash a fury like nothing Soros' savages have ever seen before. I wouldn't push them too much.[/QUOTE]

Do you have a link or just more stupid bull shit?
No its not. The president is not the country. This is not 18th century France.

But, if you reeeeaaaaallllyyyy feel that way I am sure that President Trump will have your loyalty and respect.

Went right over your head huh? Your boy Hussein and Democrats made those proclamations all throughout his tenure. Anyone who opposed the Dear Leader, was branded a 'Traitor.' He himself said that. So, a new Sheriff is in town. Deal with it. Stop being a Traitor.
you people that think your a global capitalist make me laugh. The REAL globalist capitalists want your money too you dope. Do you hear the laughter?
"As if they see the world in only one or two dimensions, so-called “progressives” seem incapable of processing their overwhelming emotions outside a narrow framework of self-pity and raging narcissism. Because they appear to think about the world around them in ways guided entirely by emotion, unlike their foes who see emotion as a dangerous foundation for permanent change, they react to disappointment or loss as self-righteous victims, or antisocial thugs, rather than mentally sound individuals. It seems necessary to their fragile psyches to believe that any opposition to their obvious superiority is illegitimate, and therefore its proponents deserving of punishment. The irony of this fact will be utterly lost on any progressive reading this."

"We have been subjected to their scorn and ridicule for years. You will find it in the comments section that follows this or any other article that identifies them. "You will find it in your pick of violent confrontations with people expressing a view they don’t like, or assaults on police, or riots over fake narratives, or obnoxious thugs who verbally and physically assault otherwise decent people who resist. It’s all of a kind, and a common thread in all of this seems to be their belief in a right to be as offensive and aggressive as one can be, as if this validates the illusion that they’re right, and so are entitled to correct the nonbeliever. There is also the implied premise that virtue is the sole property of these embittered, angry zealots, whose reflexive dehumanization of every person who disagrees animates so much of what they say or do."

Articles: Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You

Well said.

Thank you for abandoning free trade, one of the cornerstones of conservatism, and adopting the progressive position of protectionism.

Do you think that when the banks close your money is safe? Do you think your retirement is safe?
I guess you don't want to get attacked like I do by these racist Trump supporters who want to destroy this country. Either you're intellectually dishonest or simply a coward. Which one is it?

I got news for ya...clinton would have destroyed the country too. Dont you see where the world is headed?[/QUOTE]

I don't see that at all. A Clinton Administration would basically be a continuation of the Obama Administration.

And before you get on your "independent" or "libertarian" high-horse, the Obama presidency was a massive improvement over Bush. There is simply no comparison. And Trump has the potential to be worse than Bush, as disturbing as that prospect is.
Your global unfettered capitalism is gonna turn an, but you dont see that. (more laughter)
you people that think your a global capitalist make me laugh. The REAL globalist capitalists want your money too you dope. Do you hear the laughter?
And what is most annoying is they are nothing more than pawns for consumerism...
How so? Rioting & looting is a Democrat thing. But that's ok, as long as Soros' savages don't escalate the violence, there won't be any real beefs. But if they do choose to escalate the violence, most Republicans are fully armed and prepped for the worst. If they're pushed into a corner, they will unleash a fury like nothing Soros' savages have ever seen before. I wouldn't push them too much.

Do you have a link or just more stupid bull shit?[/QUOTE]

You really are clueless, kid. Crawl out of your Safe Space and observe some reality. Who do you think's doing all the rioting and looting? Who do you think's organizing it?

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