Death By Reckless Immigration


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

I remember being a little kid, standing out on the street and seeing a junky truck drive by, ...with lawnmowers in the back, ...and foreigners driving, and I was thinking, "WTF?".
Then next year there were more.
Then next year there were more.
Then next year there were more.

It became a topic on my block almost immediately.
"No, this is great, these guys mow your lawn, cheap!, so you don't have to do it, or pay some punk kid"

Many people on my block started hiring gardeners.
(From the beginning we see American kids were losing jobs)
Eventually, the residents didn't think it was such a great deal, and every time they wanted something special done, all they heard was "me no speaky English"
After a couple of months everyone fired their gardeners and returned to mowing their own lawns,... then we found out these people were coming here illegally.

People took an "I'm not hiring them" stance and the "conservative" view of illegal immigration was born.

...and next year there were more.
...and next year there were more.
...and next year there were more.

People asked their politicians, "what's being done about this?"
We were told that the illegals are innocently trying to find work because things are so crappy in their country, and we should feel sorry for them.
We were assured , even though it's very difficult, the government is doing everything they could to stop it.
Meanwhile, word is getting back to their countries that there is easy money to be made in America and if you follow certain rules, the government won't kick you out.

What does it say about our government that people in foreign nations know the truth about our immigration policy while our government tells it's citizens lies?

Little did we know , the business community would become addicted to the poison predicted they would.
Every business started falling one by one.
If you didn't hire "cheap labor" then your business wouldn't be able to "compete".
The idea of the American worker fighting a battle they can never win, competing with people who make 18 cents per day or minimum wage, is nothing more than internationalist treason.

The immigration problem should have been nipped in the bud, right there, but it wasn't, because most of the Democrats weren't on board to defend the country.
The Democrats told us that people who want to stop border breeches were "racist" , and the important issues were watching the Dow Jones go up, making sure they got their raise at the Union, and making sure Socialist programs like Social Security weren't cut until it was their children's turn to collect.

Most business owners made their choice.
Make money today and leave the problems to their kids in the future.
The union workers paid their dues to the unions, the unions gave to money to Democrat politicians, and the Democrat politicians closed factories and moved the jobs to foreign countries.
The American workers lost their jobs, that was the price they paid for taking union money today, having loyalty to a foreign Socialist form of government, and dancing with the devil.
Now they can "compete" with the immigrants they didn't stop for their next job, but many didn't have to, because their house values skyrocketed in the real estate they could just retire.


The 1980's roll around, and now we have an epidemic.
It's the beginning of the big cash out, American businesses and leaders are going to make money and not worry about anything else.
American gangs and drug cartels are growing.
Americans are losing jobs.
Small cities are being over run by illegals.
The prison population is taken over by foreigners.
The health care industry is over-whelmed.

Every death due to illegal immigration and the drug trade is CAUSED by our government.

Americans are unable to force the politicians to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Californians vote republican to stop these problems.
Republican politicians show their skills of getting re-elected while still inviting illegals to come here.

The government claims America is a nation of immigrants, so the laws don't matter.
Then why is the same thing happening in Europe?
People should read about Thomas Jefferson's complaint of too many Germans to find America's real view of reckless immigration.

Then, one day someone goes to the doctor and receives a 5 thousand dollar hospital bill...


In the old days, Christian organizations used to try to provide medical services to the poor.
The government said "you don't really need that anymore , between your county taxes and the doctor's Hippocratic oath, all that is taken care of"

Millions and millions of illegals later, now we have massive problem with providing health care services for the illegals, the poor , and the legions of people who don't feel like working today.

The solution to this would eventually be to pass ObamaCare which would give the health insurance companies the ability to collect what ever they want from people who are working and don't need medical services.


The government always told us the lie that they can't find the illegals, and now we're at the point where California is issuing drivers licenses to them , but still can't find them.
Realizing their excuses have come to an end, California says they are going to ignore Federal law and not deport many illegals.
Who gets away with ignoring federal law?
The truth is the feds are allowing California to do this.
This is evidence of a national, and most likely international, agenda.
The Federal government has made statements in the past that illegal immigration is their jurisdiction, indicating that they can ignore what ever laws they want.

For the last 15 years the American public has been outraged over illegal immigration.

How can this country call itself a "democracy" or a "representative republic" when 80% of the public wants immigration laws enforced and the government just says "no."?

This problem with the federal government goes back to the Civil War when the Federals took over the government , ignored individual and state's rights , and made everyone bow to the feds.


If something is wrong in your won country, you don't just pick up your shit and walk away.
People need to face the problems in their own country and America was the perfect adviser to help with reform.
People should ask us why we are better, and America , the shining city on the hill, should have been very clear.
We have Christianity, justice, and liberty, and we work for it.
We had a revolution that was beneficial to the citizen, not just a dictator swap like most counties have.

You can't run a country where you give someone 50k to start a police station, and he takes the money, hops on a plane and flies away.

of course, it's out of the question the American left-wing would want to promote Christianity, justice, and liberty, they tell us we should stay out of foreign affairs where countries are nice and happy with a Socialist elite and slave labor.


The government told us we were racist by wanting them to leave, but there is more racism now then there was in the past.
These people kiss up to their white employer but hate white people in general.
Because they broke the law to get here they have a never ending demand for sympathy and no matter what they accomplish, it's not good enough because "everyone is racist against them"
They feel the country must be holding them back due to racism, because if people started pillaging their country, they would be racist about it, surely American must be secretly racist against them.

People in our government, like Bill Clinton, say the only difference between Americans and people of other countries is opportunity.
That implies that their countries are terrible because a nation like America made it that way, and if they don't become rich in America, it must be due to discrimination.

The government promotes the lie, and the foreigner chooses to believe, that if American racism was gone they would naturally become rocket scientists and brain surgeons.

They accept no responsibility for their own failures , and this is a problem America should have never had to face.



Unfortunately, the illegal immigration issue was a lot more important that everyone realized.

The health care industry and the social programs are only going to become a larger burden until something breaks.
More people will go on, and less people will have jobs to pay for it.

Our government has created false class of "successful" immigrants by giving them tax payer money to start businesses and handing them city jobs.

Illegal immigration destroyed craftsmanship.
You hire a company to install floors and cabinets, ..the floors pop up and the cabinets don't close right.
Businesses have become accustomed to hiring morons and work to make their companies moron proof.
The end result is companies don't value employees.

The wages of one American worker have been divided into 3, and businesses only provide quality that lasts for a couple of years.

The immigrants will never have the same prosperity that the American worker had, they won't win either.

A lot of businesses have accepted a twisted policy of running their companies like a kindergarten.
The people who hire illegals are the real racists because they have no respect for the people they hire.

It's far more difficult for American workers to fall back on low paying jobs, because companies expect their crews to be Hispanic.

The real problem isn't what race these people are, the problem is that they have no tradition of American values.
In their country they are used to kissing up to who ever is in power.

The pesky American public was the real target of the corrupt American government.
The public was always demanding justice, and prosperity, not to mention, the ultimate sin of a Christian living.

The real goal of illegal immigration was to change the demographic of America.

Naw it's great! Illegal Aliens will be given Drivers Licenses so they can vote. And when they do they'll vote for more Socialism and to Ban all the Guns. Checkmate!

What also great is that they'll have NO idea why this country was founded or it's ideals so they won't fight to defend them.

But by then the Welfare Checks will have stopped and the Takeover will be complete! Thanks Illegals!
And in a few decades they will claim they were brought in as slave labor and demand reparations. And we like the P.C. idiots that we are will assume we are guilty and create programs to support them for the rest of their lives.

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